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Posts by RisiR †

  1. RisiR † 29 Autism
    80% seems accurate.
  2. RisiR † 29 Autism
  3. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Do you guys think it would be a good idea to piss my pants on the first day of school?

    This plan was powered and created by the superiority of the optimal Asperger's brain.
  4. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Look at my Super Rare bling custom avatar, faggots. You can't touch this.
  5. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Cool avatar.
  6. RisiR † 29 Autism
  7. RisiR † 29 Autism
    ^^^^actually n/m^^^^
  8. RisiR † 29 Autism
    ^^^^just sucked a dick^^^^
  9. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Yume I'm just gonna leave this here

    They see me rollin', they hatin'.
  10. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Make them morph together.
  11. RisiR † 29 Autism
  12. RisiR † 29 Autism
    That was pretty funny but yea...
  13. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Can we stop it now?
  14. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by Open Your Mind Hey §m£ÂgØL why were you giving me the gears in that other thread?

    Ask him in that other thread, faggot. This isn't about you.
  15. RisiR † 29 Autism
  16. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Start praying.
  17. RisiR † 29 Autism
    The link fucked my shit up.
  18. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by 霍比特人 So I thought I might make a list of the batshit things hydro has done. She is the most bipolar and explosive person I have ever met. I know I'm not perfect, but the things I've done don't even come close to what she's done. She likes talking shit about me, but what I'm going to do here is try to be objective in discussing actions rather than emotions..

    Gun Incident #1: After finding out hydro was pregnant I went down to stay with her and her husband. The second night I was there she pulled a gun on him. I was in my room on the computer because they were fighting downstairs. Yelling at the top of their lungs sort of shit. The fight was taken upstairs and hydro pulled a loaded .38 on her husband and started screaming about how she would shoot everybody in the house. She threatened to shoot me through the wall. Then I heard her and her husband struggling and she called me for help. I came out and saw him strangling her like he was trying to kill her. She still had the gun I think. She eventually got him to leave the house, made him leave without any shoes or a jacket on when it was like 20-30F. out. That night I held her face, made her look me in the eyes, and made her admit that what she did was fucked up.

    Gun Incident #2: After the first incident I had unloaded the gun and dumped all the .38 bullets. There was no fucking way that was happening again. I was absolutely right to do this because hydro pulled a gun again less than a week later. Similar situation, only this time she didn't threaten to shoot me through the wall and instead told me that I "better not get in here way" while pointing the gun at me. This was after I broke up the fight and was standing between them. Again, absolute crazy.

    Random Violence and Batshittery: She's done stuff like kick her husband in the chest over borrowing $20 from her grandmother. I saw her and her husband throw punches while fighting (mind you, she was pregnant during this time.) She once threw a perfectly good crib as far as she could into the yard, which was full of dog feces and trash. And I do mean FULL. The crib was broken. She also did this with a bb gun and probably some other things I'm forgetting. Her and her husband basically argued every day. I would consistently wake up at like 4am to hear them yelling like hell. She told her husband to hide the gun because she didn't trust herself. One time she got out of a moving car and started walking down the road after saying she was going to hitchhike to who knows where. No money, no nothing. She did this several times actually. Most of the time it was her instigating these fights over petty stuff.

    After the Breakup: After she kicked her husband out of the house for holding their baby by the neck while on a meth binge, she continued to act crazy. Once she told me that if I wouldn't be with her she was going to pour lye down her vagina because "she wasn't going to use it anyway." This was brought up repeatedly. Another time she took a bunch of benzos and said she was going to call the cops to her house and commit suicide by cop. She also tried to commit suicide/self harm (not sure which) via T-PAIN at one point, but only ended up getting so intoxicated off it she was slurring.

    Trying to Shoot Herself: Last year I came down around her son's first birthday. Before then though, she decided she was going to shoot herself. She took a little .22 and her son and went out to her truck in the yard to shoot herself in front of her son. I tried to stop her from taking him for obvious reasons, but she told me that she'd call the police on me if I tried to take her son. I didn't think she'd hurt the baby, but I didn't want him to have to go through the trauma of seeing his mom blow her brains out in front of him. She warned nobody to try and stop her, gun and baby in hand. I'm pretty sure she took my phone and hid it during this time too, because I couldn't find it and I usually never lose stuff. Anyway, maybe 15 minutes pass with her in the car and me and her roommate hear a gunshot. I grabbed a flashlight and went outside, expecting a corpse. I could hear her baby wailing, and then I see her walking towards the house. She apparently couldn't handle bringing the baby inside so I went and got him out of the car.

