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Posts by Xlite

  1. Xlite African Astronaut
    Stream it on 123movies, retards.

    The movie itself is pretty good, plenty of laughs to be had for us old timers.
  2. Xlite African Astronaut
    The fact that anyone has blame to place shows how irresponsible people has become.

    Its as if everyone have suddenly become semi-dedicated determinists and then falsely assumed that it would relieve them of any moral or ethical responsibilities ie; "The universe is deterministic, determined by preexisting causes. Free will doesn't exist, therefore it doesn't matter if i'm a complete douchebag."

    The stupidity have reached levels beyond me. These days i don't even know what to say anymore, all i can do is shrug.
    I don't know where we failed. It could be our parents, our school, our network, a mix of them.

    Either way, its not looking good for the next generation.

    Maybe its time to take a few minutes to think about all the things you're going to do for the last time.
    And then think about all the things you already did for the last time. Think about how those experiences would be different if you knew you were having them for the last time. One day, you will breathe for the last time.
  3. Xlite African Astronaut
    This thread makes me want to kill people.
  4. Xlite African Astronaut
    Well done, guy.

    Being homeless also means no rent, which means more money to spend on drugs.
  5. Xlite African Astronaut
    ^That's actually not far from the truth.
  6. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Again, risk is measured by necessity as well as the chance of harm. Simply saying "You're more likely to die driving to work than skydiving" doesn't really address the issue.

    You drive to work because you have to to live the life that the income from your job provides, food/shelter/clothing etc etc. Although technically the risk is greater the need is also much greater than jumping out of a plane for no good reason other than "uhh it's cool".

    So from a risk management point of view driving a car to work make much more sense than jumping out of a plane as the risk vs reward is in favor of driving the car.

    You need water or you die. The water is located in a highly advanced and armed military facility. They don't wanna share, and they KoS.

    Go now and get shot, or get real thirsty and die in a few days.

    Is it worth it?
  7. Xlite African Astronaut
    Is anything worth the risk?

    Is smoking worth it?
    Is drinking worth it?
    Is sex without condoms worth it?
    Is riding a motorcycle worth it?

    Is posting here worth it?
  8. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny that doesnt make it a smaller version of it.

    admit it, you didnt have an answer.

    Does as a mass of virus organisms not occupy more space than a single isolated virus?

    Answer the question.
  9. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny what are aids viruses the smaller version of ?

    A hand full of densely packed aids virus.

    Also, why aids? of all the things you could have mentioned you go with the homosexual disease.
    Makes me wonder.
  10. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny fractals are just fractals of some bigger fractals.

    Everything small is just a small version of something big.
  11. Xlite African Astronaut
    Market is shit atm. I put all my crypto assets in tether for now, but i'm probably gonna have to dump them somewhere else very soon cuz i have a feeling the dollar will drop.
  12. Xlite African Astronaut
  13. Xlite African Astronaut
    She's in for a rough one and probably gonna kill herself. Guna have a hard time finding a man to fuck and love.

    That being said, i've seen some pretty amazing results of reconstructive surgery.
    There might be hope for the girl but its guna be hell before it gets good.
  14. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra

    Hahah wtf, where's that from?

    Obviously we'd take the fucktoy over that old hag ahahaha.
    Complete mismatch.
  15. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sudo Sounds like your texture, smell, taste and visual impression right now is that of NaCl, commonly known as SALT

    I'm amazed that you can hear my smell from there.
  16. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmQ He didn't say we were smart lol

    I think we can safely assume that he was referring to some intellectual property.
    He definitely wasn't referring to the texture, smell, taste, or visual impressions of your brains because he doesn't have that information available.
  17. Xlite African Astronaut
    Lol @ retards for thinking average people are smart.
  18. Xlite African Astronaut
    First you should ask yourself why you are doing it because that directly correlates with the topics you wanna use.

    You could go themeless. Just talk about anything, but thats not easy unless you know how to keep a conversation going. If thats the case, then just invite people you find interesting and prepare some interesting questions for them and then challenge them a bit.

    Invite interesting people, state your opinions when appropriate, be curious, and be humble.
    Thats the recipe for podcast success
  19. Xlite African Astronaut
    Tell me again why that is easier than just buying 2000 tether coins while the cost is slightly below that of a dollar, and then wait a few days for the rate to steadily increase and then sell and repeat till you're a billionaire.
  20. Xlite African Astronaut
    You're welcum.
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