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Posts by Iron Ree

  1. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    Just because you made $50k a day doesn't make you original at all it just means he had good timing making a mobile version of the game on the apple store in 2013. The idea that this loser can "pull the plug" on such a basic gameplay concept is fucking laughable and he will never make a penny in the industry EVER again
  2. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    that guy is such a fucking faggot retard

    Indie developer Dong Nguyen has broken his silence following the sudden removal of his popular Flappy Bird game recently. In an interview with Forbes, Nguyen says the game was originally designed to be played "when you are relaxed." However, the notoriously difficult game, created in mid-2013, rose to fame recently, with some social network and YouTube users pointing out comically just how frustrating it is to navigate Mario-style pipes with a pixelated bird. "But it happened to become an addictive product. I think it has become a problem," explains Nguyen. To solve that, Nguyen removed the app last weekend, and he notes "it’s gone forever."

    The popularity of the game, which Nguyen revealed to The Verge generates on average $50,000 per day from in-app ads, appears to have had its negatives. "My life has not been as comfortable as I was before," says Nguyen. "I couldn’t sleep." Forbes reports that Nguyen has spent the last few days internet-free and resting up, while also suddenly meeting Vietnam’s deputy prime minister ahead of the publication's interview. Despite the time for reflection, Nguyen doesn’t believe the sudden removal of the game was a mistake. "I have thought it through," he explains.

    yeah okay pal it would only take a 12 year old a few hours to make a clone version that's probably better than your piece of shit game that's not original at all and has existed as long as computers. I remember playing flappy bird when I was six years old except back then everyone called it "the battletoads surfing level" or "that one weird PC game where you press space bar to move up or down and avoid the upcoming obstacles" real fucking original

    "it's gone forever can't play it anymore"

    stupid fucking chink retard
  3. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    a canadian crypto ethbro scat fetishist on twitter sent me this randomly

    im not clicking the link this is 100% a virus
  4. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    Originally posted by Warcry she wasnt 16 bro no eway more like 16-20. so i know your bullshitting me now.

    So you're saying if a girl is 17 she's not allowed to block you for thinking "this old creep hitting on young girls" because WELL IT'S LEGAL IN POLANE well guess what pal they don't care if it's legal or not, they don't want oldje men hitting on them. 99% of younge girls do not want it at all and think it's nasty and nonceesque. They don't give a FUCK what the AOC is, they can be 20 years old and still think you are a nonce and there is nothing wrong with that, they are perfectly free to have any sexual preference they want.

    If you don't like it you can just tie a rope around your neck now and start doing a polish jig on a wobbly chair. You are just a misogynist if you don't understand this and think there is something wrong with society or women for beliving this like NO IT TOTALLY CANT JUST BE NATURAL INSTINCTS KEEPING THEM AWAY FROM PREDATORS AND EVIL PEOPLE

    but OP has a snowflake mentality "i'm perfect world renown big bucks with a community college degree in polish crayon art and I read all the medical publications about age of consent in europe so that means every 17 year old should lust after me!"

    like nah, how about NO you sick fuck. Deal with it. Not even 25 year olds want anything to do with your clown ass because you aren't cool at all and have negative rizz
  5. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    i shocked myself playing with the wall wires
  6. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    Originally posted by Warcry Why did she block me on both telegram and instagram?

    because you're a pedophile

    Originally posted by Warcry And why she blocked me.

    because you're a pedophile
  7. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    I can't even casually glance at Reddit that site is so bad it fucks up even reading it, I don't bother. There is nothing worth reading on there anyways. Can't even link pictures from there

    I boycott going to Reddit and giving them advertising clocks , that's all it is now just ADS ADS ADS
  8. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    I got some meth and had the greatest idea while taking apart the wall sockets I noticed the intercom is hooked into an analog phone line, the same kind that plugs into a fax machine or a home phone

    Imagine getting a fax when the courier arrived instead of a beep beep intercom it would go EEEEEEE BLEEERRPPPP KERCHUNK

    I have no idea what I'm doing
  9. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    these facts aren't fun at all!
  10. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    Well fuys do you think he did it?
  11. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Do you happen to have a manifesto we could check out?

    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready Shut up, Manifesto now

    Originally posted by Ghost okay.

    Society is Gay: by Ronaldo C Ronaldoscron

    chapter 1. fuck you

    Society is full of niggers and retards, schizos, homos and jedididis. Technological society is supposed to create 0 hour work weeks where we all own a planet and a moon and a sun but instead we yell about penises and gay shit.

    There needs to be a large thermonuclear apocalypse to kill the 99% and leave only the rats and roaches.

    Covid was just phase 1 of the plan. The vaccine is actually a zombie virus and i'm writing this from my secure bunker. in one year you will be wandering around chewing on bones unable to remember your name.

    "It came from Wuhan China, a little dangerous virus,

    Covid Covid –,

    If you inhale the mysterious droplets, you will fall with

    bloody vomit from your mouth,

    Covid Covid Covid, the biological weapon.