    Trying to Overdose: Another night, she took a bunch of somas and possibly benzos and took a bottle of vodka into the bathroom with her. She was writing a note. I went in several times to try and stop her, but she just yelled at me so I figured it was better to just enjoy the peace away from her. At least she was being quiet and not yelling. She was in there for a few hours. Eventually she comes out and chucks the vodka bottle directly at my head and walks away. In the morning I went into the bathroom and it seemed like she just threw the pills everywhere. Bunch of watery Somas hanging about. I cleaned up the ones off the floor so her dogs wouldn't eat them.

    Walmart incidents: Lots of fun memories in the hot Floridian parking lots of Walmart. One that stands out is when she started pulling out chunks of her hair with her baby crying and the windows down, screaming "I WANT TO DIE I WANT TO FUCKING DIE OH PLEASE KILL ME PLEASE GOD KILL ME" at the top of her lungs. I remember seeing a spot of blood on her hands from how much hair she pulled out. Another time she ran out of gas and was trying to make me go borrow a gas can from Walmart (yeah, idk) because she didn't want to. Explosive and erratic stuff like this would come from her over the most minor arguments. Me not telling her what was wrong (when there was nothing wrong) or maybe I'd not want to do something like hang out with her friends and it'd turn into a whole ordeal. I had sex with her so many times when asked just to placate her so that it wouldn't turn into an argument or problem. Also one time she smacked her son in the Walmart parking lot because he was crying. Her son, who had just barely turned one year old. It was on the ass but still, she hit a baby.

    Night of the Ear Infection: On this night hydro had just gotten back from the hospital for pneumonia and I was writhing on the ground with an ear infection. I had bought some beers to help with the pain and was working on my second one when I went out to piss. When I got up the pain hit and I fell. Partly because it hurt, partly because it fucked with my equilibrium. My beer spilled onto hydro and she kicked me in the chest out of reaction and immediately started screaming. I threw my beer onto the couch because well, I was angry and in pain. She started screaming about how I was a drunk (again, two beers deep) and that there would be no more alcohol in the house. She went and started pouring out all my bottles. I told her to count the bottles to see how drunk I was, but she wouldn't listen. I put my arm across her to try to pull her away and then she bit me as hard as she could. I still have a scar. She held on for a good 20 seconds too, like a fucking pit bull. I was screaming at her to let go and she fucking wouldn't.

    This is when her roommate gathered his shit and started walking down the road. She went to follow him and he told her to leave him the fuck alone. During this time she threatened to make a false accusation of rape and tried to steal my water bottle for some reason. I started trying to leave with my shit but she told me she'd 'take my stuff outside for me' when I was all packed. She cornered me and imposed herself onto me trying to muscle my stuff away from me for some reason. Me and her roommate left in the morning after she realized she was being an idiot and apologized. When we started walking down the road she began following us in her vehicle and offered us a ride. Her roommate got in, so I did too. Then when we get to the motel she starts screaming about how she can't take care of a baby by herself and to just take him. I wasn't about to take a baby. I was trying to get the fuck out of there. But the guilt trap worked and we ended up staying.

    The Two Day Manipulation Attempt: When I'd gotten my ticket to leave hydro tried to get me to extend the ticket date by two days so that I could help her pack for her move. Her mother was going to come, who I absolutely did not want to see. She's crazier than hydro and has in the past done things like drug hydro and try to have her kidnapped and get her dad on false rape charges. Anyway, this started with hydro not wanting to go out for errands alone. She refused to go get milk/ice for her baby after selling the only fridge in the house. All the food was being kept in a cooler with ice. She dragged me around parking lots doing errands and saying that the only way she would take me to get my stuff/let me stay there till I left, was if I extended my ticket by two days. Otherwise I was not allowed at her house, where all of my stuff was, and could go be homeless and without my bus ticket.

