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  1. GHOSTFACE Yung Blood
    He never told me his real name, but since he contacted me from different email addresses, I used the Initials and letter/ number combinations to reference a list of the most common Hispanic surnames by that letter (since he'd mentioned that his Hispanic sounding last name would've kept him from being percieced as Caucasian).

    I probably would've made a pretty good private investigator.

    Jokes on you Malice. I hax'd ur mainframe, faggot.
  2. GHOSTFACE Yung Blood
    If anyone else wants to be a bro and toss in a few sheckels to my cash app, I'll scan and upload the official docs when they arrive. It's supposed to be a description of the scene when the medical examiner arrived to collect the body, and then autopsy and tox report.

    I tried finding a grave site. Sounds like his parents didn't bother having him interred. If it shows an address, I might try writing to the parents. Just not what I was planning on dealing with today. The sad only lasted a few minutes, because before I felt like it was just another of his cruel games. But the fact that he died alone in his parents house...beyond depressing. Judging by the fact that they easily ruled it suicide instead of accidental overdose, I'm guessing there was a brief note or something.

    So grateful I never sent him drugs.

    Still pissed off I wasted so many collective hours trying to talk him down or make him feel better. To die without a single person remembering you, or knowing your real' words.
  3. GHOSTFACE Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Methuselah How did you know that’s Malice’s autopsy report? Other than the cause of death being basically exactly like he said he’s kill himself.

    Did you know his real name?

    I searched the jurisdiction where he told me he lived. I searched the day of the post and the day after. I know he was too self-centered to bother killing himself someplace other than a house that rules out any place that's not a residence. Etizolam is not as frequently used street drug and all the drugs that were mentioned there are ones that he had mentioned before it posts. and finally the name and birthdate mentioned on the case coincide with email addresses that he contacted me from, and days that he told me it was his birthday.

    It's him.
  4. GHOSTFACE Yung Blood
    Bitch has nice tits, but what exactly is going on with her stomach? Either that's the dividing line of her carapace, or that's one super gnarly cesarean scar.
  5. GHOSTFACE Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Methuselah Theys puttin in work nigga, where u been huh

    Putting away money, building a stock portfolio, working out and trying to get into law school.
  6. GHOSTFACE Yung Blood
    3 friends. One year ive been away. 20 arrests between them. All 3 either in prison or jail awaiting trial.

    Un. fucking. real.

    Today has been a trip.

    Gonna have to pull a name out of a hat to see who gets commissary money.
  7. GHOSTFACE Yung Blood
    Originally posted by WE SMOOTH I got like $6 on it whats yo cashapp lol

    Originally posted by WE SMOOTH I got like $6 on it whats yo cashapp lol

  8. GHOSTFACE Yung Blood
    Annnnd the friend I previously mentioned. Looks like luck finally ran out. And it was WAAAAYYY more than 4 arrests. Hes been held for a couple months up north i guess, awaiting trial. Do not envy him at all.
  9. GHOSTFACE Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Jυicebox I'll cover 20 of it, pm me the method you want. I don't have any bitcoins atm though

    From the Casper account if you don't mind

    Thanks man. My ban lifts midnight tomorrow night, unless Lanny can scrub it early. Idk how to even turn stupid taboo off.
  10. GHOSTFACE Yung Blood
    Then fucking dig it up yourself or shell out the 60 bucks, faggot.
  11. GHOSTFACE Yung Blood
    I shelled out the money to have the full comprehensive report mailed to me, so if anyone would be able to chip in, thatd be cool. I really didnt have the extra money to spend on this right now, but it seemed like something youd all want to know.
  12. GHOSTFACE Yung Blood
    When im unbanned, ill edit the OP i guess. And im not sure i should release all his PI, but heres what i feel comfortable releasing right now:

    Case Status
    Body Status
    Place of Death
    Deputy Medical Examiner
    DR. UKPO
    Cause A
    Cause B
    Cause C
    Cause D
  13. GHOSTFACE Yung Blood
  14. GHOSTFACE Yung Blood
    Originally posted by GGG I don't know you period.

    Post partial report thnx

    Its Casper. I got banned.
  15. GHOSTFACE Yung Blood
    Originally posted by GGG Post it or gtfo

    Have you ever known me to lie about shit like this?

    You're more than welcome to chip in and cash app me the other $25 and I'll spring for the full report.
  16. GHOSTFACE Yung Blood
    Fuck this. I'm not dealing with this today. I'm just not.
  17. GHOSTFACE Yung Blood
    I didn't think I would. It's been so long, I just figured it'd be more nothing.
  18. GHOSTFACE Yung Blood
    I found his coroners report.
  19. GHOSTFACE Yung Blood

    I didn't need this shit today.

    Still shitting on everyone from beyond the grave. You'd be thrilled.
  20. GHOSTFACE Yung Blood
    God damnit you fucking loser.

    I'm crying.
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