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Posts by the man who put it in my hood

  1. i mean pure 6mam, not as an impurity in a certain type of heroin
  2. 6mam should be a popular drug like fentanyl that would be cool
  3. Your face when Huawei invests heavily into hologram technology
  4. nobody here wants to play space with me :(

    its like 2D multiplayer mass effect and you can rape people
  5. You join by studying the theories and finding the truth on your own. It's not a religion that tells you what to believe in or not, it's like an open source religion.

    That's why its the international natural religion for the Earth Humans for thousands of years. We don't have a bible that tells you how to live your life because this is a new religion, the bible is being written and this is your chance to help create a belief system that your children and their children will be able to use to get close to God and the secrets of the universe
  6. Because the vast majority of the population is too distracted to care, everyone is caught up in the internet globalism capitalist consumerist zeitgeist.

    People only care about going to work, posting on social media and having a normie life. They don't want to hear the truth, it's easier to just ignore it all and call it conspiracy theories
  7. Him not ever existing would also make sense
  8. Walls of text make my eyes glaze over. Shows how much of a shitty poster you are you can't even take the 2 seconds it takes to pick out a good quote or paragraph that sums up the article without having to post the entire thing.
  9. I kept an undercover security guard busy by walking a store putting things in my pocket, taking them out, moving shit around and acting sketchy.
  10. hawt
  11. Good thing they totally took pictures of the body, yes the body. There was 100% a body that was dumped in the middle of the ocean and the coordinates never written down.
  12. They have been faking people with holograms for years.

  13. Describe her ass
  14. Originally posted by Number13 He should have done it the second he even considered dating one

    Nobody will ever consider dating you, forever alone bigot scum
  15. Originally posted by CandyRein Good thing this is all fiction huh😏

    Not if we make a live action version
  16. No, they are both college freshmen sharing a room and you are her highschool boyfriend that came to college with her but now she wants nothing to do with men and wants to fully embrace the college lesbian experience.

    Instead of losing her virginity to you when you get married instead she smoked weed and got fucked with a strap on by Candy
  17. This is the best take i've heard on the whole Epstein thing so far.

    I have been studying conspiracy shit and browsed 4chan for years and I never heard of this guy until very recently. It's not hard to create fake history about a person and prop them up as some important billionaire. That's why they said he was associated with Bill Clinton and Donald Trump even though they barely remember who he is, just another random copy paste billionaire which there are a lot of

    Thats why everyone is so obsessed about this case it's a distraction

  18. Yes, you can be DTE's boyfriend. Then she falls in love with Candy after she learned she tastes just as sweet as her name suggests
  19. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson It's nice we'll never have to hear of that triangulism bullcock again.

    He was a fake Trianglist i'm the real synsynyeti!

    Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Yeah, that guy was so unoriginal and boring. I'm glad to hear that he's dead. Good riddance.

    I spit on his corpse.

    I agree. 17,000 posts of pure garbage.
  20. Originally posted by Mud Hole Mania Like collecting shrunken heads and other antique'ish things

    You should make your own shrunken heads
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