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Posts by S the C

  1. S the C Yung Blood
    They called me a lot of things but I fight for what's right, against the censorship Nazis and anyone who supports it.
  2. S the C Yung Blood
    Reported to the fbi
  3. S the C Yung Blood
    Lol fearful, Spectral got cucked HARD.

    Hey bud join the alt brigade it's the protest against bad adminship, 100 alts a day keeps the totse traitors away.
  4. S the C Yung Blood
    Originally posted by hydromorphone Scrawny is definitely NOT my boyfriend. I don't ave anything personal against him, but he's not my type, not by a long shot.

    What type am I? :0

    Originally posted by greenplastic hedious? really?

    He was drunk, That's not the only spelling error.
  5. S the C Yung Blood
    Media deconstruction
  6. S the C Yung Blood
    Originally posted by benny vader 76.27% of all child molestations are perpetrated by foster parents.

    They already had twin daughters and 50% of all statistics are made up
  7. S the C Yung Blood
    Is gameshark still relevant? Lol.
  8. S the C Yung Blood
    Originally posted by -SpectraL I like the way cowardly Lanny has to fuck with people's usertitles just to "get back at them", while avoiding any and all discourse which makes him feel personally uncomfortable. That's all he's got! Same backstabbing tactics which got Zoklet taken off the net.

    He's a real life coward. I can't even post more than 20 posts without his personal stamp of approval so fuck it I'll keep making alts until I have a good account with 100 posts.

    I've been getting people on kik groups to join and start posting so either he bans them for whatever reason or approves them and maybe I can slip by.

    The post limit thing clearly does nothing for spam anyways, Dead forum is dead.
  9. S the C Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Wick Sweat I really think you could have tightened this up into like 2 or 3 short paragraphs. Do you think anybody has time to read this? I skimmed it and I saw some random shit about muslims.

    Welcome to Hydro. I'm sure searching "hydro" and "paragraph" will yield many results.
  10. S the C Yung Blood
    It's winter and I badly want Iced Coffee.
  11. S the C Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Daily How does it feeling knowing that you created a baby with a whore's genetics just to have it suffer under your degenerate lifestyle

    Don't worry, just call me an alt instead, it will make it less true

    Its Okay Chris Hanson I know you don't use alts *COUGH RHYMEN HYMEN*.

    I don't really care to be honest, she has a good wealthy white family now and if she ever meets me she will get a duffel bag full of cash.

    Also I have perfect genetics so I'm sure she will do fine if she didn't inherit too many tard genes from her mom. She has the dark skin of her mother but same color eyes and hair as me.

    She will likely have a better life than either of her biological parents ever did as long as she stays away from her mom, her adopted parents are very cool people.
  12. S the C Yung Blood
    It's the servers being overloaded I was on the discord and people in lots of countries having the save problem.

    It's working now but still kinda janky every now and again, I played about 30 minutes and ran into two people. Gameplay is meh and the tutorial is forced but there seems to be a good amount of content, they really want you to link a MyNintendo account so whatever I guess I'll do that today.

    It's a pretty well built game though the graphics are alright and controls pretty decent for mobile. Also a neat feature when the game is downloading data it plays a minigame where you control a truck and collect money 💰 while it downloads and you keep the money, that was cool.
  13. S the C Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Daily oh no, somebody is calling me out on my shit, haha it's ok if i call them an alt nothing they say is true haha

    You are fucking gross

    Hurr Durr ur a degenerate I'm a fucking genius high IQ.

    You are Chris Hanson alt aren't you?. I can smell the faggotry from here.
  14. S the C Yung Blood
    *drops a red pill*

  15. S the C Yung Blood
    It works now I'm bumping the score up to 5/10.

    Ran into two Jap players that just stood there?? Creepy
  16. S the C Yung Blood
    Nice try troll the alt
  17. S the C Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Daily How is it possible to be in "several" abusive relationships? Are you fucking retarded or do you just hate yourself that much? Or do you enjoy it? Do you enjoy it when somebody "abuses" you, does it feel right, do you feel like you deserve it

    I'm still loling at your boyfriend saying "How so?" when I pointed out the degeneracy in this thread

    You people make me fucking sick

    No I don't like hydro anymore she ignored me and wouldn't send nudes. Neither did anyone else but hydro actually pissed me off the most somehow, at least kreepy Kay and kinkou talked to me.

    I was too shy to talk to HTS at first but then after we became friends I fell madly in love with her and even offered to fly her to my city to hang out with me on my birthday.

    Now we are best friends and lovers. The past is the past, the future is bright.

    And you're just a Debbie Downer troll faggot go kill yourself, your probably just an alt anyways.
  18. S the C Yung Blood
    Mario Kart double Dash is and always will be the best mario kart game.
  19. S the C Yung Blood
    Need for Speed underground 2 is where it's at.

  20. S the C Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Daily If you tell me it's this hydro person I will commit a mass shooting

    I've flirted with all the girls on this site in the past, kreepy Kay, hydro, kinkou and HTS. I had a dream I was gonna have my own harem of totse bitches but now it is a dead dream and I have the only girl that matters

    [Edited for jealousy only I'm allowed to look at her]

    I still think that lesbian porn of all the totse girls is a good idea though, I would film it.

    Post last edited by S the C at 2017-11-21T12:54:09.948596+00:00
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