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Posts by twistquest

  1. twistquest Yung Blood
    Originally posted by mmQ Impossible.

    Not exactly. Maybe from a psychological standpoint, as in, I'll go crazy at some point. But hey, I've spent 10+ years on my computer already at this point. I've practically been isolated my whole life; I am nothing. Perhaps I've already lost it. Either way, I'm likely going to be dead in 2 years. So it doesn't matter.

    Post last edited by twistquest at 2017-11-28T07:04:48.311048+00:00
  2. twistquest Yung Blood
    Originally posted by mmQ What is 'completely shutting yourself off to people?'

    Are we all utter shit too?

    4:20 belays itt

    Complete isolation. Hikikomori.
  3. twistquest Yung Blood
    Peh, I thought that was CF. Good album, btw.
  4. twistquest Yung Blood
    Originally posted by bling bling got a boob job and do a crime ull meet alot ok

    Also good advice.
  5. twistquest Yung Blood

    Post last edited by twistquest at 2017-11-25T03:19:58.189127+00:00
  6. twistquest Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon You

    Actually, I don't. People are utter shit and I want nothing to do with them. I'm taking the Malice route and completely shutting myself off.

    Hey, what's your life like? Honest question.

    Post last edited by twistquest at 2017-11-24T10:02:48.107902+00:00
  7. twistquest Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon I can guarantee that you're a 3/10 or lower

    Who the fuck cares?
  8. twistquest Yung Blood
    Originally posted by 霍比特人说中文不好 Just treat women like humans, Jesus.

    Also sound advice.

    Originally posted by Dargo Yeah, Enter, I've seen some seriously hideous and awkward people walking around as couples. So unless you're a wheelchair bound autist, you can find someone.

    Yeah, not everyone wants to be with an ugly woman.
  9. twistquest Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Enter I don't know any girls at all, and I'm depressed and it sucks. :( I hate my life.

    Inb4 "find happiness without girls bro". That's easy for you to say – I guarantee you get laid more than me.

    Step 1: Don't ask this forum. You seriously think most (if not, all) members here know how to talk to women, or do so on a consistent basis?

    Post last edited by twistquest at 2017-11-15T01:43:02.137212+00:00
  10. twistquest Yung Blood
    Sup Sploo.
  11. twistquest Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Time Travelling # Bro Malice is dead I can assure you that, but foul play is definately involved in this case.

    I have been tracking him for several years as he was a state funded government researcher and has testified in several court cases as a DEA special witness expert in his field of research. He worked closely alongside undercover agents and was an essential role in certain darknet investigations.

    There was a splinter in the internal workings of the FBI though and some agents stole bitcoins from the silkroad master wallet and tried to flee, Malice was loosely tied to this and because of his work and service to the country became aware of more dirty elements in this sector.

    He was a whistleblower and the later half of his life was spent in isolation and government safe houses while we investigated his claims further. This is when his depression and drug use began.

    His suicide is not characteristic of him at all and is being investigated as a murder. Nobody can find any direct enemies or personal problems which leads me to believe he was assassinated for knowing too much.

    I would just like to say this was an innocent man serving his country and doesn't deserve to die the way he did which was especially brutal and the way his family was informed leads me to believe this was an inside job. At the end of his life he had less than $100 in his bank account and was attending school to further his educational background and obtain a degree in public policy and psychology.

    I'm taking a risk posting all of this as I suspect his movements were traced online and his location pinpointed through EXIF data of certain pictures. I have considered getting a suppeona of this forum and Reddit to read his sent messages which may provide clues into his murder but if any of you have any information that he might of told you before he was murdered.

    I have evidence to suspect he was threatened and took no action regarding the threats..

    Post last edited by Time Travelling # Bro at 2017-10-05T18:53:43.041736+00:00

    Post last edited by Time Travelling # Bro at 2017-10-05T19:08:25.554231+00:00

    Why the hell did you link my profile?
  12. twistquest Yung Blood
    Autistic people never win.
  13. twistquest Yung Blood
    Originally posted by CASPER I think theres only two logical conclusions

    1. He realized that he'll never have any chance at any sort of fulfillment in life unless he cuts the cord with this "community" and builds some substantial friendships and relationshipos IRL, or decided he would go on hiatus for a few months until he was in the swing of school and everything….. in which case I could not be prouder of my aspie internet-son.


