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Posts by stare rape

  1. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Originally posted by PrettyHateMachine I love being surrounded by family

    OP is a jedi

    Be thankful you have family that doesn't take you for every penny they can get out of you every time they see you

    If you did, you'd feel the same way
  2. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2.0 - The GMO Reckoning An anti psychotic like haloperidol sounds like more what you want.

    Even phenergan or benadryl.

    I used to have a prescription for geodon so I have about 40 of them laying around somewhere

    They're most certainly not fun on their own but they help with stimulant comedowns. Unfortunately the risk of seizures from that combination is too great, so I only use it when I'm going absolutely insane

    I can't use benadryl, for me it causes full blown anticholinergic delirium in any dose higher than 50mg

    Haven't tried Phenergan though, might have to give that a shot. That or Baclofen. Phenibut works but not very well.
  3. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    I listen to "coast to coast" at work sometimes
  4. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Originally posted by NARCassist This whole thing boils down to Arabs and jedis both believing that the area of the wailing wall is their territory because the wailing wall is 'special' to their own fairy story. Literally millions have been killed and horribly injured, including children over a fucking wall, some stupid old pile of stones. It really is fucking ridiculous. Even five year olds can manage sharing their toys better than these retards.

    I'd go and blow the fucking wall up if it was down to me. If they can't share it then neither should have it.


    Sounds good to me
  5. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Originally posted by

  6. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Originally posted by Bill Why do you a hate women?.

    I don't hate women, I just don't trust them.
  7. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Originally posted by Enterita In Da Simpsons when Marge writes a letter to Ringo Starr, he says, "Yes we do have fries in the UK, but we call french fries chips". Or do you mean chips are the non-hot ones you eat from the bag?


    Also, do you say soft drink when referring to soda?

    I've never heard anyone say that. People in the southern US say "soda" and people in the northern US say "pop"
  8. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Americans definitely say "chips"
  9. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Originally posted by shut up you nazi cunt

    no u
  10. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Originally posted by Enterita You were told that by women. Female teachers etc

    Yep. That was probably my biggest problem as a child. No father figure, grandfather was the only man in the house and his job required him to be gone 6 days a week or more

    I was raised totally by women who all acted like all the problems in the world were created and maintained by men and women were all innocent angels who were preyed upon by men

    You can imagine how well that worked out for me when I got out into the real world
  11. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
  12. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    If I don't take any opioids for a few weeks and then take them again I'll get sleep paralysis but I've never gotten an OOBE

    The weird thing is, Crouton is the one that causes it the most by far even though it barely hits the MOR
  13. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Yeah, we'll give you that one, Trump's juden bootlicking is fucking maddening
  14. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Originally posted by Bill My daughter isn't white.

    Got a fucking problem with that mate?

    (Pretty sure I'm taking bait here, but I'm posting it anyway)

    Not enough information. Are you and your spouse different races? Is the kid yours? If your answer to both questions is "yes" than yes, I do in fact have a problem with it, and with you.

    Not only are you creating needs where there were previously none, while doing nothing to help already existing needs, your kid will grow up not being accepted by either race, and will likely get the negative traits of both.

    Source: My mother was Native American, my father was white. Not only do I look like shit, but the whites see me as mixed and the natives see me as white, and I got the signature mental illness of Native Americans.
  15. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Originally posted by Rizzo in a box I took a shit in a bathroom once.

    I took a shit in a urinal once
  16. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Race mixing is only wrong if you have children
  17. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)

    tfw no vampire gf
  18. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    This thread went downhill fast
  19. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Originally posted by Madman Try differant meds, I assume your talking about anti psychotics but they all work differently for different people, I make friends with schizo homeless dudes and help them as much as I can. A different med may work great for you, from talking to people who use them I would stay away from the injections, a lot of people hate them and if you look up the math it doesn't add up and you are getting way to much medication. Everyone likes different stuff but seroquil and geodon are the most popular from what I can tell. Everyone hates these drugs that have to take them because they have terrible experiences especially on injections but they are a miracle to people that actually need them. They are super lucky to live in a time where meds can help because a century ago people would just be rocking back and forth muttering to themselves where with meds they can actually live a somewhat normal life. Also you could have drug induced psychosis even if a dr diagnoses you with schizo, drs are dumb about this shit. Even if you do have schizo, tons of people get way better after their initial psychotic episodes, 10% of people with schizo recover without any meds and 10% kill themselves. Stay away from drugs no matter what but if you were abusing drugs(especially speed or possibly psychadelics) you may very well have drug induced psychosis and if you do you are very lucky, even you don't these things tend to get better with some time. Some people get unlucky and and never get better but they are a small minority. Chances are it will get better whether is DIP or schizo, but either way meds can help, this is better advice than a dr will give you. Give seroquil or geodon a try and don't forget to take some DHA, krill oil is best, this is vital, like right now go get some krill oil or fish oil with as much DHA as you can, it can seriously help and effect your outcome longterm. I've had lots of schizo homeless friends and I've learned how to help them as much as a I can, drs can be full of shit and can judge the shit out of you. Get that DHA NOW!!!!!

    Geodon was actually the one I was prescribed while looney bin'd

    Seemed like a miracle drug at first, everything was perfect.

    Then the hallucinations started back (although they were the pattern type rather than the usual psychotic type) and then I couldn't hold a single part of my body still, ever. I probably looked like I was having some sort of mini-seizure 24/7 and couldn't muster up the drive to do ANYTHING AT ALL. All I wanted to do, ever, was sleep. But I couldn't stop taking them either or I'd have a psychotic panic attack twice as bad as any stimulant psychosis episode I've ever had

    Ended up having to go back to the psych ward just to get off the shit

    The closest I've found to a treatment is low-dose opioids but that's obviously not sustainable.

    Will try the DHA though, thanks
  20. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Magnesium Citrate. They have it at most stores, liquid form works best

    Drink a quarter of the bottle, wait an hour, repeat until satisfactorily un-constipated

    Make sure to drink plenty of water, and if you're going to drink alcohol while doing this, take it slow
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