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Posts by Dr. Scrawny: How Lanny Stole Christmas

  1. Originally posted by hydromorphone What the fuck are you even talking about? I have my son. You just like to make up bullshit and drama because sadly, you have to live a lie. Hey, I don't care you live a lie, if it makes you happy, it's just sad from the outside, and I think deep down it makes you sad too. Shit, I wasn't the one who made a personal interjection that wasn't even true (that I don't have friends/family), all I did was reply with ow I feel in general, and see most families, including yours, which opinion I've had for a very long time.

    Why are you so hurt that you have to make an attack in every thread I post in or make? I'd really like to know this.

    He's just ribbing you don't take it to seriously.
  2. Originally posted by LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery You're also the biggest faggot.

    I lold
  3. Is that like the ones who believe in no borders no nations?

    Yeah they are all retarded.
  4. I posted kreepy Kay's nudes just search her name.
  5. Originally posted by LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery You're so boring.

    I think you might be on Zaint Zantas lizt of faggots.
  6. Did not read
  7. Originally posted by Daily Scron why do you care about this site so much to actually spend your time doing this

    Why can't we just work this out peacefully

    Stop ruining my experience here

    It takes no effort at all actually, and it never has. I figured out the Secrets to infinite accounts and many other hidden treasures of totse hidden beneath the chichen itza temple of the screaming electron.

    I believe these secrets were revealed to me after taking every drug at once one weekend sometime in January this year and I begun to see through the lies and evil.

    I might be the only one who sees the truth but I believe it's very obvious and most people are just too scared to come right out and say it. It's easier to be ignorant and pretend everything is good and right in the world.

    Basically that's how the Nazis and Communists did so much damage and then it was too late to do anything when people finally stepped up.
  8. Originally posted by Daily Who cares about anything Lanny will just clean it up anyway

    Stop fucking complaining

    He only creates mess of things once pure and noble.
  9. My grandpappy always said if you look after your nickels and quarters your dollars will take care of themselves.
  10. Lol Hitler.
  11. Originally posted by NARCassist what a charlie


    Ur a swallow.
  12. Originally posted by 哈哈你看不懂中文 Believe it or not Bill Krozby, $50 is a reasonable price for a good pair of shoes.

  13. Zaint Zattex is coming to town
  14. Ooh it's almost Christmas I think we will see Zanta Claus/ Zaint Nick. Zaint Zattex, oh yes
  15. You call THAT a boot?!

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