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Posts That Were Thanked by Narc

  1. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by šŸæ Not really.

    Albuquerque's famous for it
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by šŸæ Do they wear body cams where you live? And they should have radio traffic recording at the least.

    lol, the body cams always 'malfunction' when something like this happens
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  3. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Dark Matter [my scoffingly uncritical tinning]
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny i wish slavery is still on so that i can purchase you.

    You couldn't afford her šŸ¤£
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  4. Technologist victim of incest
    Listen pedo faggot. I do not go anywhere near your threads, Iā€™d appreciate it if youā€™d do the same. You come into my threads youā€™re asking for me to rip your ass up.

    I hope so bad that you get busted and either get killed or go to jail so you can be raped daily. Now fuck off faggot. Go bother someone who gives a shit about what you say. You are one of about 5 posters that I scroll right by.
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  5. Originally posted by Technologist Yup,
    Youā€™re right Aldra, but things are way different now since the Mueller report came out, and heā€™s scrambling to save his ass. Like I said, he may not get impeached, but this will not end well. He said heā€™s gonna run to the SCOTUS, to stop impeachment, like a little baby running to his mommy; problem is, heā€™ll be kicked out on his ass, poor baby.

    sorry to break your dreams but ive read muler's report [all 400+ pages of it] and theres absolutely nothing that incriminates trumpt in it.
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  6. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Technologist Trump is getting scared now. Heā€™s stonewalling congress. This wonā€™t end well for him.

    said the headline, again and again since 2015
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  7. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    I struggle to even think of him and Bolton (as well as many others of their ilk) as 'people'.

    it's almost like western politics is an insane dysgenics project
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  8. Who African Astronaut [that staidly controlling tamarillo]
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  9. Lanny Bird of Courage
    So on one of the pages I'm developing we have some legal disclosures because everything has to have disclosures. They have to come from the legal group though and they haven't figured out the copy yet, so I just threw in some text to hold the space and pad out the layout appropriately. I usually make some joke because lorem ipsum is boring. So I put in some stuff like "this product is known to the state of California to cause cancer". It was only supposed to be seen by QA who know it's a placeholder but the translation group got their hands on it and raised it to like my boss thrice removed. I got chewed out pretty royally lol, told that it was extremely unprofessional. Oh the joys of American corporate life.
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  10. Krow African Astronaut
    Everyone's life was harder than the other.

    different violent situations and different hardships and heartbreaks for everyone at some point.
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  11. Common De-mominator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny it tickles me when people who dabble in illegal trades talk about morality.

    Illegal is not necessarily immoral. Otherwise you wouldn't have any grounds to change any nation's laws, ever.
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  12. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny it tickles me when people who dabble in illegal trades talk about morality.

    it's hilarious that you've broken the law before yet here you are trying to talk about the morality of who should be talking about morality
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  13. Common De-mominator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Well in fairness they are risking spending the rest of their lives in prison just for running the site.

    ... And if their plan is to scam people out of millions of dollars then they should.

    I have sympathy for DNM operators who are simply trying to provide a service and taking a cut for it. It's illegal but I don't think it is immoral. Whereas if you're planning to steal money, you can get fucked.
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  14. Originally posted by CandyRein Thatā€™s some real stuff right there spectral .. I couldā€™nt imagine growing up during that time personally

    look at his high polished enamels. thats due to lies going thru his teeths.
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  15. whoami Tuskegee Airman
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  16. Originally posted by Bill Krozby i guess people that are rich enough to afford tv's…

    I guess we've found out what Bill Krozby considers being rich...owning a $249 TV from Walmart.

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  17. mashlehash victim of incest [my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
    Because pedophiles should be shambled of their crocket penis
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  18. Helladamnleet African Astronaut [impartially tyrannize that lentinus]
    Originally posted by WellHung Mal seems like much too good of a person to have had any dealings with Bill Krozby.

    If you actually look at the thread nothing has really been confirmed one way or the other. Who gives a fuck if he figured out who it is? It doesn't negate any rape accusations. If anything it just makes the rape more credible since now he confirmed knowing her.
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  19. Lanny Bird of Courage
    He forgets his password every couple months and has to make a new account lol
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  20. Erekshun Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by WellHung I believe that marijuana can be medicinal… but I also believe that it can be a mentally addictive, psychoactive drug with noteworthy negative side effects. However, for most people, unlike most other drugs, I feel that it will offer more positives than negatives.

    I am not against MJ, it's just if you think people are fine driving while high is where I disagree, from experience.
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