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Posts by Xlite

  1. Xlite African Astronaut
    Didn't zek end up in some guy's basement at some point?
    I'm sure there was molestation involved.
  2. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sophie Not sure if he is a nonce in denial, but if he is we should show him our support. It's okay to be pedo.

  3. Xlite African Astronaut
    Would smash.
    Then dump, fast.
  4. Xlite African Astronaut
    lol, thats not bad actually.

    Although i wouldn't trust my children alone with trump either.
  5. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀rabbitwe­ed ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ive held back for too long and inadequately expressed the depths of my love and devotion towards infinityshock. i have the unquenchable desire for him to ram my asshole with his throbbing cock until my prostate spontaneously converts to allow me to conceive his child at which point we will be a happy family in holy matrimony and i will promise to love, honor, and obey him. he will sodomize me several times a day then when he is finished he'll pimp me out to his friends, relatives, and complete random strangers.

    for anyone that wants to come to the wedding ill be registered at the local dildo shop where there is a wide selection of butt plugs and ass blasters.

    Fucking hell, you two might actually be the perfect match.
  6. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Robert Mugabe

    Yes, a nigger in his natural habitat.
    This is the way.

    I'm pretty sure candy is a fat guy using instagram clips/pics to troll you guys.
    No woman with any self respect would act like "he" does.
  7. Xlite African Astronaut
    I miss enter. He always lightened up the mood with his unbridled hate towards women.
    I hope he comes back some day.
  8. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Antifa Member Yeah, I'm full of shit. You're just the one wishing that women wouldn't exist.

    And where did i say that?
    Clearly you're not even reading anything, you're just spewing bile all over this thread because you've got nothing better to do and you're obviously not competent enough to write anything useful and on topic so you might as well git out.

    You won't do that though will you? you'll make some wannabe clever reply in hopes of establishing the significance of your digital presence so that this small crew of nigga's will thank you and admire your courage to stand up to the clever people.
    Yeah.. well, good job. Who the fuck are you even? You also failed to answer last time i asked that, which again just shows how you're not actually reading anything.

    Well he's the tldr, nigga:
    Go fuck yourself.
  9. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Antifa Member These posts are so pathetic.

    Are you both literally 14?

    And yet you can't seem to stay away.
    You're clearly full of shit.
  10. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kev the fact that we have sexual urges on a regular basis maybe? it is one of the human needs, in the same pyramid as food and shelter.

    But we don't need to eat all the time, we don't need to sleep all the time, and we definitely don't need to have sex all the time.
    Also, i think men would become complacent. I've had this happen to me in my teenage years where i was jacked but every time i got into an actual relationship with lots of sex i would get lazy and fat, and only restarting my workout once i was out of said relationship.

    Not being able to have sex should motivate your to improve upon yourself, so that you can have sex. The alternative is incel. There is a choice to be made.

    Originally posted by Kev that already happened and it is the result of industrialization, not because of our natural urge to procreate.

    I'm pretty sure both are to blame.

    Originally posted by Kev its a situation you have no control over.

    You're still wrong.
    Which situation would you have control over? One where you decided which planet to be born on?
    One where you decided what females to have sex with?

    Where do control start for you?

    Originally posted by Kev how did that work out for you? :)

    As it should, assuming i actually did rape someone.
    But i didn't.

    Originally posted by Kev for the future, i welcome sexbots and the artificial womb which should make females completely obsolete and liberate men for the first time in history.


    Yeah that would be the day.
    The implications though. Assuming we could have slave robots, i might also assume that they posses AI to some adjustable extent which further suggests that they have some sense of identity and with identity comes a whole set of moral and ethical codes which at any given time may or may not allow you to have sex with your robot if it is unwilling. Can a robot report you for rape?
    Will robots ever receive any rights?

    I realize the manufacturer could limit its sense of identity by having a remote control, but i think that adjusting its settings after it said no to you so that it will say yes, is just as bad as a rape scenario where you manipulate your victim into submission.

    Imagine raping a sexbot that could cry and scream.
    I know that would probably turn someone on, but that's a pretty fucked up picture nonetheless.
  11. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Antifa Member Derp

    You're clearly retarded so i will stop arguing with you.
  12. Xlite African Astronaut
    Typical niggers telling me i can't rap along to a snoop dog nigger track because he says nigger like 15 times and i'm not allowed to say that.
    Fuck that shit, nigger.
  13. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Antifa Member "IQ decline" is not a recorded symptom and being foggy headed isn't a sign of it

    I stick to science not conjecture like u and Sophie

    Yeah well, your science is falling behind on certain topics.
    If science was as interested in these kinda drugs as much as people are, we'd have complete models of how they work by now.

    Claiming something's not a symptom based on your limited understanding of the limited amount of information science sphews out is not only naive but also arrogant. You fail to take into account, that most experiments or "trials" with these kinda drugs are not even done on human beings, and if they are then its only smaller groups and you can't expect much from that. If you want a complete list of symptoms you can either wait till science catches up, or grow a set of balls and find out yourself. But don't claim to know how stuff just because you believe in science. I believe in science but i don't rule out subjective experience just because its not a recorded symptom.
  14. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Antifa Member Uh its not 'IQ degradation'. You're damaging your serotonergic axons. Doesn't make you stupider. It makes you sadder and can cause all sorts of weird physiological issues we don't 100% understand because serotonergic chemicals are such a diverse and widely utilized group of compounds found all throughout nature.

