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Posts by Xlite

  1. Xlite African Astronaut
  2. Xlite African Astronaut
    Post moar pics already.
  3. Xlite African Astronaut
    Its an excellent podcast, saw it a few months ago.

    Paul was the one who inspired me to read up on mycelium.
  4. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by roglahonz blaj shut up bitch i used to smoke 5 grams of spice every day for almost 12 months straight with high dose daily xanax and vyvanse

    Gtfo, faggot. I'm not talking about your spice, i'm talking about the psychedelics and clearly you fail at that.
  5. Xlite African Astronaut
    Nobody should say where they would go, especially not on this site.
  6. Xlite African Astronaut
    It counts, but the dose is key.
  7. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by  If the second death has not occurred, it's not really the end of your body. Think of how in that one Star Trek The Next Generation episode: Relics, where Scotty reveals he was able to stay alive when his ship was attacked and the hull breached by storing his pattern in the ship transporter's memory buffers. Once the ship was found, years later, technicians were able to re-materialize the contents of the buffers, and Scotty was whole once again. Same thing when you die. Your pattern gets stored in the buffers and can be re-materialized at any point in the future, exactly as it was, same body, same personality, same characteristics, same everything.

    I doubt ones body is able to re-materialize, but i don't know enough to rule it out. Just as you don't know enough to make the statement that you can re-materialize. Once ur body is bye bye, the true you will be heading out to the lesser lights and then the greater lights.
    What happens after that is unknown to me, as DMT won't allow anyone past the lesser lights. Its the endgame, if you go beyond you will lose connection with your vessel.

    However, we're omnipotent in this state of existence. Thoughts are the foundation of creation for us, so if enough energy and focus is spent on realizing thoughts, the thought hologram will eventually be realized in this hologram.

    With this in mind it seems that if you can imagine it, you can create it. It just takes energy and focus.
    So, you probably could re-materialize but only if you are inhabiting a live body. Once the body is dead, you will no longer have the ability to realize thoughts in this hologram as thoughts can only exist within a certain range of frequencies.

    Consciousness is not bound by the limits of this reality.
  8. Xlite African Astronaut
  9. Xlite African Astronaut
    There's a mind/brain thing going on that you people fail to recognise.
    Death is not the end of you, its the end of you ego and your body.
  10. Xlite African Astronaut
    Doctor feel good.
  11. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Zanick Not exactly what I had in mind. Which tek is that? Have you tried it?

    Yeah i've tried, i even got a new batch in the making. I'll be extracting in 2 days time.

    The root bark is legal because.. well its basically just dye with some medicinal benefits while at the same time containing high amounts of DMT.

    Everyone can do it. I was more amazed at the fact that i could make it, than i was at a 40mg trip.

    Word of caution though. If you're gonna do it, do it hard. 80-100mg should be enough for a breakthrough. Anything that takes you out without breaking through is just... well, there's a distinct feeling of dread, or impending doom. Some people refer to it as the feeling of dying and this will persist until you breakthrough or come down.
  12. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Zanick So enlighten us, or isn't that the purpose of the thread?

    1. Order mimosa hostilis root bark "powdered"
    2. Fill a glass baking pan with water, fill it up about 40%
    3. Add sodium hydroxide to basify the water, approximately 10% of the glass pan and then add root bark.
    4. Stir once a day for 2 days for higher yields. (longer is better)
    5. Add Naphtha, the baking pan should be about 75% full with naphtha added.
    6. Stir for 20 minutes, wait for 10 hours.
    7. Extract the naphtha with a spoon.
    8. Wait for the naptha to evaporate, you can use a fan.
    9. Collect DMT.
    10. Get a meth pipe, add DMT, melt the resin inside the pipe.
    11. Suck it in, keep it in, and then take another hit without blowing any of it out.
    12. Repeat the above step.
    14. Enlightenment.
    15. Bliss.
  13. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery Why should I prove you wrong? You're the one making the claim here.

    I'm not making any claims, i'm merely assuming. You're the one making claims about me making claims while still failing to prove my assumptions to be wrong.
  14. Xlite African Astronaut
    Lol, you people have no clue.
  15. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery I think you are assuming mal is Malice? They are two different people.

    I think you're talking too much and not providing any evidence.
    But no, i am not assuming mal is malice. I'm assuming mal is a dude, and you fail to prove me wrong.
  16. Xlite African Astronaut
    Post pics of clit or tit with Niggas in space written on.
  17. Xlite African Astronaut
    Careful with too much coffee especially if its loaded with suggah, like starbucks.

    Caffeine is actually a nootropic iirc, just like nicotine. So they are good in small amounts. But will fuck up your cardiovascular system over time if done in heavy doses.
  18. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -mal- Not a dude. My imgur is Quacks43rd. I uploaded my hand.

    But you have a dick?
    Sorry man, that makes you a bloke.

    Actually, even if you had your dick removed you'd still be a dude.
  19. Xlite African Astronaut
    mal's a dude tho?
  20. Xlite African Astronaut
    Its basically what psychologists do.
    They pin down what and when something triggered behavioural changes in you, and then work from that.

    However, when trying to apply this to huge events in life it might fall short as it becomes harder and harder to trace certain things.

    The butterfly effect is a real thing though. Small things can and does have huge impacts.
    Seeds grow into trees, semen grows into humans.

    A thought planted there, will result in consequences there.
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