    2. (And these are both equally as possible, so I put them together) He started going to school and due to assburgers and inability to read normal social cues, put his hand on a chicks leg (not likely), or said something inappropriate bordering on illegal (a lot more likely)or said something to someone that he shouldnt have, and ended up getting the shit kicked out of him. Or he went out on one of his homemade "drug cocktails" and cheap discount rack white wine, he went rambling about town, started yelling at the "pitiful normies", got the police called, they determined he was indeed intoxicated, and ended up in jail. Maybe they found something on him. Or he took my advice and tried to score actual drugs/ went to a massage parlor and got caught up in a raid, and not having any irl friends to post bail for him, he mightve called his (secondary, of lesser importance) parents who now have him in their less-loving embrace.

    Or he tried to sell gold coins again to the guy he was talking about that he met before, and since he was buttered up so well during the first meeting, with the buyer getting him all druk and taking him to a strip club, this time, the buyer called up a couple of sherm smoking OG niggers to pocket check our lil vato.

    E: In b4 "thats not two dude". #2 is all a result of his hikkikomori-ness/ sperg and inability to read peoples intentions.

    Well, he posted on Reddit 2 weeks ago:

    Looks like it's #1, along with him fucking with you guys.
  14. twistquest Yung Blood
    Bump. Great post.

    I also believe the vast majority of relationships are fake in this world. Very few are genuine.

    Post last edited by twistquest at 2017-09-04T09:14:00.438794+00:00
  15. twistquest Yung Blood

    My ASD quotient results:

    I found it really hard to answer the questions. Not because of lack of self-awareness, but because some questions seem to correlate with certain behaviors that aren't from Asperger's (ADHD, soc. anxiety, dysthymia/depression, etc.). For example - the question "I am often the last to understand the point of a joke", I chose "slightly agree". While this question is obviously a point towards autism, I think it is explained by ADHD more than anything else, because my focusing issues often prevent me from getting to the essence of something. So, I feel like my score may be skewed in some ways.

    So, here's what I did. I took the test two times: first time, I answered each question based on what specifically and literally applies to me at this point in time, regardless of whether or not I believe autism to be the root of it. Second time, I answered each question based on a simulation of myself mentally healthy; how I think I would score if my mental health/ADHD issues were completely eradicated. That result could be somewhat inaccurate, but I seem to be better at envisioning myself in the future compared to some people.

    Result 1: Present moment:

    Result 2: Mentally healthy simulation:

    I'm actually considering breaking down/doing some reasoning behind each answer on the first test, if you'd find that interesting (doubt it, but you do like to analyze people (unless that's another joke) so who knows)
  16. twistquest Yung Blood
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Suicide is never the answer.

    l o l
  17. twistquest Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon See this is what the fuck I'm talking about. Girl, how you gonna post 5 essays a day and still write like shit? I'm not asking for Hemingway here, just cut to the chase.

    Holy shit dude, you're such an asshole.
  18. twistquest Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon Someone who has made a post cannot invoke inb4 for something pertaining to their post.

    Lol, that's not what I did. It was just a humorous statement based on extremely mild annoyance.

    Originally posted by Captain Falcon And I will keep expressing my absolute disinterest in reading these posts until you learn how to write. Because being able to diarrheate out 600 lines of bullshit is not the same thing as writing well.

    While I'm not saying I'm a great writer, there's a difference between what I'm doing and someone who is writing a long-winded wall of text over 3000 characters to explain something (rather than spacing it out in paragraphs), with multiple value judgments technically irrelevant to what they're specifically describing that are uninteresting to most people.