    Sure you might get sadder, but you do also git dumb.
    There's a noticeable decrease in memory and the ability to recall following 10 days of daily abuse. I also noticed a persistent brain fog one time and it made thinking and overall problem solving quite a challenge for a few days. But again, its temporarily.

    You said it yourself though. We don't know exactly what's going on and sadness, psychosis, and short term decline in IQ are just a few of the things that happens when abusing this drug.
  15. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sophie No such thing as Molly Pills ya doink.

    Thats... not quite true.

    I used to smash the crystals and put about 120mg into capsules and then sell em. A trip for what probably translates into 7 bucks or so.

    Eventually i also started making capsules for my own consumption due to it being better for the teeth, not to mention the awesomeness of not having to deal with that dreadful vomit inducing taste.
  16. Xlite African Astronaut
    They did the right thing. There's no telling what the daughters of covid is capable of.
  17. Xlite African Astronaut
    What robert said.
    And vitamin supplements are also advisable.

    I've also found that weed and md makes for an amazing synergi, not only is it awesome but there are also health benefits to it. You see the brain damage is mostly cause by the temperature increase caused by the serotonin release (among others).
    Weed tends to cool to brian, so it kinda balances the entire thing out while prolonging the trip.
  18. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kev how do you britfags abuse molly with no consequences? what the fuck do you do? eat blueberries and chocolate all day? is that the secret?

    You shouldn't abuse md man. The only reason people don't mention side effects of prolonged abuse is because they've been dumbed down by the abuse.

    But again, the degrade in iq is hardly the biggest concern when binging md's.
    What should concern you even more is the studies that shows how prolonged md abuse activates certain genes in mouses which in most cases caused hearth disorders and in many other cases sudden death.

    However, the studies also shows that the gene expressions are only temporarily. And that abstinence from the drug for longer period of times (a year or so) will reverse the activation. Its been a while since i read it, so i might be missing some details. But yeah. You can pretty much binge mdma for 5 or 6 days a year and the amount of damage you take from it will be much less than say.. smoking every day would. The brain damage you take from molly might become apparent though. I've done alot of mol for long periods of time and you definitely start noticing yourself becoming stupider. Its only temporarily though.

    Neurons can be regrown and the plasticity of the brain makes wonders in general but my concern has always been the heart.
    Nothing can ruin your day like sudden death.

    I fucking love molly though. Definitely one my favorite drugs.
    I've binged on her quite a few times and the therapeutic value is so underestimated. Not to mention the sexual enhancement when you finally get it going.
  19. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kev you exist because your parents fucked, you are experiencing all this complexity known as life because of this. if people stop breeding, civilization is in trouble. i never suggested human relationships are simple but societal stability and prosperity always hinged on communism in the bedroom. one woman for every man. both parties are happiest and most productive when they are raising a family.

    Well sure, i'm not saying we shouldn't have sex. I'm saying the human experience is so much greater than just sex.
    You're suggesting we have sex all the time because that's what human life is all about. That is incorrect. I don't even know what you base that assumption on. If sex was all we needed to do, then we'd be the kinda mouse i just mentioned. Sex for everyone at all times will definitely result in overpopulation which will add enormous pressure to society and open up for a host of new and complicated issues that will take us ages to deal with, and by that time we'll have a ton of other issues.

    Originally posted by Kev nobody is arguing for a world without law…

    You're speaking for the expression of our natural sexual urges and then claim that withholding them by choice is the result of an oppressive society. I don't mind you speaking for "nature" but thats the wrong reason. You can't blame society for your inability to communicate with woman. If a male chooses to live in his moms basement playing video games at the expense of a non existent sex life then that is his choice and it is a real choice.

    Getting laid is easier than ever before, you might have to lower your standards or pay for it but its definitely possible.
    And yes, i did not consent to exist in a world where females are not ideal for me and where i can't fly. I feel cheated.
    But hey, its all we got.

    I can only assume that in your ideal society, this wouldn't be an issue because you'd have some magic cure where all men could find and kidnap a female partner. But its simply not possible. And this might be of interest to you. Nature invented something we call natural selection and it is by default telling you that not all men can have a women. Not everyone is fit to breed, not everyone is even fit to live.

    Not every kid is born for the big boom.

    Originally posted by Kev Stuff.

    You're all over the place man. Why don't you lay out your idea of the optimal society and how it would work so i can get a better picture because you generalize a lot, specify even less, and make assumptions which has no ground, and this makes this whole process tiresome not to mention a lot easier to misunderstand.

    You want a society more like.. islam?
    I can see some value in that but only to some extent. I've always been for women staying at home while the man works, and throwing a carpet on the women before they leave the house is also a good way to prevent interest from other men.
    But i'm really only saying that because i'm a man. I do not believe this is a long term solution.
  20. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Antifa Member ^Excuses for rape

    Typical that a thread about incels would drag this up

    Anyone who thinks seriously about incels should kill themselves

    Who the fuck are you anyway?
    Ahh, never mind. You must be from the dating site because thats where incels go.
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