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Posts by D4NG0

  1. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Originally posted by Kolokol-1 I'm a fatass at the moment, but I watched "Earthlings" two weeks ago and now I'm a vegetarian

    We're also having a weight loss challenge at work so we'll see how that goes

    I'm currently at least 260 (that's as high as my scale goes) and my target is 180

    How tall are you? I'm 6'1 and have been trying to pack more onto my frame. Just hit 180 (up from 160).
  2. D4NG0 motherfucker
    What is FFMI?
  3. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Lanny, do you miss your father?
  4. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Wow. Talk about cuck'd.
  5. D4NG0 motherfucker
    I think we can all agree scron deserves it. No pity felt.
  6. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Originally posted by Malice Lanny has literally admitted he views himself akin to a rank and file Nazi soldier. He's spineless.

    That seems a bit far fetched. Quote?
  7. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Originally posted by Lanny Marx never killed anyone as far as I know. Stalinism is not Marxism so his ideas didn't kill anyone either. And even if it was, even given the staggering number of deaths resulting from the Russian revolution, more people have died as a result of the capitalist ideology than than any other in the modern era.

    Capitalist ideology has killed more people than any other. Says the doughy tech kid sitting in a high rise apartment in the middle of San Francisco.

    Tell me, would your job exist without capitalism?
  8. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Originally posted by NARCassist well you would say that now, i mean what else could you say without looking like a cunt?

    Holy fuck you are dense.
  9. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Originally posted by FECAL-TECHNOLOGIES You don't scare me kid. The way I see it, Spectral stands up for what is right even if it isn't convenient or easy.

    You try to molest and pilfer from those that brush shoulders with you.

    You think I'm molesting you?
  10. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Good idea. Just grab one by the throat and take her home with you. Chicks dig that.
  11. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Originally posted by NARCassist threatening to send somebody to jail if they don't send you a pic is pretty cranky dude. wtf wouldn't i show everyone that shit?

    You said you made the label to bait people and see what would happen. You also routinely mention being a 9/10 stud. Are you really surprised someone would take advantage of the situation to troll you?
  12. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Originally posted by LonelyRider The list of accounts also includes the following;

    Also included in this petition is the formation of a one person panel who is not Lanny. Said persons sworn duty is to analyze exactly the chain of events(that Lanny caused not pointing fingers just saying)that occurred leading to this crisis - and how to make sure no human being ever has to be persecuted like this by Lanny again.

    Also this issue is bigger than just me. I want an immunity status awarded to blingbling, scronaldo, Sploogook, sploogooks friend in drag(sorry ur name is escaping me), and Slag.

    You're starting to sound like Speckles. Have you been coached?
  13. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Originally posted by NARCassist lol, i dunno where you got the idea that they were

    Gee, maybe the fact that you took it so seriously that you made an entire thread whining about I "threatened to get you"?
  14. D4NG0 motherfucker
    No, really. Our opinion of you can't get much lower. So relax and give it a try.
  15. D4NG0 motherfucker
    It's okay. Our expectations of you are so low, you can't possibly disappoint. Just go and try to enjoy yourself.
  16. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Originally posted by NARCassist you do realize the 'i'm a 9/10' line was just a piss take of sploo's 'my iq is 170', right?

    Then this is just one big troll fest and there's no reason for you to have your panties all up in a twist.
  17. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Originally posted by NARCassist dargo ain't trolling pal. i've had pm's from him in the past begging for pix and threatening to dox me if i didn't send them and shit. the dudes a total fagfreak nutjob, he's fucking obsessed man.

    Hahahaha. Do you know where the selfie line came from?

    You run around posting cheap stories about falling in love with whores, who are "totally smart" and "not like other hookers". Combine that with your age and consistent drug abuse, and you have the gall to constantly mention to people you're a "9/10". Being a self-professed 9/10 is apparently very important to you, so pucker up and send us all a pic, snookums.
  18. D4NG0 motherfucker
    You're retarded.
  19. D4NG0 motherfucker
  20. D4NG0 motherfucker
    I thought you were an atheist?
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