You are one of the few people who understands the importance of living forever and that God wants us to become immortal
put LSD in their water and communicate to them through telepathy
Strays can be retarded, I have saved a few and they can be slow learners because they had no mama or siblings around them which seriously stunts the emotional development of the kitten
My mama cats used to grab them by the neck and drop them in the litter box until they realized it was important to go there
I have no idea. I'm too scared to look it up because I know I have it and I don't think there's anything I can do about it
If i die because I loved animals too much I think that will be okay
2019-08-22 at 10:55 PM UTC
Trianglism and the afterlife
Death is simply an obstacle that can be overcome. It is the ultimate destiny of humans to live forever, our gift of advanced conciousness allows us to see that.
Science is proof of religion. That's why Trianglism is the only true belief because all other religions are based on things we already know. Trianglism is understood through science because there is always more to learn.
Science is infinite, we can never know everything because new possibilities always exist in a chaotic fractal Universe
Only the most powerful being in all of existence could make sense of the vast complexity of it all
put them in a small room like a bathroom overnight with the litter box they will usually figure out its the comfiest place to poop. If they don't go there it's localized to a small area so easy to clean
thats always worked for me and I have owned like 30 cats :3
2019-08-22 at 10:01 PM UTC
Jeffery epstein doesn't exist
They gave him the most generic name possible so he couldn't be back traced.
It's just so lazy and ugly makes me want to find where these people live and cut them with a box cutter
2019-08-22 at 9:26 PM UTC
Jeffery epstein doesn't exist
Are they really on your side though?
i mean pure 6mam, not as an impurity in a certain type of heroin
6mam should be a popular drug like fentanyl that would be cool
2019-08-22 at 9:19 PM UTC
Jeffery epstein doesn't exist
Your face when Huawei invests heavily into hologram technology
nobody here wants to play space with me :(
its like 2D multiplayer mass effect and you can rape people
You join by studying the theories and finding the truth on your own. It's not a religion that tells you what to believe in or not, it's like an open source religion.
That's why its the international natural religion for the Earth Humans for thousands of years. We don't have a bible that tells you how to live your life because this is a new religion, the bible is being written and this is your chance to help create a belief system that your children and their children will be able to use to get close to God and the secrets of the universe
2019-08-22 at 9:11 PM UTC
Jeffery epstein doesn't exist
Because the vast majority of the population is too distracted to care, everyone is caught up in the internet globalism capitalist consumerist zeitgeist.
People only care about going to work, posting on social media and having a normie life. They don't want to hear the truth, it's easier to just ignore it all and call it conspiracy theories