2019-09-16 at 2:34 PM UTC
Smoking salvia on D X M
i posted about a trip report and you are talking about DARPA and HAARP on a subforum about drugs
2019-09-16 at 2:26 PM UTC
Smoking salvia on D X M
Proof you are mentally ill you cant read a simple trip report thread without freaking the fuck out thinking it's some kind of personal attack
Because people are stupid and nobody respects drugs or understands them
Maybe I should just bite the bullet and get a zip
2019-09-16 at 1:49 PM UTC
Smoking salvia on D X M
I'm just describing what it was like ,you have issues pal, negativity is stupidity
2019-09-16 at 1:17 PM UTC
Not Safe For Work
I'll tell you what's not safe, not paying attention to your job and fucking around on the internet.
Just because you wage cucks like to waste time at work now all the mainstream websites have to be NSFW friendly and remove tits because tits aren't work safe because it makes people horny and do #metoo
Fuck this society. The capitalist workforce promotes censorship, you're all a bunch of sell outs.
2019-09-16 at 1 PM UTC
Autism what?
I don't believe Autism exists, they function perfectly fine they just need a slap and parents that aren't retarded
Every autism person I ever met had retarded parents that force fed them drugs. I don't think they have a disease, some people are just different its what makes us human maaaan
We should like embrace our differences not look at them as disabilities
Do they have any cute traps In prison yet
I would be a criminal if they had some quality feminine pp with access to hormones In there but I feel like they would put them in female prisons like orange is the new black
Weed makes me better at work, I started a thing called marijuana club where all of us would get varying degrees of high on our lunch breaks together and go back to work baked. I always smoked the most and got paranoid about smell and my eyes would be red but my boss didn't care, he grew weed.
Also it was a hydroponics store
I was thinking about buying a bunch of Xanax and Bundy because it kills my hyperactive sex drive.
The weed makes me move pretty slow so nothing has materialised as of yet
Every Monday for the past 3 weeks I have been buying a half oz. I used to make an ounce last me a month but this cheap legal weed it's only $80
I think I spend more on alcohol but it feels like I'm smoking way too much weed
I completely ran out last night. It's just really fun to get baked and play Minecraft but idk if I can afford to keep buying half ounces
I need spice
What did you write on the qc sheets
I want to marry an 11 year old