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Posts by the man who put it in my hood

  1. k
  2. Trump in a few months

  3. Originally posted by pEEpEEpOOpOO

    beat me too it OMG WOW THE NEW FFXVV WOW MAN WOW
  4. I have been very distracted with hypixel skyblock but there are things I need to do in Vanilla minecraft. The thing I want to do is make a bunch of enchanted axes with sharpness and other enchantments because in the next year the game will be updated and it will be impossible in the future to make an axe with sharpness on it so they will become rare unobtainable items.

    "Can no longer receive combat enchantments such as Sharpness, Smite and Bane of Arthropods without using an anvil."

  5. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace holy shit that server is massive

    There's like 9 billion people online

    Yeah dude, at all times of the day there is 20,000 people online playing skyblock. It's probably the largest active minecraft server right now. I use a tracker to keep track where everyone is so I have an idea the best times to go to certain areas for the best loot. Like right now it was just the spooky festival so everyone was farming candy in the end so I decided to go there.

    There was a lot of people and the end is really toxic so people will use all their speed potions and best weapons to kill all the endermen and leave none for anyone and people in chat get all angry like 'U STEAL MY KILL WTF!'

    I got a spooky pie for being 7733rd in total candy collection on the server. if you get top 1000 you get a spooky disc which I really want, it sells for 300k on the auction house.

    Originally posted by BeeReBuddy and nothing to do…

    You're just salty because you have to small IQ to play skyblock. It's a big brain game with a high skill and learning curve. You start off with nothing and have to learn to navigate the world and understand all the systems and mechanics. There is a lot to do, most of it off the island. there are places in the lobby to kill things and farm loot. It's like an MMO but with crafting and crack head mechanics. it's a lot different than vanilla minecraft but its cool if you just like to build, trade go on adventures and chill

  6. thank you for activating my neurons
  7. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood i regret to announce that the fonaplats army has been over thrown by the CHA CHING dynasty

    The steadfast plural workers of CHA CHIGN have worked towards the ultimate communist goal of #finishing the wall. THe CHA CHING Dynasty also would like to announce the start of a new era on K R O Z . D O G and that is THE GREAT LEAP BACKWARDS to restore the glory and simplicity of agrarian society and bring about a new communist revolution for the proletariat.
    The symbol of CHA CHING is the golden hoe because it represents the borgeious being forced into agrarian society and their wealth redistributed to the working class and the red represents the blood of those nobility that refused.


    Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Can we please have a discussion about how animals are being kept in game? This is inhumane.

  8. Countries I want to visit:

    United States, UK, Ireland, Germany, France, Netherlands, Spain, China, Japan, Mongolia, USSR, Poland, Afghanistan, North Korea, somewhere in south africa, Peru, Mexico and Australia.

    I don't think it would cost very much to visit all those places. Japan is probably the most expensive. I would be down to go to any poor country like bold and bald.

  9. I have completely lost interest in following conventional television programing and only watch twitch and youtube live streams. I know who is on and at what time.

    I don't type in chat. I just like when they say funny joke and memes. Sometimes there can be a stream thats hours long or one thats only 15-30 minutes. There is a lot of variety

  10. I have been working on the FOR BIDEN! CITY a few hours every day. I have not seen much activity being done so I assume i'm the only one playing Bill Sorry, they have waifus in skyblock so i've been distracted

  11. Originally posted by CandyRein Welp!!!

    Just about that time .. :)


  12. I'm pretty sure more than 90 soldiers died in WW1 you Qanon conspiracy nutter
  13. He was making money enough to pay off the credit card he maxed out playing another casino game and then he would sell a crop of weed, pay his bills, buy his kids toys and clothes and take everything left over and put it into online casinos.

    That was his only interest. I didn't even know him that well, I was friends with his wife and I remember she talked a lot about how they would drive to the states to go gamble and they were from my home town which has a lot of casinos and gambling culture.

    She seems like the type of person to get into the phone game things. It seems so weird to me but who am I to judge, it's a free country.
  15. what does reactionary even mean
  16. he doesnt think OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHH
  17. because the jedidis are trying to push and normalize pedophilia. First with netflix cuties and those paegant shows where they parade a 6 year old girl in a bikini crying and be like OMG SHES SO BEATIFUL!!

    And now it's all over youtube. You can't even enjoy an anime girl without thinly veiled pedophilic references to ddlg and other degenerate shit like UWU RAPE ME DADDY MUH CUMMIES HEHE YOUR HANDS MAKE THE BEST NECKLACE

    Hollywood has completely gone ape shit now that they know more kids are spending time online and have screen time they decide NOW is the time to push all this sexualization shit. But remember folx we are crazy racist alt right trump supporters if we think this is some kind of agenda or something. because if you are against the sexualization of children you are a Qanon alt right nutter
  18. A statistical aberration is hardly a comparison
  19. I knew this drug dealer guy addicted to online gambling. He spent more money on that than people would make working in an entire year. I saw him in the zone once, he had 3 laptops with different games. I think Keno and Poker and he was all cracked out dropping thousands of dollars on each screen and then he lost one of them and it was like $3000 and he just pulled out another credit card from a sleeve and kept going. He was like "oh I can make that back in an hour"

    and then he spent the entire night on the computers and I think he did cocaine a few times. Every time I saw him that night he was like all proud and happy to show me his little setup and all his games.

    I mean I guess it's something you can do if you have a lot of money and don't care if you lose it all. It doesn't look very fun to me. I am the same way with video games I guess but I don't spend any actual money on it, only my time and I have fun and do cool things instead of just playing some shitty casino game.
  20. yeah i will help but you know the price
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