Not in this case. Thank you, though.
I'd especially value the input of a person that is experienced in taking Mescaline.
2017-06-15 at 8:46 PM UTC
Investing in Ethereum?
Seems like it's already mainstream. Now or never.
I have no idea how LEET's day is going so I can't answer the question. Sorry.
I'd have to get personal so I can't talk about it on the forums and I need someone who has extensive first hand experience with psychedelics and is willing to give me their point of view.
2017-06-15 at 8:35 PM UTC
Cutting with ECY stack
The FDA banned Picamilon in the US a couple years ago for no apparent (to me) reason. It is Niacin coupled with GABA and allows the GABA to cross the BBB it is a weak stim/anxiolytic but an amazing focus drug. I prefer it over Racetams and ECY/A stacks. Maybe try to get your hands on that stuff.
Also, if you got Depakote for BPD you might try Baclofen, Gabapentin, Pregabalin. Do a little research, it should be easy to convince your doc to try that route since you were already on it.
Does anyone here fit that description?
When I was hustling hard and all about that life, everything made more sense. Being angry and all that actually fitted the atmposphere. It was an essential part. A driving force.
Now it just seems out of place but I can't get rid of it. I need a target for my hate and since nothing in my life is hateworthy now it all falls back on me and I hate myself for hating shit.
I need a high dose trip to decide my faith.
2017-06-15 at 7:39 PM UTC
best in ear headphone
I'll write that down.
Though, I'm also confused and rather interested in which phone will get me the most big black caaaawwk.
2017-06-15 at 6:19 PM UTC
Novel ideas
Go fuck yourself, bruh. Hahahaha.
2017-06-15 at 6:04 PM UTC
best in ear headphone
What's the best smartphone on the market right now?
2017-06-15 at 3:54 PM UTC
I got my mail-order kid today
Yes, the answer is that the author is unknown. I have already done my homework.
You claim things you can't prove as usual you limp dick.