    We spent seriously like 8-12 hours each day doing this. Left in the morning, dark by the time we came back. At the end, she tried to bribe me by buying a bunch of deserts and fruits and weed and also sex. At this point I was just trying to avoid problems and stick it through so that I could get home safely. While we were out, the milk at the house spoiled and hydro's roomie was just giving the baby gatorade all day I think. She said she'd set up with one of her friends to have me stay there, but all she would do is drop me off and then bring me my stuff, and I wasn't about to let her do that. Mind you, it was like 90F and we'd just sit there in parking lots with no AC with me trying to get back to my stuff which was like 25 miles away. All because I wouldn't change my ticket date by two days to help her pack. More important than her son having milk apparently. She also tried to get me to steal her car and when i refused, she offered to sign the title over so I could drive it home because I guess that was the easiest solution? Also when I would try to cut contact with her she would often threaten to get me institutionalized because I could either talk to a professional or talk to her. Hydro was very fond of ultimatums.

    Random Other Things: Let's see, I've got a letter signed in blood by her. One time she called the cops on me and told them that I'd killed my parents because I had cut off contact with her. She's told me that "Nobody will ever love you like I love you" more than once. Recently she's just posted that nobody will ever love me PERIOD and that apparently she knows me better than anyone else and can see all of my relationships are fake lol. Once I cleaned out her truck because it was filled with stuff up to your chest (stuffed animals, dirty diapers, bags of trash) and she bitched at me for throwing out the title for three weeks when it was in the glove compartment with all her other papers the whole time. Another time me and her roommate cleaned the kitchen out over the course of like 5 hours while she was at work (it was seriously that filthy and cluttered) and I sent her a picture of an sundae I'd made myself. I used up the last of the ice cream and when she came home, instead of being happy you could actually COOK in her kitchen now, she started yelling about how I ate the last of the ice cream and how I should've told her so she could get more. Have never seen anybody get so irate over ice cream.

    Her Family: She talks about how great her father was but in the three weeks or so that I knew him, she pretty much fought with him every day over petty shit. She'd gang up on him with her husband sometimes to. There'd be yelling matches over the AC or soda or a joke he made that gave her anxiety. Just unbelievably petty shit. All her family seems to be like that. Her father also multiple times would refuse to take her to work or school over arguments. Before he died, she would bitch to me about some argument she'd had with him/her grandma/her husband daily. There's some real dark shit I could share about her husband here too but that's not the point of this thread.

    Her House: Hydros house was an absolute pigsty. It has a distinct smell to it somewhere in between sulfur and rotting shit. Never been in such a dilapidated, poor excuse for shelter. There were massive holes in the floor where it'd rotted out and boards were put over it. There was shit and piss and stuff lying everywhere because she had never bothered to train her dogs to shit outside or not to destroy things other than hitting them. They'd also fight constantly and were covered in scars from the fighting. Hydro seemingly never cleaned up. She'd just leave wrappers wherever most of the time and would never clean up clothes off the bathroom floor. Me and her roommate did literally all of the cleaning and were usually the ones changing diapers/feeding the baby too. She really only did things when she was a good mood and would otherwise ask us to do/get things for her. And look, I'm not saying you have to have a perfectly clean house, but this house looked like an abandoned house in Africa. There was an entire room filled with shit that you could not walk into.

    There were snakes in the walls and rats bigger than some of her dogs. All the food that could be broken into had to be kept in big metal trash cans because otherwise the rats and dogs would eat it all. When I came there last year there was nowhere for her son to play because it was all full of toys. No flat surface where you could see the floor. There was only a maybe 10x10 area that he could actually walk in (if it was clean) because the rest of the house was too dangerous for a baby. Even then, nails jutting out of the wall were not far out of reach. He would often knock through the baby gate, which wasn't hard considering the wall it was pressed up against was splintering away. It was seriously unlivable to the extent that it would have been cheaper to knock the house down and build a new one than to try and salvage it. When I first got there I was seriously walking over papers and puddles of piss like little deer trails through the trash and hoarder stuff. The vast majority of the floor you could not walk on. Now I'm not saying your house has to be perfectly clean, but having a house THAT BAD really says a lot about a person.

    Conclusion: So yeah, I'm not saying I'm perfect. Hydro accuses me of being autistic and schizophrenic but is the only one in my life who says these things about me. I am sure as hell not the only one who says she is bipolar and explosive. It's not like I'm not close to other people either, despite what hydro may tell you. Fact is I don't really fight with people. Can't remember the last time I've actually fought with somebody. Only had yelling in a fight once and only gotten into four physical altercations in my life, and none since I was 16. I've had more arguments with hydro than I have ever had in my whole life. The three years I knew her personally were the worst years of my life. I am covered in scars and left with hospital debt from when her dog bit me. I spent so much money and time trying to make this work and for a while was completely paying for all her bills. I have never ever in my life been treated so poorly or been exposed to such erratic, violent, and irrational behavior. She blows at the drop of a hat and then acts like nothing is ever her fault. I guess it's easier for her to believe I'm a liar and manipulator instead of taking responsibility for her actions.

