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Thanked Posts by the man who put it in my hood

  1. Originally posted by stl1 The draft bill, called the Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act, would remove marijuana from the Controlled Substances Act and begin regulating and taxing it, placing federal rules on a burgeoning industry that has faced years of uncertainty. Though states would still be allowed to set their own marijuana laws, businesses and individuals in states that have legalized its use would be free for the first time to sell and consume it without the risk of federal punishment.

    Just stop fucking arresting people. The regulations are always bullshit, the market is not a free market and you will never get the same products legally. There has to be a new supply chain because of FDA culture the government is unwilling to allow a mom and pop cannabis grower to make their own edibles or concentrates unless they have a license.

    I have seen it first hand, the cottage industry of cannabis has been completely destroyed and now it's all highly regulated and corporate.

    The government should just fuck off when it comes to drugs. If something gets you high it automatically gets scrutiny and the most intense regulation because society doesn't understand drug culture when it's not presented in a big pharma teevee ad.

    Yeah cannabis should totally be treated the same as alcohol and tobacco which cost the system way more. I love not being able to buy menthols because a teenager smoked them once 10 years ago now they are banned forever

    clove cigs are also banned. Fuck legal regulations

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  2. I never saw that episode of breaking bad
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  3. Originally posted by rabbitweed My god Soy and Aldra you two are the oldest teen edgelords I have ever come across.

    I have no strong feelings regarding the situation in Afghanistan. But after reading all the tripe where you jerk of over how great China and North Korea are, you're now going to tell me you support the Taleban?

    There really is no rhyme or reason is there. You're not alt-right, you're not anti-semites, you're not even communists. You're just sad, ageing contrarians.

    Nation states are fucking gay and so is the UN and all the countries where everything is illegal. I want to live in an age where you can buy a plot of land from the catholic spanish monarchy and have it taken over by the french and sold to the Americans.

    That's how REAL Rothschild tier wealth is built not this HURR DURR SCRATCH AND SAVE FOR $1 PLANT YOUR PENNIES AND A DOLLAR WILL GROW!! you must MURDER AND KILL your neighbors and enrich yourself, it's the way of the world.

    I'm not saying all of civil society should break down and we should have machine gun kiosks, competition through capitalism eliminates the need for this as everyone from a peasant farmer to a rich CEO will find productivity to engage in. Wanting to exert your will on another country just because their culture and politics is different is an anti capitalist agenda.

    The taliban are gonna get droned and Libya'd because they WILL sell poppies and then we are back to square one. Most white people just hate the idea of a brown person being able to make more money from those poppies than we can, or the oil. Just take it if you want it that bad and stop pussy kike footing around with a hebrew policy

    Nobody seriously believes you can just prop up a democracy there and walk away. The economy won't let it happen, they don't want international corporations and western values.
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  4. It's okay she's still waiting on a dirty curb in a low income neighborhood waiting for you. She hasn't left the spot in months

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  5. Originally posted by Wariat hey hiki have u been on yet?

    weed makes you not want to rape children.
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  6. SEPT 16TH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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  7. I thought it was supposed to be today
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  8. just wait until he learns the remake is an action adventure game and not an RPG like the original
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    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  10. The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  11. Actually it has been postponed for a month until September 16th 10 AM !!! 10 AM!!! spread that around SEPT 16 10am

    The Merge has caused a time dilation so we are a month behind in this dimension. Trumps army is on the other side of the iron curtain preparing their forces.

    Imagine January 6th but with 100x more people, a coordinated military effort, artillery, bombers, tanks. The portal is going to open somewhere in the commonwealth.
    Gas all trannies! Gas all kikes! Whites only! Niggers back to Africa! It's time to SAVE AMERICA!!!

    This is what Liberals actually think is gonna happen LMAO

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  12. >This post has been thanked by candyrein
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  13. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood LMAO
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  14. Originally posted by Ghost a mixed race couple ooooh how exotic

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  15. Originally posted by Wariat Some ducking German piece of shit young faggit kept bumping me to get to this 16 or so yr old polish hobag (super skinny like she had anorexia too like child like body but tall) how as ignoring me and he just started like shoving everyone near him off and went to her grabbing her from behind like he owned her and she was all cool with it or let it happen disrespecting the polish race and letting some German treat her like a 16 yr old hobag.

    I was so pissed I didn't deck him but at the time when he kept bumping people out of the way (he was the only one who did this everyone else in this club generally were respectful and either moved their shoulders a bit to get by or apologise on the dance floor if they hit you too hard) but this garbage not only acted like a rapist by just grabbing her like shes his deutschen property he kept hitting me. i felt stupid the idea or getting in a fight with some kids and his underaged homo buddies so i just tried to stand as an immovable object or a rock and take his shoulder blows.

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  16. I gotta call my guy on 486's

    yeah with that crack at the top best I can do is 10 mate. Vinny at da docks just found a whole can full of dem they are going for pennies on the dollar down at the pier so I am giving you a good deal here.
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  17. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Literally a thread about a tranny…

    Calling chris chan a tranny is questionable at best. He literally only transitioned because he thought it would mean he can fuck lesbians and bisexuals with his BENT DUCK

    It's being politicized by right wing retards that think his last name is "Chan" chris does not give a FUCK about transgender politics or identity bullshit. He only cares about playing with his toys and his love quest and autism.

    This has NOTHING TO DO with trannies which is why it's THE FUCKING MERGE because you RETARDS keep going HURR DURRRRRR just like Bella and this is going to blow up into some left versus right civil war WW3 shit all because someone fucked his mom. You are proving yourself to be the biggest retard of all just by your reaction.


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  18. Originally posted by AngryIVer I can't believe people are actually pissed at the girl who turned his ass in.

    She didn't do anything except encourage it.

    Regardless afterwards she was also aware of the rapes and did not report them, allowing more to continue. If she reported them at all which is not at all clear that she did it was only after the situation began to slip out of her control. She additionally is on record discouraging another individual (who would go on to make the first leak of the tapes) not to report the matter to law enforcement. Apparently Bella's plan was to wait until after BronyCon, where she planned to covertly videotape Chris and a young autistic woman having sex. Bella would later be involved in falsely leaking information about this young woman to the point where she was exposed to online harassment and had to be hospitalized on an inpatient psychiatry service.
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  19. Originally posted by stl1 Self centered assholes only worry about "ME, ME, ME, DAMMIT ! ! !"

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  20. The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
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