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Posts by RisiR †

  1. RisiR † 29 Autism
  2. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by mmQ I see scron quotes but no posts. He was posting nice tonight.


    Shut the fuck up.
  3. RisiR † 29 Autism

    I can't see the time it happens but about a 1/3 into the video a dude gets fucked up real bad, picked up and fucked up again.
  4. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by greenplastic what a stupid song

    If a nigger made it you would have it running in the background when you suck dicks for 30 bucks an hour.
  5. RisiR † 29 Autism
    I agree with Finny you sissy fucks, lol.

    Do you guys cook your own meals?
  6. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Welcome to ten years ago.
  7. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by Malice Has anyone heard of this before? It sounds cool as fuck:

    Didn't click but if it's about inmates fighting there way out of prison, yes. I got a shitload of videos.
  8. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by Malice It's only more dangerous because the vast majority of people were not and still aren't familiar with the pharmaceutical regimen, instead using one large dose. I mentioned before my experience with this regimen, starting at 250mg 3x and going up to 300mg 3x. The effects increased over time and eventually became so strong that it was considerably more powerful than a single large dose, despite taking half the amount spread out over a day. Dropping down to dosing twice a day at a lower dose probably would have been enough, the effects were excessive at that level. I stopped with a very rapid taper and didn't experience any withdrawals after having used it like this every day for 6-8 weeks. Sploo said he experienced the same lack of withdrawals when using this regimen.

    I would say it's far safer if used the way it's meant to be used.

    Have you ever used Benzos as they were meant to be used?

    I actually experienced that reverse tolerance thing, as well. No WDs, either. I believe I was only able to crash my Benzo habit so hard in the beginning (from 20mg Meclonazepam, 8-12mg Flubromazepam/Others to 4mg MCZP directly) because of the Phenibut.

    Post last edited by RisiR † at 2017-06-29T22:33:43.471325+00:00
  9. RisiR † 29 Autism

    I should have pointed out that I meant in combination with other drugs.

    I really don't give enough of a shit to pull a bunch of links and studies out of my ass. If you had done your research you would know about the reports by people who claim to get WDs after just a couple days of use. It is recommended to use it 3 times a week max. Benzos are clinically used for a month regulary.

    There's a case studie about a dude who got dependent on Pheni but the Pheni protected him from getting dependent on Benzos. Pretty neat but the study is kinda wack.

    Anyway, it is more addictive. GABAb downregulation happens a lot faster than witth GABAa. You might be right about the casualties, though.

    It is definitely not to be played with.
  10. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by Scrawny II Please don't bring up sex it just makes me angry.

    That was deadpan as fuck. Haha.
  11. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by 霍比特人 Phenibut is waaaaay safer than benzos though. Just because you didn't have seizures doesn't mean other people don't. Though I agree, its way more than a nootropic. I think it only gets that moniker because vendors who sell nootropics also sell phenibut.

    Except for the respiratory depression, how is it safer? Pheni is far more addictive and WDs can kill you, as well. It isn't safer at all.
  12. RisiR † 29 Autism
    I think the nigger who ran away like craz thought it was a gunshot.
  13. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Phenibut and TPAIN aren't just weak ass nootropics you mongos.

    Phenibut was developed for Russian astronauts and is prescribed in Russia in 300mg dosages against alcoholism. TPAIN is all kinds of shit. Non of you idiots seem to do any research and assume all kinds of bullshit. You deserve to suffer.

    I have been taking Benzos for 8 years and never had to go to the ER or had a seizure or anything. They help me tremendously even though I abused them heavily for a while.

    I'd never take drug advice from a TPAIN junkie. You must be severly retarded to abuse that stuff.
  14. RisiR † 29 Autism
    You met him to buy drugs but you won't play ping pong with him?!
  15. RisiR † 29 Autism

    You're just banned for a couple of days.
  16. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by Kolokol-1 Don't take it personally, Lanny

    Did Lanny invite everyone to play Ping Pong?
  17. RisiR † 29 Autism
    I would kill to be able to die from that.
  18. RisiR † 29 Autism
    You're a real piece of shit, dude.
  19. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Why would I want to make people who don't like me happy for a short time until they forget me?

    Thats some 14 year old emo girl shit. You're a faggot.
  20. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Human relationships have drained my internal happiness and isolation made it worse. Re-engaging was tough and worthless again.

    I'm pretty fucked at this point.
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