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Posts by the man who put it in my hood

  1. yeah dawg my fish speaks chinese
  2. i heard about this apparently it can play fallout new vegas
  3. thats because you are one
  4. Originally posted by Volcano Vaporizer set to maximum with a bowl full of abv If I’m at the park thst could be a conversation starter

    With who
  5. Originally posted by AngryIVer If it makes you feel better look at Fonaplats's life.

    is that all you do
  6. a very dry ass phlem

  7. Adventurers are gathering on the outskirts of the Dwarven Village, the minecart system leading to the Crystal Hollows is finally repaired!

    ► The Crystal Hollows

    This mining area filled with Gemstones and secrets is accessible to anyone above Heart of the Mountain 3.
    Gwendolyn grants passage for a mere 10 thousand coins. Pay the price and you will have access for 2 hours!

    Once in the Crystal Hollows, you can either follow the tunnels, or branch away into the unknown. The stone outside of the tunnels is harder than usual, but very rich in ores and gemstones.

    New Collections: Hard Stone and Gemstones.

    Gemstones are special minerals imbued with power, each Gemstone is affiliated with a different SkyBlock stat.
    There are 3 Mining related Gemstones:
    Jade, from the Dwarven Biome, gives Mining Fortune
    Amber, from the Goblin Biome, gives Mining Speed
    Topaz, from the Magma Biome, gives Pristine

    The other 4 Gemstones are related to Combat:
    Ruby, which can be found everywhere in the Crystal Hollows, gives Health
    Amethyst, from the Jungle Biome, gives Defense
    Sapphire, from the Precursor Biome, gives Intelligence
    Jasper, from the very rare Fairy Biome, gives Strength

    Talk to Geo, near Gwendolyn, they know all about Gemstones and their usage.

    The Gemstone Grinder next to him is able to apply Gemstones to specific items. Not all items can have Gemstones!

    Because Gemstones can be found in different quality, such as Rough, Flawed, Fine, Flawless and Perfect; you will only get the full potential of the Gemstone slots with the highest rarity Gemstones.
    Gemstones can be removed at any time through Geo.

    Crystal Nucleus

    While exploring the Crystal Hollows, you will come across unique Gemstone Crystals. Collect all 5 of them and bring them to the Crystal Nucleus room located in the center of the entire area to obtain rare unique rewards. The Gemstone Crystals won't be easy to collect - each of them will require a few objectives to be completed before you can grab them!

    ► New Mining Content

    On top of the Crystal Hollows, this update includes:

    New Mining Events
    2 New Heart of the Mountain levels, which can be upgraded with Gemstone Powder
    A Minecart system across the Dwarven Caves, which can be use to travel faster
    Mining Achievements
    Many bug fixes
    Small changes:
    Slayer Commissions now require 2x less monsters to kill
    The Powder Ghast screams will now be 2x less annoying
    Buffs to some drills and Heart of the Mountain perks
    Jotraeline now allows to remove Drill modules

    That's it! We hope you will enjoy this update.
  8. Originally posted by A College Professor he iscurrentlylost ina cavewith 3 dufflebag of etiz and needs youre help to findhis way out

    go left!
  9. it feels like there's a 3D puzzle in my upper respiratory tract

    i hope it's just a lung infection because I am on the worst bad luck streak of my life
  10. can i borrow 20
  11. Originally posted by Mike David from Redbar Radio Are you against the FDA and its actions or not?

    Yeah I am but thats not the world I live in. I live in a world where drugs need to be tested for 5-10 years to be approved.

    They skipped the testing because they are pretty sure it wont kill us all and even if it does it will be less deaths than covid. I get it

    But if it takes 5 years of spinning to be a spinner and the president of spinning comes along and makes his son a spinner even though he didn't spin for 5 years. You can't just change the terms and call things safe because "uhh... well.. we approved it so it must be safe right?"


    So you are comparing a life saving vaccine to a street drug cooked in a lab and honestly it's a good comparison. Most modern "street drugs" have much more medical literature associated with them than the vaccine so of course I Am willing to take a drug that has existed for hundreds of years

    If you can't see how people find issue with any of this you should try taking the boot out of your mouth and consider others for once. NOPE THEY ARE ALL RIGHT WING VICTIMS
  12. this will catch you up

  13. jean shorts with a jean jacket
  14. lol it went back up to 70

    why do I even try anymore i'm just gona eat a benadryl and let this place destroy itself why the fuck do i care
  15. I have successfully lowered the humidity. I don't know what I was so angry about.
  16. instead of fix the retard fire alarm or CUT IT OUT OF THE WALLS like I'm going to do some day instead they got cameras installed in every floor and the one on my floor points directly at my door because you can also see the fire escape door so now there's a camera recording me in the fucking hallway outside my door at all times probably live streamed feed to the FBI to laugh at me taking out the garbage in my pajamas.
  17. the roof looks like it's buckling and going to collapse.
  18. Originally posted by mmQ well what the h

    I thought your place was just fine. What happened ?

    it's old as fuck and retarded. The power line explodes and catches fire and the power line landed on the METAL fire escape once and caught a bush on fire. The power goes out all the time, everything leaks fucking water everywhere from every direction all the time non stop and the pipes are retard pipes. Every pipe outside is fucked, constant construction and digging up the road to fix shit. The fire alarm system is connected inside the walls right next to the pipes and if it gets any moisture the fire alarm for the entire building goes off and they need to send fire inspectors to MY APARTMENT SPECIFICALLY at 8pm, the internet always goes out

    It's just endless bullshit and retardation
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