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Thanked Posts by the man who put it in my hood

  1. He has never seen her butthole, she won't even let him look at it.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. TOR was invented by the US Navy

    it is the rainbow net and it's backdoored by the nSA ALWAYS HAS BEEN

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  3. you probably changed it to child porn you retarded faggot
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  4. your neighborhood appears to be invaded by the football club from Lodz. Are you gonna tool up and take back the row? I'll bring a pipe and back you up

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  5. Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready There will be no building back. Just pure hell and whoever is left to try and pick up will be picked off by preppers, survivalist, the strongest and most wickedest will survive longer but never move on. Just until shit runs out

    Nothing runs out, nature is the true master and a return to it is what humanity is craving. Down with society through violent uprising is the only way we can go on. Many will die, and that's okay.
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  6. get in, loser

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  7. that all sounds pretty good to me and I look forward to the day of revolution, comrade. Down with the old bones we must plant the seeds and build back better
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  8. Originally posted by Kev whats your unintended use of viagra?


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  9. I would do this

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  10. Originally posted by stl1 When they can get an anime gal to suck my dick, give me a call. Until then…go watch your cartoons and play with yourselves in mommy's basement sniffing her used undies.

    They already have robot Miku's in Japan because they have transcended the need for love and human emotions. They only exist to drink sake, smoke, work for the company and the honor of the Nihon warrior nation. The only country in human history that required to be nuked to stop their global conquest.

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  11. Take your chink lessons somewhere else you Asian faggots. This is a TOPICAL THREAD in ORAL INDULGENCES about FUCKING CHINESE FOOD not your CHING CHONG moon rune bullshit.

    Tell us about your local chink joint or kill yourselves
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  12. mai tige
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  13. OP is just salty that he can't chop it up with the real 1's and all his friends are a bunch of democrat gay faggots or retards that believe in Q anon.

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  14. Originally posted by Ghost her husband was black?

    He was black until he got that corrective surgery

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  15. Originally posted by Ghost

    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Somebody please post kroz's laugh.

    I think he does it in this video
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  16. I'm trying to get off bagels, they are good but too expensive

    I started off my day by smoking a bunch of weed and walking across the street to the deli. I asked the stock guy if they were getting any more pickled jalapeno and he said he'd let me know. I was gonna get some hot pepper rings but decided against it because i might check another store for some peppers. These looked really yummy

    Then I saw the mexican guy from the kitchen stocking the freezer and waited a few minutes for him to finish up, this is what I got.

    Then I got our typical morning spread. Coffee and a muffin for lucy. usually I get coffee and a bagel but I just got an extra large coffee and no food, I will figure it out.

    Gonna smoke more weed now
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  17. how many hands can you fit inside you
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  18. yeah I am noticing an uptick in the transgender step sister seducing the straight step bro meme

    it's a meme I heard it on twitch from a tranny that calls people that donate to her step bro.

    Every day we stray further from God, and closer to slaanesh.

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  19. what kind of drugs
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  20. we consumed his soul

    the trianglism incorporated modular entertainment system employs multiple simultaneous dynamically shifting data streams to produce a state of satiation though downstream effects on endorphins by godlike enviormental enrichment.

    you can achieve this state of absolute nirvana by having a bedcouch and using the computer with multiple tabs, the playstation, the TV, and an ipod on speaker all at once. in this isolation chamber you will also have ronkletoys (rubix twist, zobrist cube, rubixs cube, etc)in emergency periods of technological errors, and servant humans to provide you with consistent food and housing. not to forget nootropics/medicines to increase baseline functioning and nigrig the pleasure centers.

    if this set up is proper you not only wont have to leave your house, you won't even have to move your body. sleep on bedcouch, take your supplements, activate modular entertainment, repeat. the only thing i'm missing is a THX masturbation machine and my assburger waifu to give me love feels, and i'm not evolved/woke enough to be skilled at piss bottle and crib leg bag accumulation.

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