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Posts That Were Thanked by stare rape

  1. mso8 Houston
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. Originally posted by Lanny
    "I don't know what population density is: The Chart"

    i think the chart did a good job indicating where dense people live.
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  3. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    If I wanted to hear this cringey back and forth I'd go to Facebook. Step it up pussies.

    Anyway, I'm gonna grow a mustache that spins like a windmill. Thank you.
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  4. HTS highlight reel
    This is the music of our generation. An entire "cinematic universe" of the finest "cowboy music". Starting today, I will be posting one track per day leading up to my birthday. There are 43 tracks in all, and my birthday is in 44 days. You will be free of this musical masterpiece in 6 weeks. Without further ado, I present to you "Ram Ranch 1" aka "Ram Ranch", by Grant MacDonald:

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  5. Originally posted by Ensign §m£ÂgØL If you glue some piping to the meth pipe and then glue a spring around it you can turn it no problem. Pull it back far for auto turn.

    lol, i'll invent that next after the crackbot (TM) roomba vaccuum that separates the trash from the crack rocks WHILE IT VACCUUMS
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  6. Rizzo in a box African Astronaut [the rapidly lightproof ovariectomy]
    Originally posted by RisiR † Kill yourself.

    that which is not dead
    may eternal lie
    and with strange aeons
    even death may die
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  7. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker No, you are looking for a way out of an argument that you lost. Nice try…


    Happy trolling, Lucy.
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  8. Originally posted by Sophie I'm sorry. Care to tell me why it makes you sad? You don't have to if you don't want to.

    its a reminder of time and innocence lost.

    time and innocence that ill never be able to get back.
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  9. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Let's be honest here, people. If she didn't have a speech impediment (which I'd bet money she had years of speech therapy too, she's not that bad sounding compared to others like her. You can tell how she carefully says her words.) she would sound like every other stupid, dumb bimbo we see everyday in the streets.

    What I don't get is why she's poor mouthing so much if she's doing well in this industry. She's acting like getting a script filled (benzos aren't that expensive) is some huge expense. She also seems to think that the act of sex is a transaction where if she doesn't get a monetary compensation, then she's being taken advantage of. Oh, and the "drugs are bad (umm Kay) and people who do drugs are bad" makes her sound even more retarded.

    She sounds very immature especially when she discussed her future g"business", and decorating her room, and families house. Lol. I think she's got the mental intellect of a 14-16 year old. She was very well scripted for the interview, and you could see it when she was asked a question she wasn't prepared for.

    Meh, there are plenty of other retards out there who don't have a speech impediment and are "normal" with the same same level of intellect as this girl in the world, so fuck it,let her do what she wants. She'll be back to working a minimum wage job in no time anyway once she's washed up and loses her youth. She knows what she's doing. She might be stupid, but she understands the grasp of it all. There are plenty of people who've had issues, aren't the sharpest tools in the shed, and have hard lives, and mental issues, so I'm not anymore sympathetic for her than any other person.
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  10. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Sudo consideres it violent sex when his girl lifts him out of the wheelchair, gently places him on the bed and rides him to his agonized screams.
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  11. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Like Really, who the fuck thinks of sex like "omg I'm gonna fulfill my biological needs by interlocking our genitals and havin affection parties with our mouths? How are people not over that the minute they actually start FUCKING instead of procreating?

    As I've gotten older I've had so little patience for weak fucks and thankfully most girls I end up sleeping with will preemptively tell me they're into rough sex. Like seriously if you're not beating the shit out of each other you don't really like sex. You're probably just doing it cuz everyone else is doing it. You don't understand the tension and incomprehensible emotional states require physical pain in order to achieve symbiosis. Sex without violence is like having sex without your body.

    Rape is a completely different thing that should be punishable by death. Have anyone else ever gotten choked while having their dick sucked while driving? It's not that violent but it gets your endorphins going.

    It's actually the jedis who are to blame for weak WASPy sex. jedis fuck to procreate and are laden with sexual insecurities. Fuck like a faggot if you want to be a jedi. Fags likely fuck better.

