Originally posted by Warcry
ive never paid them except one teen over consent age here who herself proposed this to me. i dont have the balls to ask them this. one reaosn i dont wanna offend them, secondly its a risk jsut to aks i think although not sure. i hear dit happens even from girls themselves but i also read ana rticle they got some old man who shovd money to a girls hand in another town in poland and asked for something got arreste dbut he had like suspicion of doing it for a while. still for some reaosn im scared to even ask this.
You said it yourself: you're scared
Crawl back up your mammys vag and suck your thumb because this is the real world and only the strong survive. The weak get used for sex toys. That's your destiny.
Now stop wasting bandwidth and get over here an snozzle my nozzle with your tonsils.
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post didn't die in a fire!
Being poor doesn't really bother me. Having minimal social status doesn't bother me in the slightest. I don't even care that I don't have any friends. But i hate not getting the females that i want. That, my friends, is the most bitter of pills to swallow. âšī¸
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