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Posts by the man who put it in my hood

  1. Originally posted by Technologist My hubby has a PS4 (maybe it’s a PS5, idk), and he can now play COD with my son on his Xbox. That’s pretty cool.

    I know you all probably know this, but I thought that was cool.

    yeah but most games don't support cross platform play because microsoft, sony and nintendo are all huge faggots

    While us fortnite players get the shaft
  2. Why are you stuttering? Are you cold?
  3. I can reply to every thread for 5 pages in less than 5 minutes

    PS6 needs backwards compatible cuz all the NEW GAMES ARE SHIT
  4. Waiting for hts to wake up so I can spend these Tim Hortons coupons.
    There is one item on this menu that Lucy wants more than anything

  5. do they also leave all the flyers at the mailboxes

  7. That sounds like a recipe to get bong water on the floor
  8. All I know is that they use some very good drugs that only vets are allowed to have with a special license so it's a very peaceful malice tier death
  9. lol one year later I still get double coupons

  10. Are you proposing I walk around the apartment with a loaded bong bowl?
  11. i'm sorry about your dog. I would offer my input in that thread but i'm from the country and very used to putting down sick farm animals so i'm a bit desensitized
  12. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood I'm trying to get off bagels, they are good but too expensive

    Oh god fucking dammit literally the day after I post that. And everyone in my building is too much of HIGH CLASS RICH YUPPIE to subject themselves to the ghetto horror of Tim Hortons so I get triple coupons

    Originally posted by Ghost Everyone in my building throw their flyers and junk mail on the floor of the entrance I guess because they are too good for junk mail??

    So far I have got a calendar, a canadian flag and a pad of note paper in the mail, everyone else throws them away!

    On monday I got a bunch of coupons to a coffee place, 1 was a free small coffee. So far two other people have just dumped their coupons on the floor and now I have 2 free small coffee coupons after using the one I got.

    Thanks neighbors lol, I'll treat my girlfriend to a coffee date tomorrow because of them.
  13. It looks like shit and you're a faggot

  14. how am I supposed to transfer my weed from weed to bowl if I don't keep the weed next to the window?
  15. please do

    I want to surgically remove my sinus I don't think they serve any vital function

    also nipples and bullybutton but thats another story
  16. I smoke at the window a tray will not change the huge gusts of wind blowing my weed all over the damn place
  17. You must have me confused with you
  18. Whats the fucking difference
  19. My sinuses feel like i'm being raped by a barbed pollen cock made from razor sharp blades of calcium chloride that cums synthetic slime
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