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Posts by stare rape

  1. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Bumped for return of OP and alleged victim

    Post proof or OP is a faggot

    See the latest in the tardfight here:
  2. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Lol, what did he do
  3. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    TIL NARCassist is a pedo
  4. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Originally posted by Ensign §m£ÂgØL Thats like 50 million dogs.

    That's the owners' punishment for supporting puppy mills
  5. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Originally posted by Enterita Women are pure evil, narcissistic cunts. Here's another example, this time it's her own flesh and blood:

    "My sister's fucking dying! Lemme take a selfie!"

    Lol, I probably would've done the same thing

    Not a whole hell of a lot you can do at that point, might as well enjoy it
  6. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Tbh the only song I liked by them was "Mr Roboto"
  7. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    I use a generic wireless keyboard with stickers used to communicate with potential mail order waifus

  8. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Originally posted by Fonaplats2 I wouldn't know.
    I am mentally ill.

    I am too. Don't worry. We can help.
  9. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
  10. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby i lived by myself since i was 18

    Doesn't count if your parents still pay the bills
  11. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    you are mentally ill
  12. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Originally posted by Methuselah Allahu akbar

    When radical Islamic terrorism first started, why did the media always report the saying as "Allah Akbar" and then one day it changed to "Allahu Akbar"?

    Or am I a victim of Mendela Effect?
  13. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Stop touching my wenis
  14. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Lel, I never thought BW of all people would be the one to spam gore
  15. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Originally posted by WE SMOOTH Did you spend the whole night fapping? The difference between propylhexedrine and meth is that with propyl you must strategically put your balls between your legs to get your soft one to be strokable. With meth, your penis turns into a Machamp-like snake that dynamically flexes its abs to get its soft self into shape.

    Yep, lol

    Every time I do stimulants I think "alright, I'm not going to do that this time because I don't like the way I feel mentally after 12 hours of porn. I'm just going to play some games, clean up the place, maybe do some studying"

    But it never works.
  16. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Rinsed out my bottle that once held a 5mg/mL solution of 3-HO-PCP with a couple mL of water and boofed it, actually got high

  17. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Yeah, hopefully he's still here but I kinda doubt it. That was a lot of money to spend on posturing if he didn't intend to do it
  18. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    I think it's gross
  19. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    End it.
  20. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Originally posted by Technologist Nice collage. Is that you in the face pic?

    Hah, would thank
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