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Posts by Xlite

  1. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kev Its all about sex.

    You can't reduce the complexity of the entirety of the human experience to sex, although i'm sure that mother nature would agree with you if you were an antechinus. Because they actually fuck till they die of exhaustion.

    Originally posted by Kev your sexuality was controlled at gunpoint, for 2 years, remember? you have a choice to practice it, if you are willing to deal with the guns again. what is normal about any of this?

    I "apparently" stepped out of line and in a system where the female's argument matters more, i go to prison.
    Now i'm saying that this is not bullshit, because it is. But we need law because without it people turn into savages especially when shits about to go down. Sure you can argue that law represses us, and i might even agree with you to some point but i'd rather live in a world with law, then in one without.

    If everyone was allowed to rape without repercussions we'd have serious issues now, including some i think you'd rather avoid such as the rape of the people you care about.

    Originally posted by Kev why do you think we have an incel problem in the first place? it is directly related to all that.

    Yeah i was pretty tired so i didn't make the connection til afterwards.
    However, that being said. You don't deal with incel problem without dealing with the causes of it first.
  2. Xlite African Astronaut
    There's niggers in the the clips, there's music in the clips, and that music is nigger music exclusively.
    You're being a racist.
    And you call me the retard?
  3. Xlite African Astronaut
  4. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Wariat „ People can say no to sex because they are not feeling it. ”

    try saying that to pesky travels and she will call you prison gay, put you down, use your story against you of doing time and talk shit to you in your own pad while naked.

    Yeah u gotta learn to write man.
  5. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kev Unless you are:

    A priest or a monk, abstaining for spiritual reasons
    A married man with children
    A “boyfriend” (or a husband in a childless marriage), i.e., some bitch’s puppy dog
    A reckless retard who spends extreme amounts of vital essence and masculine energy attempting to have sex with rando sluts, and willing to take all the risks that go along with that practice, and are actually successful at it (which is rare and getting rarer)
    You have extremely low standards and are willing to have sex with women who are fat, nonwhite or past the age of 25

    So now that its convenient there are exceptions? That was my entire point in the first place: you can't say everyone is incels.
    I was afraid you would begin to argue that becoming a priest or getting married, or being reckless is actually forced down upon us at gunpoint by society but you didn't take it that far for some reason, though that is what your earlier statements suggests.
    You need to lay of the drugs man because there are no continuity in what you're saying. You're also saying that if we could, everyone would have sex all the time which is also false, its simply not practical. Your dick would fall off, you would starve, thirst, and shit the bed and probably kill yourself. People can say no to sex because they are not feeling it. Now, i realize you might not be able to say no but just because you can't, it doesn't mean everyone can't.

    I can agree though, that society is trying to impose itself on individuals but it was never at gunpoint, you always have a choice.
    But currently there are bigger issues, such as infringement of free speech and the failure to openly discuss such topics as islam without having to worry about getting killed, diversity and its demons, equality and why men and women cannot be equal, women's rise to power and subsequently men's fall,
  6. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kev its a simple question, did you consent to have a misandrist political system meddle with your personal life? if not, you are an incel.

    Yeah, you mentioned that. But you're wrong.

    Originally posted by Kev nobody is voluntarily celibate.

    You may find it hard to believe but some people actually are, and there is also certain psychological benefits to it. Not only does it teach you to postpone gratification but it also empowers you with energy and drive, and this matters even more in the society we currently live in.

    I've even done it myself some years ago, and i also made a post about it here somewhere.

    Originally posted by Kev if you choose to suppress your natural urge to procreate, that is pressure imposed upon you externally by a sick sociopolitical system.

    You can't say that man, not only because its incorrect but also because of the implications. Where does it end then? If you resist any of your "natural urges" it is because society forces you to it? Dude, nobody holds you on gunpoint telling you not to pass gass, nobody is holding you on gunpoint saying you can't have sex either. You can choose. Don't blame society on your lack of confidence, although society is partly at blame for alot of the shit thats going on but thats for another talk.

    But basically you're saying there's no free will, and that society controls your every move and that you have no say in it because its already determined.

    That is fine argument for a determinist, but we won't reach consensus if you're going that route.

    Originally posted by Wariat youre a femal boxer. a wife beater. a scum. scum of the lowest order.

    And you base these assumptions on what?
  7. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Wariat because theyr lying. i got deported for fighting this guy namd raphal luciano just look him up on youtub or skylar/skyler luciano who literwlly ticked me i to fighting him just so he can call th foos wnd have some on fwke witness he sold drugs to lie to him in q statement wnd run out of town never sho up to a court wnd have ana r,wnian lawyer nwmed george gigarjian twlk about pla bargains right away and prison maybe sll me for some other flient wnd two cases in a row he did the same for a abr fight i had to pla bargwin to a strike under cslifornia three strike law but thwt was a separate case and issues sinde we are diwcussing luciano here.

    Thats what a pedo would say though.
  8. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kev i have no idea what the fuck youre talking about so let me dumb it down for you:

    That sentience doesn't even make sense.

    Originally posted by Kev when your stupid ass got hauled to buttfuck prison for 2 years for exercising the very natural, male instinct of dominance over your female, did you consent to have such a ridiculous, unprecedented system imposed upon you? if the answer is no, you are an incel. none of us agreed to be born in a system of enforced matriarchal dominance. we are all incels.

    the implication that there is a "volcel" is ridiculous. if you opt out of this rigged game, youre doing it because the system you did not consent to meddling your personal life is forcing you to change your priorities.

    I don't recall ever consenting to the human experience but look what happened. Whether or not the "game" is rigged is a philosophical debate that we can surely take once you've learned the definition of incel which i suggest you look up, as it seems you're view on it is pretty misinformed. Even more so when you write something like "we are all incels". Are you fucking serious?
  9. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kev a lack of validation from women is enough to drive you to suicide, nuff fucking said.

