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Posts by RisiR †

  1. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Tell me more about the time you were 13.
  2. RisiR † 29 Autism
    twistquest, you should avoid Malice at all costs. He doesn't understand reality and only knows his own agenda which is "Everything is Аutism and I'm the king of it".

    He seems smart at first but then you figure him out and he's still smart but also a total idiot. He's like a bubble-boy kinda person when it comes to intelligence.
  3. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by Kinkou Well you'll just have to express your German feelings here then :p

    Ohh, we got a little exhibitionist here. Nice. You should visit me in Germany so we can go to a nude beach and let everyone watch.
  4. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Rotterdam got some good ultras, too. They make action.

    Though, my point was that the ANTIFA shenanigans in Hamburg are nothing special. We got choppers in the air and riot cops here every weekend and sometimes wednesday just because of football. I walk those steps and that trainstation almost every day.
  5. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by mmQ Yeah maybe solace wasn't the right word. A strange…

    I don't know the word.

    I know what you mean though. In simple form, it's like being on a sports team where everyone is rooting for you to do well, and you keep being shitty at the sport, but they keep rooting for you, and you're like 'FUCK, STOP IT. I'M NOT GOOD AT THE SPORT,' but they tell you we're not here for you to do good we're here to support you and just watch you play, and then you get all sad and emotional and cry uncontrollably on the middle of the field holding up the game all awkwardly while everyone else in the audience boos at you. :)

    This post made more sense to me than anything ever.
  6. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Mein Kampf.
  7. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Yea, I have been. Funny story. I'll tell it another time. Hahaha.
  8. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Yea, I can decipher the PMs but I can't answer.
  9. RisiR † 29 Autism

    or my mom will park in one spot and suddenly a car will park right next to us or shit like that.
  10. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Hey Kinky, can't PM you at the moment because Lanny messed the site up.
  11. RisiR † 29 Autism
    This is a video of a dude from LA, I think and he now lives in Stuttgart. It's his first football game...

  12. RisiR † 29 Autism
    I'll poke your prostate, boy.

    Yea, uhh, HTC One?
  13. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by sploo i like how the response to me being a genius is "oh yeah well IQ TESTS DONT MEASURE IQ, THERE MUST BE SOMETHING WRONG WITH THE TESTS" like lol ok if it makes you feel better

    I like how you look when you sleep.
  14. RisiR † 29 Autism
    I honestly think you overestimate your Аutismo intelligence, bro. Calm down.
  15. RisiR † 29 Autism
    I saw a Youtube video called "Weaponized Аutism". Just letting you know.
  16. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by Malice Lanny! I want you to read my response and tell me why you thanked that moronic post.

    This is absolutely false, you don't what the fuck you're talking about. Try reading this and see if you can understand it:
    The Intense World Theory – a unifying theory of the neurobiology of aut*ism

    I mean, for fuck's sake. :faceplam: " the brain of a person with aspergers is pretty much equal to a normally developed brain in terms of function, in that your brain lacks in some areas and strives in others, vs the "baseline". "

    This is so unbelievably simplistic. Alright, if my brain strives in certain areas, what are they? You do realize that there's considerable variation among everyone, "neurotypicals" as well as people with Asperger's. Do you understand how logically incongruent this is? How in the hell can you assume that the brain of every person with aspergers is, on net, "pretty much equal" to a normally developed brain when both vary considerably. Even if you were referring to averages this would still make no sense because of course not every person with Asperger's is the same, so how in the hell will they all be equal to, on net, the average neurotypical brain?

    The average neurotypical functions well in ALL areas? This statement isn't even true. It's only true if you define "functions well" as being determined by average level of ability, which would be tautological. "Think of how stupid the average person is and then realize half of them are stupider than that." Then what the fuck about people who are (well) above average? How would you describe how they function?

    Absolutely nothing else needs to be said.

    Of course there are drawbacks, I've stated and readily admitted this countless times. Jesus christ. And it's not as if every person with Asperger's is exactly the same, has the same symptoms to the same level of severity. There are so many fucking comorbidities, as well as highly beneficial traits that aren't even that uncommon among people with Asperger's. Hyper-memory is the actual term used in that paper. Even the beneficial aspects, which are far less common among neurotypicals and the general population, can vary widely in strength and other characteristics among those who possess them.

    Do you understand what the word/term average means, what it constitutes? Clearly you don't even understand something this basic. I want you to tell me, exactly what can on average differences tell you about an individual? Based on having an unbelievably unsubstantiated and critically flawed, immense inaccurate, view/opinion on the neurological constitution of neurotypicals and the general pattern of neurological differences in ASD and Asperger's, how exactly can you determine anything about me simply from what you stated you believe about these "average" brains and the information that I have Aspergers? You know what? You probably won't even understand what you're doing wrong do to having such an unbelievably low grasp of reasoning, your general reasoning ability likely being incredibly poor.