    You stating that I don't know how to write seems to be based off of your opinion; annoyance over walls of text that you don't care about - you prefer posts that are far more concise, and drive a point home quicker. While you're certainly entitled to your opinion, you seem to be expressing it as fact, saying I don't know how to write just because I don't have a writing style that is tolerable to you. Also keep in mind that I'm talking about relatively complicated subjects, which require more text and paragraphs. If I was "diarrheating several lines of bullshit" as you put it, I'd be talking about why Donald Trump is unqualified to be president (let alone, be able to run a campaign) because he's a celebrity and has a certain skin tone that makes him look like an oompa loompa, and then go into precise detail about the latest shit that I took and how much it hurt. (That didn't happen and I don't have that exact reasoning about Donald Trump, btw, just for those on here who tend to take things literally). You know, stuff that has no substance. Except I'm not doing that, I have valid questions for people about things that are of concern to me, which require a lot of text for the point to be driven through.

    That statement you just made not only makes you look like an asshole, but an idiot as well. Not saying you're both, but you look like both here. (Although, you do come across as an asshole judging from your posts)
  19. twistquest Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon Also, OP can't inb4.

    What the hell is this supposed to mean?

    How long are you going to keep up this shitposting schtick? What are you getting out of it, exactly? Btw, I'm not mad or even mildly annoyed; I just think you're being kind of a dick. Actually, I shouldn't even respond to you, since I'd be feeding you - but I figured since I'm here, since I'm bored - and since you wrote something bizarre (quoted above), I'd give it a whirl.
  20. twistquest Yung Blood
    Finally got a chance to get back to you. (inb4 Captain Falcon "didn't read", inb4 sploo "haha kill yourself autistic retard cuck", inb4 other posters call me a faggot.)

    Originally posted by Malice I don't know what your level of awareness and accuracy of the perceptions of others is, it varies a lot in aspies due to the social deficits and problems with theory of mind most have. To be clear, I mean, specifically, how well can you usually gauge how others see you or what you're doing? Do you find it difficult to understand people and social behavior?

    I'd say overall I'm fairly good with this, probably above average skills for people with Asperger's. I'd probably be even better (possibly much better) if I had a deeper understanding of sociology and psychology (which I am planning on researching much deeper once I find a way to kill the myriad mental/neurological issues; the concentration/athletic abilities problems). I'm good at recognizing facial expressions and body language. Don't have trouble recognizing the motivations of others, either - I have decent judgement regarding deciding who's a good person to speak with, who to trust, etc. Maybe some real-time issues every now and then, but that's probably mostly due to my concentration/distraction issues. I will say that how I express empathy is somewhat interesting: I definitely have no trouble being able to put myself in a person's shoes while observing one's situation, but it's far more of a intellectual/theoretical understanding; usually I can't feel what they're feeling. So when talking to someone (like, my sister for example) about a problem, I put myself in that person's shoes, gain a theoretical understanding of what they're going through and how they're feeling rather than an emotional one, and force myself to feel what they're feeling. Pragmatically speaking, though, this doesn't seem to be an issue; I appear to express empathy normally - even therapists in group programs I was in have referenced that.

    Originally posted by Malice The reason I ask is because this is a very abnormal level of fixation. Nearly all normies would likely be unnerved ("creeped out") and consider this stalking, an unhealthy level of obsession. At least from the impression they would receive, which of course may not be accurate.

    Well, I don't want to give the impression that I'm obsessed with you, I'm not lol. However, I can relate to you in some core ways - we both have Asperger's and we've both been at least generally socially isolated for a decade (obviously your isolation has been far more consistent). Also, I find your writing interesting. So, since I typically have nothing to do, as a general shut in/hiki, and since I'm swimming in a constant pool of lethargy - I kind of just go with it regarding what I feel like doing (there's no routine or limit to how much I indulge in something), and for the past two months I've felt like coming back to your NIS profile on occasion and reading your posts, just to get a sense for what goes on in your mind in regards to your life, yourself, even the external world. I find information like that not only interesting, but able to put some things in perspective regarding my life, in a way, since I've dealt with things that you've dealt with that have caused great stress, like Asperger's and social isolation.

    Actually, I probably haven't read every single post of yours. I've definitely made it to the last page (325), but the only posts I've read in entirety have been things that have interested me - mainly Asperger's, your personal life, social isolation, and humanity (and sometimes politics), and how those subjects relate to you. The rest are posts that I've just skimmed (due to me not finding them as interesting and distraction from thoughts/feelings), and posts about certain subjects that I didn't have any general knowledge of were barely skimmed/essentially skipped because I couldn't understand what you were talking about (again, the ADHD/SCT fueled distraction is of influence here).

