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Posts by stare rape

  1. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Originally posted by Seems people are leaving because of the racist rants that are non stop on this website

    find some new material .. pussy fgts

    Nobody's leaving because of "racist rants" you schizophrenic mongoloid
  2. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Originally posted by -SpectraL I've been through 10X the hell you've been through, and I'm still alive. You haven't seen anything yet, kid.

    Can you take this somewhere else/some other time?

    We're discussing real life here, when we're in the mood for Totse Tall Tales from the Taggart Trailer we'll let you know, we promise
  3. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Well, fuck.

    I went up to the counter at Walgreens, and this cute Asian girl, probably around 25, comes up to the counter.

    "Hey, how may I help you?"

    "I need to get some insulin syringes. 29 gauge, 50 units"

    "Do you have a prescription?"

    "I don't have it with me."

    Never in my life has a simple look changed my mood. Normally if someone gives me a shitty look, I just think "lol fuck you too buddy" and go on my way.

    But there was something different about this one. This one got me. I was in a pretty good mood too, which is rare. It totally drained me. Maybe she was a witch.

    She went to the back, got my shit and checked me out, all without looking at me again.

    It seems to be at the discretion of the pharmacists whether you get those without a prescription or not, so at least I got my shit, but I paid for it with part of my soul. At least that shows that there's SOME humanity left, which is a good thing I guess.

    Yeah yeah I'm a pussy blah blah but honestly, I've never known the power that looks can have until now.
  4. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Originally posted by DietPiano Isn't phenibut just like a weak benzo? It's legal, but is that the only factor that makes it worth using?

    Pretty much, but the first couple times you take it it feels kinda like weak X. I'm pretty sure most of these "taking 10 grams of phenibut per day" stories we were seeing online for a while were people that had the same experience but chased it

    No matter what you do, or how long you wait, it doesn't come back

    But yes, after that it's just like a weak benzo, and it doesn't lend itself well to recreational use at all. Great for general anxiety though, don't use it more than a couple days in a row. Tolerance develops rapidly and you'll get withdrawals if you take it for a week and then stop

    Some people seem to get extreme anxiety from it though. I've experienced this but only at doses >2.5g.
  5. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Originally posted by RisiR † You have never done E?! That stuff was made for you, bro.

    I'm trying to figure out who it was that popped 10 (ten) mystery pills a couple months ago. Does anyone remember?

    I feel like i remember this but I'm picturing Zoklet TRT so it was either a seperate incident or I'm going crazy again
  6. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Originally posted by Haxxor Bufotenin

    All of those are extremely rare

    Is "STP" the same thing as "DOM"? Because I've always wanted to try that too

    Originally posted by trippymindfuk Mine aren't really common but the few I have left to try are GHB, DMT, pure molly (I've had pressed pills), mescaline, and PCP. None of those I would consider common.

    I've always wanted to try these as well, although I'm still wary of PCP. I know most of what's "known" about it is false but impurities can be very toxic

    I've always just assumed GHB was like a stronger version of what phenibut feels like the first time you take it
  7. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Originally posted by Sudo I'm high on pills and going to use a slight cold as a reason to drink a bottle of Nyquil. I haven't felt so anti social in a while. I could literally go on a boat and jet ski but I really just want to read, plot, listen to hip hop and send sexually aggressive messages to teenagers

    Make sure that, when they say "WHAT KIND OF GIRL DO YOU THINK I AM" or whatever variation you have up there to say "you? I was talking about your sister"

    Eventually you'll get one that has a 7 year old sister and it will be hilarious
  8. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Originally posted by totse2118 People can live for a long time with synthetic organs if that's what you mean.

    I was thinking more like fully synthetic robots that are indistinguishable from humans
  9. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    of course there's Amy Lee of Evanescence but we all already know her

    Simone Simmons of Epica is one of the best singers around IMO, but for some reason or another I can't seem to get into Epica's style of music

    And Ann Wilson of Heart

    I'm too lazy to go find more videos to embed at the moment but I might edit them in later
  10. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Sharon Den Adel:
  11. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    All of Xandria's singers were excellent, but Manuela Kraller was my favorite:
  12. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    For the best female singers, my dеar emincue, we must look across the water.

    There's Tarja Turunen:

    Thanks to a certain asshole I can only embed five videos per post so I'll post more as I think of them
  13. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)

    Is this song about sex or drugs? CAST YOUR VOTE NOW!

  14. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Haven't gotten to try LSD, shrooms or DMT yet

    Haven't tried IV coke or ket yet

    I've always wanted to try oxymorphone, though I don't think you could call that "common"
  15. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    They should have an eating contest where every competitor is required to insufflate a quarter gram of meth before it starts
  16. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    I don't mind most of them. They are a little on the "Facebook normie" side but our autism quotient was getting far too high anyway
  17. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Originally posted by stare rape Combat flight games/sims are great. I played ace combat and elite: dangerous for a while but have been too busy with work lately to play much of anything

    This was probably my favorite game as a kid. Never could beat that final mission with the fucking v-wings though.

    Then, years later, I discovered emulation and was sad because I could play every game from my childhood EXCEPT for that one. Apparently it was coded in such a way that current emulation methods cannot play it

    I never knew they had a PC version, wonder if it would work on today's windows

    Apparently, they got it working a while back:

    I never knew there was a pc version. I'll probably just get that instead if there aren't any serious differences

    Somehow I feel like that game is going to be one of those "nostalgia glasses" things and probably hasn't aged well
  18. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    If you're from one hundred years in the future, when do they start making synthetic humans?
  19. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Originally posted by Ensign §m£ÂgØL Thats why I mentioned my future machines installed in every vehicle which detect what substance you are on, and if you are too intoxicated to drive. If so, you will be locked out of operating that machinery.

    The detection machines are trick proof and if you damage or open the casing at all the nano fiber will tear and set off an alarm. It's software is updated daily with new research chemicals.

    We'll have mandatory self driving cars before this could happen. The car would have to give you a blood test every time you needed to drive

    I feel like cell phones and distracted driving are far bigger concerns than driving under the influence of things that aren't alcohol
  20. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Originally posted by eBagger Man it sucks how much the internet has gone to shit

    Wouldn't the original &T be considered totally illegal at this point?

    Like I'm sure it had fed or law enforcement attention from the jump but now hosting txt files about bombs and revolution and shit is considered like conspiracy to be terrorist or somethin and would be shut down ASAP

    just host it outside the US
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