    I've literally already accepted and addressed everything here by this point in my life! You don't even have an accurate view of what I believe and why at all! Literally every single thing! I accepted many of these a long time ago, and I never believed that having Asperger's excused my lifestyle Were you not aware that I'm going to be attending university soon for a major I'm passionate about (philosophy) and enjoy? I made a post some time back detailing everything, every major thing, crucial aspects in life, that the it will help me with, the issues I have, have developed, improving a variety of traits, the academic and cognitive habits and abilities/skills, even getting used to being around people again and speaking, communicating, forming relationships.

    Also, what exactly do you know about me and how? You've already demonstrated your perception is incredibly inaccurate, largely founded on presumptions. The only things you know about me are from posts I make online, whichever you actually read, likely only a small fraction, what I voluntarily choose to share. You've never observed me in in person, you aren't a specialist or expert in ASD or Asperger's and haven't and can't conduct a proper extensive analysis, which can only be done in person. You have no real idea of what I'm like and who I am.

    Lanny, the term "weaponized autis*m" is a fucking joke from 4chan. Me calling my certain traits I possess that are at the extreme end of human variation, that have a neurological basis either directly tied or related to abnormalities of Asperger's, "autis*m power(s)" was also never meant to be taken seriously. :rollseyes: Do you remember when I used to mock you for the distinct style in which you would misinterpret/misunderstand what others had written, the meaning of words, what they meant, even jokes? This is one of those situations. Think about how ridiculous it is that you actually interpreted me as, assumed I was using, these terms sincerely. I even claimed at times that in exchange for all the drawbacks each person with autis*m received at least one superpower, one of mine being memory, along with something I've rarely mentioned and referred to as "perfect rationality". Of course that isn't fucking true! I swear to god you can be so dumb sometimes.

    Cerakote as well, what in the fuck do you know about auti*sm spectrum disorders and Asperger's Syndrome in particular? What have you read about them, how much time have you devoted to neuroscience, particularly that related to the autis*m spectrum, as an amateur hobby and interest, for how long have you studied this, how many papers and have you read, which ones, how do you generally locate and select them, gauge which are the most relevant and highest quality, how to properly interpret them, how much of them are you generally able to comprehend, how much time have you spent engaged in thought, in reflection, analysis, theorizing, connecting data, determining what follows, the entire complex thought process for gaining a full understand of a matter?

    You pretentious and presumptuous pseudo-intellectual fucking twat, you're a 23 year old brat that vastly overestimates his own level of knowledge and understanding, his competence, outside of his main fields of study. You're useless outside of computer science and philosophy, impotent. You are completely unqualified to have any opinion at all on the subject of ASD, to criticize or disagree with my views on the matter.

    Lanny!, stop acting like an idiot, embarrassing yourself, making simplistic, poor, and critically flawed arguments, and thanking posts like these. The reason why it particularly irks me, coming from you, is because you should be better than this. I've written before what my view of you is, particularly relative to myself, my own traits/qualities, even mentioning multiple traits of profound importance where I explicitly stated you were substantially superior. *slaps you hard across the face* Chucklehead, BAKA, HENTAI, light-novel protagonist!

    Read the post I quoted below and then realize that this is the person you agreed with and thanked, whose viewpoint you seemed to support:

    Nope, not even going to bother.

    Cerakoke, you are mentally retarded, I am never debating or discussing anything or particular complexity of importance with you again. You are simply irredeemably idiotic, irrational, and unknowledgeable.

    Wait a minute, were you the one that said you were 18? Shit, well, I've softened up over the years, especially during my 3 year period of depression and suicidality, become more understanding, compassionate, less malicious and virulent. That's a pretty young age, nearly everyone is relatively retarded in a multitude of ways, critical aspects, during that time. Even I was a jackass who made incredibly foolish decisions until my mid 20s. Took me a long time to really start figuring out life, the world, myself, what to do in this world, to begin to recover and work through a multitude of severe issues.

    Look, this is harsh, but all I'm saying is, that like I and most people were, you're young and stupid and you're absolutely making a fool out of yourself and embarrassing yourself.

    Post last edited by Malice at 2017-07-08T09:57:13.148746+00:00

  17. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Arnox was so absolutely hilarious.
  18. RisiR † 29 Autism
    No. Go a fucka yourself, Paki.
  19. RisiR † 29 Autism
    I totally forgot about that bird. Shiiiiieet.
  20. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by Malice Was it this one?

    Lanny, why is this gone?
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