    Other shit:

    I'm going to take the the Autism Spectrum Quotient test when I have time later - just because what the hell, I'm curious to see what you think of my results.

    Btw, what do you think of this test? I've taken it about three times, each time I've taken it my results always came back as "you are very likely neurotypical". First two times I probably wasn't that self-aware with the test, which skewed the score. Last time I took it (about three years ago) I answered each question as if a certain trait/problem was brought about by things other than autism (like social anxiety and depression. For example, a question such as "I find social situations easy" is something I would answer "slightly agree" (or potentially definitely agree) if I didn't have social anxiety or depression, but I would answer "slightly disagree" or "definitely disagree" since I have those mental health problems - which would inflate my ASD score.) and for some reason I still didn't make the cutoff for Asperger's; I may have scored as "you have a mix of aspie and neurotypical traits" but I can't remember.

    Oh, and one more thing about IQ/psychometrics:

    How young were you when you tested in the gifted range? I'm assuming 6 or 7 since you said it was in the first grade, but just to clarify. Since you and I both have ADD, and since you think my IQ score was probably invalid/much lower than actual IQ due to certain neurological issues, why did ADD interfere with my IQ score, and not yours? I did have some other issues around the time I took that test at age 6, like mild anxiety (and the like), possibly Asperger's related issues too - but I'm quite sure ADHD was the main issue. Do you remember your mental state at the time you took the test, or around that particular time in your life? Did your ADD problems just not manifest yet at that point in your life?

    You know, I have an even better question. Hypothetically speaking: let's say my actual IQ does lie at least in the above average range. Since I have mental/neurological issues that interfere with accessing my IQ, I'm planning on using various nootropics and other substances, in a regimen, that will help me try to reverse this brain pattern - so I can actually access and utilize my intelligence. However, I have a strong feeling that drugs alone will not be able to fully help. When I talked to my online friend about this, he suggested that a facet of this problem could be part of a certain thought pattern/distortion, something that would probably have to be worked out in therapy programs like CBT and meditation. The problem there, is that therapy programs like that require focus, which I lack - so those therapy methods are rendered essentially useless. I really have a feeling drugs alone won't be able to increase the chances of improving my focus. When I take stuff like Adderall (mainly XR, but have some experience with IR), my ADHD/SCT aren't improved at all - matter of fact, they get worse. Concentration/info retention issues also persist, sometimes barely improve, but that improvement is very inconsistent. The amphetamine essentially works like an antidepressant, sparking motivation rather than urges to discipline myself. I only have motivation to do generally useless things.

    So, you have to understand why I'm still skeptical; why I'm worried about the validity of such a score, why it could be true. Don't get me wrong, your message definitely helped me (along with the Reddit posts) and I've gotten the perspective/degree of clarity I needed to calm me down - I even have an urge to lean towards the possibility that my IQ score was invalid due to myriad mental problems. But of course, talking to people on the internet about it won't completely clarify this - taking an IQ test will - and obviously, I'm not in the headspace that will allow me to receive a valid score.

    So, noots/substances I'm planning on incorporating into a general regimen:

    Racetam (my friend isn't sure of which type to buy and send me, seems like he's leaning towards piracetam)

    Along with some other stuff my friend is planning on sending me as well - stuff that could potentially act as stop-gaps.

    Do you agree with my friend that this could be a thought distortion that needs to be worked on in therapy? (really fucking hope not, but eh...) If so, any treatments that you think would help, besides CBT and meditation?

    Originally posted by Malice I genuinely would want to kill myself if I had a 96/average IQ. The vast majority of people have not studied psychometrics and don't understand the implications, the wide ranging and critical importance of general intelligence. The effects it would have on your life are just horrific and it would greatly limit what you were able to do, how far you would be able to reach in higher education, the careers that were suitable for you (far more menial and physical). You have no idea how bad it really is to be an average human being. It would be an absolute neverending nightmare you could never expect other than through death.

    Yeah, same. Haha...
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