    Really though, why would you not fuck violently? I don't get it
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  12. Good, fuck summer.

    The best time of year is September when things start to cool off, but the rain has not started full blast yet. Everything is grey and cool, and this is good.
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  13. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    posting online is how when you're on one you assume maybe everyone can understand your frame of mind or even know that you're on a drug, like juicebox stare rape said earlier or whomever. stim posting, drunk posting, weed posting sober posting pill posting, when you're doing it, or when IM doing it, it feels right and l8ike everyone should know exacly what i mean.

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  14. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Want to learn some obscure trivia about unicode in URLs? Want to see some python black magicks? Observe my latest sacrifice at the Temple of Time Wasted on Things That Almost Certainly Don't Matter:

    This may be the densest line of python I've ever written:

    return ''.join([(chr(ord(c)) if ord(c) < 256 else c.encode('utf-8')) for c in fucked_unicode_str])

    but at least it's not perl.
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  15. Rizzo in a box African Astronaut [the rapidly lightproof ovariectomy]
    Originally posted by stare rape It's fine, I'm sure a few people saved it

    The way things have been lately, I start telling one part of the story, then feel like it doesn't make any sense without the other part of the story, and so on and so forth, and by the time I realized it, I've spent two hours writing.

    As soon as I get out of this place, there will be no more stimulants for me.

    yeah man I get you, trust me I've written up reams and reams of highly embarrassing and stupid things while high on amphetamine. my only saving grace is that the websites I chose to do it on were places that got deleted. plus 2018 is nothing like 2008. the internet is fucking crazy, and I wish you nothing but the best, but it's fucking weird that I'm just primed to save someone's potential dox "just incase" (of what?), as if we're all engage in intelligence warfare against each other (I think we are)

    what a weird world

    anyway best of luck to you
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  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

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  17. Originally posted by Sudo Economic growth gives me an old white man boner and in the long run I believe it could keep down inflation and make Sweden more ripe for investment

    Keeping down inflation means driving down wages for people who are already poorly paid.

    Why does Sweden need more investment?

    Growth for the sake of growth is the philosophy of a cancer tumor.
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  18. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by A College Professor youre and pussy

    are two fabulous words
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  19. I'm beginning to see the downside of illegal drugs.

    Everything I post and have posted on this website, besides this specific post, is in jest, or is otherwise not indicative of my character, or beliefs.

    Every story or personal account I write or have written is fiction, including the accounts of ficticious character(s) that may be misunderstood as accounts or records of myself and activities I may have performed. They are not pertinent to me or my character.
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  20. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I recently got happily engaged to the LOVE OF MY LIFE, and I cannot stop talking about how amazing it makes ME feel. MEEEEE. If anyone wants to talk about anything else I have to remind them that what they're talking about isn't important right now. I'm engaged; that's what's important.

    In fact I've learned over 9000 ways to change the topic back to my engagement.

    If people are talking about dogs, I love saying things like "my fiancee has a dog" then change the topic back to my fiancee and my engagement.

    Or if I'm out at lunch and people are being inconsiderate talking about something else, I might say something like "I better not eat too much, I already bought my wedding dress and want to make sure I still fit it when we get married! lololol"

    If someone comments on the weather, I will say something like "It can rain all it wants now.. so long as it doesn't rain on the [insert wedding date]" Then I pause so they ask about the date and tell them all about my planned wedding!

    If I'm around strangers and nobody is talking (like on a bus or train) I might play with my engagement ring, laugh at text messages my fiance sent me a week ago or sigh loudly just to start a conversation about my engagement. If those fail I just put on my veil (I always carry it with me) and hum the wedding theme tune loudly while examining my ring in front of them.

    Another good way to start talking about my engagement is ask people their opinion on wedding related things, like cakes, venues, dresses or asking people what they love most about being engaged.

    My plan is to continue directing all conversation to my engagement for 6mths or so, then to my wedding for another 6mths.. then I'm not sure.. I will probably spend 6mths of finding ways to insert "my hubby" into every second sentence.

    Once all of those topics have been used up I'll probably get pregnant..
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