[dissolutely whisk the pantheon]
Enter chose the wrong (or right) time to leave
2018-05-10 at 9:55 PM UTC
Matchmaker Thread!
[dissolutely whisk the pantheon]
Name: Daily
Age: 25
Gender and Preferred Pronouns: M
Location: Londonistan
Religion: A blend between Orthodox Christianity, Islam and atheism. Don't ask
Political Views: Right wing death squads with flamethrowers attached to their backs and canines on a leash when
Interests: Shopping, grooming, protein, self-restraint that eventually fails but feels so good when it does, anti-semitism, money laundering, sexism, poetry, homophobia, art, using persuasion and verbal trickery to make you believe what I believe is normal or good
What I'm looking for: Somebody slightly stupider than me but that will eventually become me so we can create and raise children that are like me who will, in turn, create and raise children like me
[dissolutely whisk the pantheon]
If you hit the gym, got your hair cut in a way that suited your head shape and styled it with hair product conducive to the texture of your hair, you could easily be a 6/10 in looks (which doesn't matter that much beyond first impressions because 90% of what a female finds attractive about a man is his character and males don't care about your looks as long as you are adequately groomed and don't embarrass them)
Agreed with Zanick about staying away from hats. Experiment with facial hair. Wear nice cologne
[dissolutely whisk the pantheon]
Honestly, I've done a lot of fucked up things in my life, many illegal, but one thing has always stuck with me in particular (not trolling)
8 years old. Vladivostok. My mother took me to visit an old lady (family friend), perhaps 80 years old whose husband had just died. She was all alone in this big empty house and I remember thinking about Final Fantasy VIII (I had already emigrated to England a year ago but we returned for a few weeks) and how hot Squall looked and I really wished I looked like him (plot twist: I look better and I'm a 9/10)
The house had an office filled with books, hundreds and hundreds of them, and I remember the old lady saying something about not knowing what to do with all her husband's stuff because their son and daughter would have no use for them
Back then I had this weird habit of building up saliva in my mouth and then spitting it all out. It was so satisfying - I always tried to beat my previous record and see if I could make myself salivate until my mouth was totally full and I looked like a hamster. Sometimes I envisioned my mouth being filled with so much saliva it would pop and everything would burst out like a water balloon
I sneaked into the old lady's dead husband who fought in WW2's office and was looking through these old books, building up saliva in my mouth as I went. As I was flicking through The Master and the Margarita by Bulgakov the urge to spit was unbearable and I spat out what must have been about 100ml of spit right into the middle of the book and quickly shut it, the spit dripping out the sides of the pages, and I shoved it back into the shelf between all the other books. I suddenly got scared as if the old man's ghost would appear next to me and I ran out to go be with my mum and the old lady. I couldn't even look at her. I was disgusted with myself and to this day I still feel incredibly guilty
That was the last time I had ever done the saliva thing and to this day I feel uncomfortable looking at the cover or simply reading the title of The Master and the Margarita
[dissolutely whisk the pantheon]
OP have you ever been diagnosed or have you ever self-diagnosed if so what hapen
2018-05-10 at 6:48 PM UTC
How to be more sophisticated?
[dissolutely whisk the pantheon]
Get arrested for embezzlement or securities fraud instead of harassment and strangulation
[dissolutely whisk the pantheon]
If I had to choose I would rather have persistent sunshine and hot weather
When everything is yellow I'm in a fantastic mood and I feel like nothing can really bring me down. When I think about the tragic things happening around the world but the weather is sunny, I dramatise everything and make it seem movie-like while understanding and accepting the true nature of nature
I also find it easier to detach my rational brain from my emotions - for example I have received tragic news when it was sunny but I was calm and collected, impervious even. I did not feel an increase in heart rate or feel my palms sweating. I simply thought "this is terrible, but everything will be okay in the end" and this sentence overrode my feelings
When the weather is shit, however, for example heavy rain with no humidity, it's easier to bring me down - once it was raining non-stop for days and days and my ex made me watch The Notebook and I cried at the ending. When we broke up, I didn't cry. It was sunny
[dissolutely whisk the pantheon]
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING. His humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of counter-Semitism most of the jokes will go over a typical user's head. There’s also MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING's optimistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Ernst Zundel literature, for instance. Some users understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of his jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny - they say something deep about jediS. As a consequence people who dislike MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING truly ARE idiots - of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in his existential catchphrase “this is why you shouldn't drink whiskey,” which itself is a cryptic reference to David McCalden's the Institute for Historical Review. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING's genius wit unfolds itself on their threads. What fools.. how I pity them.
2018-05-10 at 4:43 PM UTC
Matchmaker Thread!
[dissolutely whisk the pantheon]
I heard Lanny's pretty hot
2018-05-10 at 4:17 PM UTC
Attn: HTS
[dissolutely whisk the pantheon]
He has a boyfriend you needy unstable fagat
He needs an adult
[dissolutely whisk the pantheon]
Where am I in all of this
[dissolutely whisk the pantheon]
Who the fuck is Mason Reeve and who do you think the kid is, Zok before the CIA genetically engineered him to look less ginger?
[dissolutely whisk the pantheon]
No it's all entangled space we can't separate it into other entangled space and it's all the same gear