NASA would not waste their time disproving planet X and Nibiru retard they have more important things to worry about like global warming and climate change.
Planet X was debunked years ago by Alex Jones and we all laugh at how far back you apes really are "TO THE FUTURE"
Originally posted by LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery
What the fuck does that have to do with anything? We have telescopes that can see planets in other fucking solar systems now. We'd know now if there was another planet in our own solar system, or nearby, that we hadn't known about. And it's not horse shit. Google "NASA Nibiru". Herp derp
What are you even talking about i'm saying its real and they found it
Proponets of climate change.. .do you really think this is global warming?. I definately believe in it now that its just hot as fuck outside (or maybe I just don't like the heat)
The world should set off a series off ICBMs to trigger nuclear winter
I've been hearing about Nibiru since I was 9 years old not even joking. I remember some kids in my neighborhood growing up talking about planet X and all that.. this must have been in the early 2000's or late 1990's.
Originally posted by LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery
Forcing a meme is a perfect way to make sure it doesn't work and everyone thinks it's lame. Especially if it's you doing it. They are supposed to just happen.