    You're saying that as if being an incel only entails the lack of validation, which is incorrect. I'm not surprised this surpasses you though. Its complex shit that's most likely well above your cognitive abilities which may or may not be impaired due to living the incel life.

    I agree that if the validation issue was the only consequence of being an incel then yeah, suicide might be over the top.
    But you're clearly only looking at the tip of the iceberg here.

    Originally posted by Kev I'm an incel

    And your lame and rather unstimulating attempts to maintain some sort of internet persona that you've made for yourself because you can't manifest it in real life, is getting tiresome. Its like those spics who pretends to be badass, but once you get 1v1 they turn into bitches, just like you.

    At least educate yourself on these matters before you start making false claims and assumptions.
  10. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kev thats what happens to dumbass simps who believe they still have a stake in a game they have been long expelled from.

    holy fuck what a simpering simp, it hurt to read this. do me a favor and commit seppuku right now.

    Yeah, that's pretty much the responds i expected from an incel.
    Good job reaffirming my views on the matter, its always nice when someone proves my point.
  11. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sophie Are you an incel? No? Then why do you care, may i ask?

    Sorry, were you addressing me?

    In that case i care because i don't want women in control, not now, not ever. This is not about me, this is about the future.
    And no, i am not an incel. Maybe i would be considered one for the last 2 years because i was incarcerated for proposedly establishing my dominance upon a member of the female sex.

    But fuck no. If i was ever to fall to the level of these incels whom i addressed in my wall of text, i would have to commit seppuku while roller skating in a forest attempting to grab a baby falling from the sky while a balrog is chasing me, in order to finally restore to my
  12. Xlite African Astronaut
    All that death because of misplaced snow.
  13. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Antifa Member Lmao the level of butthurt and mental gymnastics you had to go through to write this.

    That entire wall of cleverness will be lost in time, like tears in rain.
  14. Xlite African Astronaut
    He wasn't the best shot ever though. I mean, even point blank he failed several times to perform a proper execution on the woman.
  15. Xlite African Astronaut
    Whats with all the nigger music?
  16. Xlite African Astronaut
    Incels are victims of diversity, equality, #me2 and radicalized feminist politics.

    There is no longer a clear definition of what it means to be a man if we take biology out of the question.
    We used to get things done, we used to say no and mean no, we used to not cry when watching ET, we used to not watch chick flicks at all but then our girls tricked us to watch that shit with their pussies, so we became pussies and every other chick flick we saw, every other time we changed our minds, and every time we didn't git shit dun we effectively performed several well executed attacks on our own manhood.

    What we do, women wants to do, what we say, women wants to say. How we get treated, women thinks they want to get treated.
    Women needs to be dominated, they must be dominated because if they dont, they will spiral out of control and attempt to gain power themselves and if women gets power, men LOSES POWER, if woman takes our jobs, we lose our jobs. The thing to note here is that if women gets power, many men will eventually be submissive and or become incels who's got no courage, no disiplin, no motivations, no self confidence and no purpose.

    Now for some people, not all. A life without a job could be heaven and imagine all the freetime you have to procrastinate but fact of the matter is: Men are meant to struggle, meant to suffer and if all you ever do is stay at home playing gta and smoking weed, then you're a lousy excuse of a human being. We are shaped through suffering, through blood, sweat and tears. The strongest men have had the roughest life, thats how it works. The job of a boy is to achieve manhood and keep it.

    Now, should you find yourself slowly growing tits and a vagina there are a few options.
    Each of these examples are made to promote manhood

    Get a fucking job.

    Go to a gym several times a week and or practice martial arts. These boosts self confidence and discipline which you will need if you are to be a man.

    Place yourself in challenging social positions that will require an effort to get out of.

    Straighten up your back and look people in the eyes when you talk to them.
    Also, when random guys look you in the eyes, don't look away. Stare back as if you're ready to devour their souls after you've decimated their bodies. This might get you into a fight, but a fight is one of purest expressions of manhood, and while women are also slowly infecting that, it remains the most effective way to express manliness. You will lose some of the fights, maybe all of them, but they will harden you and if they kill you, then you were never worthy for the title of man anyway. Complain to darwin.

    Expose yourself to people, talk to strangers, make yourself noticed ( in the right way ).

    Practice what you preach. Now this is a big one because the world is full of the kinda people who tells you to eat healthy and then goes on to eat a happy meal themselves. This sort of bigotry is unacceptable for a man, if that is you then you're not only not a man, you're filth.

    Say no and fucking mean it.

    Give a proper handshake, be the top hand. But no arm grabbing, this is only necessary in specific parts of the business world where you truly need to dominate your opponent. This should not be done unless you are confident and competent enough to use it at the right time, and deal with it if there's backlash. Used correctly though, it will automatically subdue quite a lot of people without them even knowing it.

    Dominate women and don't let them bring you down.

    Eat a fucking humble pie. A man is not a man if he never had pie.

    Ugh, there's so much more to say but i gotta head out and when push comes to shove i don't really give a nigga. Live your life how you want but remember, when you're a 60 years old virgin looked down upon by society while slowly dying of obesity, lung cancer, and extended kidney damage, all while questioning your own purpose, that it was your own damn fault.
  17. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood I am more of an amphetamine man myself. I prefer my drugs to be more neurotoxic than cardiotoxic uhuhuhhheeee


    We can regrow neurons but its a bit more difficult to regrow a heart.
  18. Xlite African Astronaut
    Did he died?
  19. Xlite African Astronaut
    98 was awesome and also quite stable considering.
  20. Xlite African Astronaut
    Fubi is dead tho?
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