    'Song of Covid, the Brave "In the peaceful night of Wuhan City

    People can be killed, even with our own hands,

    The place is full of dead bodies all over,

    There! Inhale Covid, Covid,

    Spread Covid Spread Covid! Immediately virions will fill the place.

    Spread! Spread! Covid, the Brave, Covid."

    Originally posted by Ghost We will keep this virus alive forever by any means. It is our ultimate and most potent weapon against SOCIETY ITSELF

  12. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    ale that succulent fart cloud released from your heavenly hole so that I may then release it out of my own pleasure pit and join together to create so*ing so magnificent and life- that it brings about world peace and mass pink eye. Our
    gaseous child will save all humanity.
    anon9483: hi
    ❤️❤️❤️ lolita foto video
  13. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    what he really said;

    Originally posted by Bill Krozby yeah what the actual fuck? Awhile back I was talking to this girl online and she eventually came over to my place and we had sex and just hung out and I ordered some pizza before taking her home (she actually worked at the pizza that I didn't get a job at the other day) and out of nowhere she was like yeah I just got out of prison, i was there for 8 years because my boyfriend had child porn on my laptop..

    and I'm just like ohhh.. okay… just thinking to myself why the fuck did she just tell me this? I just dropped her back off at her place and never spoke to her again. I looked her name up online and her charge was "exploitation of a minor" in Missouri, so basically she had to move all the way to texas just to be able to get a pizza job.

    And I think she left vital parts of her story. Like the pigs don't just randomly know to check some random persons computer for child porn. cops typically pose as chomos wanting to trade pix online with real chomos to bust them.

    And as for being a pedo means you're mentally ill is that indicative of homosexuals and trannies being mentally ill? Thus the whole lgbt community is a movement that supports mental illness??

    serious question here.

    And how do you know he's never acted on his urges? I mean i guess its possible he hasn't but a lot of pedos that are true to life pedos like iron john openly admit they are because of the anonymity of the internet

    Post last edited by Bill Krozby at 2017-01-20T11:34:50.982004+00:00

    Originally posted by Bill Krozby I'm pretty sure hormones don't make a canadian talk like a valley girl. He's a mind controlled sheep that follows the LGBT narrative, He was just to shy to do it before.

    If you go on tinychat, you'd see he feels like a fatty who does "snow angels" in the pile of trash in his room. It's just one of those chicken and the egg kinda things i, possibly. I'm guessing if he quit taking the hormones there wouldn't be much difference in his behavior.

    I actually don't even believe he takes hormones, if he does it's a waste of the canadian welfare system.

    He went out of his way to drunkenly post a retarded meme, and offer to my conversation just as you did sophie, you both are huuuuge faggots.

  14. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    well at least he admitted to it in the end
  15. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    Originally posted by Ghost okay.

    Society is Gay: by Ronaldo C Ronaldoscron

    chapter 1. fuck you

    Society is full of niggers and retards, schizos, homos and jedididis. Technological society is supposed to create 0 hour work weeks where we all own a planet and a moon and a sun but instead we yell about penises and gay shit.

    There needs to be a large thermonuclear apocalypse to kill the 99% and leave only the rats and roaches.

    Covid was just phase 1 of the plan. The vaccine is actually a zombie virus and i'm writing this from my secure bunker. in one year you will be wandering around chewing on bones unable to remember your name.

    "It came from Wuhan China, a little dangerous virus,

    Covid Covid –,

    If you inhale the mysterious droplets, you will fall with

    bloody vomit from your mouth,

    Covid Covid Covid, the biological weapon.

    'Song of Covid, the Brave "In the peaceful night of Wuhan City

    People can be killed, even with our own hands,

    The place is full of dead bodies all over,

    There! Inhale Covid, Covid,

    Spread Covid Spread Covid! Immediately virions will fill the place.

    Spread! Spread! Covid, the Brave, Covid."

    Originally posted by Ghost We will keep this virus alive forever by any means. It is our ultimate and most potent weapon against SOCIETY ITSELF

  16. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby's Ghost damn OJ Simpson died!!!

    didn't he kill a woman
  17. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    "I DID IT!"
  18. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    Originally posted by RIPtotse She's not very smart bro…I mean she didn't chop off her nuts but she uses nis as facebook so that should tell you all you need to know about her intelligence level and preference in sexual partners.

    Originally posted by CandyRein Observing Crack heads connecting on a deeper level ..❤️

    you are both wrong and should ascent to fiducia supplicans
  19. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
  20. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]

    All these hoes get a complex
    When I go to work with the Pyrex
    I'm new fashion
    They old fashion
    I'm still shinin'
    My gold flashin'
    You and me, we not the same
    Lil Debbie - household name
    You cookie cutter - Easy Bake
    I'm purple grape
    That's how you bake a cake
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