    There is also a lot more than this, probably some stuff I'm forgetting as well. I know she's going to respond with stuff about me, but it's all going to be about how I manipulated or lied or something. She has for a long time now blamed every problem on my 'mental condition' which is that I'm possibly some type of schizoaffective. She thinks she knows me better than I know myself and believes that I can't possibly ever have a real relationship of any sort. But my 'mental condition' has never been a problem with anyone else, and you'd think that if I was hallucinating half the shit she accuses me of that at least one other person in my life would have noticed? I mean, I live with my parents, I'm around them all the time. I'm still in my early 20's, but she's nearing 30 and has lived with her dad until he died and her grandma until she left because hydro was too crazy.

    But still she tries to use living with my parents at 22 as some sort of insult. I'm sure you've all seen her rants about me on here too. This is the first I'm doing of her because I want you to all understand just how insane she is. I've no doubt she's going to try to get some sort of revenge as she is a vindictive person, but all I'm doing here is the same shit you've done hydro. You need to accept that you are prone to do these things. I am by far not the only person you've done this kind of shit to. Even as a child you told me stories of assaulting kids in your class because they said some mean words.

    She has legit given me PTSD over this shit. For a while my schizoaffective nature got worse, but now those are both a lot better and I do not feel like I have PTSD anymore. Loud noises no longer spike me with anxiety, yelling on TV no longer fills my heart with dread, seeing a gun no longer makes my palms sweat. This is mostly where her accusations of me being crazy come from, but I was never malicious with it. I never called the police on her like she has multiple times on me. I never threatened her life. I have helped save her life. I have spent many hours on the phone trying to console her. I have spent a lot of money on her and her son who is not mine (thank fuck.) The stuff I've lied to her about, and the stuff she accuses me of manipulating her over, pale in comparison to the outright insanity that is hydromorphone.

    To finish with a recent quote from her:

  19. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by 霍比特人 So I thought I might make a list of the batshit things hydro has done. She is the most bipolar and explosive person I have ever met. I know I'm not perfect, but the things I've done don't even come close to what she's done. She likes talking shit about me, but what I'm going to do here is try to be objective in discussing actions rather than emotions.

    Gun Incident #1: After finding out hydro was pregnant I went down to stay with her and her husband. The second night I was there she pulled a gun on him. I was in my room on the computer because they were fighting downstairs. Yelling at the top of their lungs sort of shit. The fight was taken upstairs and hydro pulled a loaded .38 on her husband and started screaming about how she would shoot everybody in the house. She threatened to shoot me through the wall. Then I heard her and her husband struggling and she called me for help. I came out and saw him strangling her like he was trying to kill her. She still had the gun I think. She eventually got him to leave the house, made him leave without any shoes or a jacket on when it was like 20-30F. out. That night I held her face, made her look me in the eyes, and made her admit that what she did was fucked up.

    Gun Incident #2: After the first incident I had unloaded the gun and dumped all the .38 bullets. There was no fucking way that was happening again. I was absolutely right to do this because hydro pulled a gun again less than a week later. Similar situation, only this time she didn't threaten to shoot me through the wall and instead told me that I "better not get in here way" while pointing the gun at me. This was after I broke up the fight and was standing between them. Again, absolute crazy.

    Random Violence and Batshittery: She's done stuff like kick her husband in the chest over borrowing $20 from her grandmother. I saw her and her husband throw punches while fighting (mind you, she was pregnant during this time.) She once threw a perfectly good crib as far as she could into the yard, which was full of dog feces and trash. And I do mean FULL. The crib was broken. She also did this with a bb gun and probably some other things I'm forgetting. Her and her husband basically argued every day. I would consistently wake up at like 4am to hear them yelling like hell. She told her husband to hide the gun because she didn't trust herself. One time she got out of a moving car and started walking down the road after saying she was going to hitchhike to who knows where. No money, no nothing. She did this several times actually. Most of the time it was her instigating these fights over petty stuff.

    After the Breakup: After she kicked her husband out of the house for holding their baby by the neck while on a meth binge, she continued to act crazy. Once she told me that if I wouldn't be with her she was going to pour lye down her vagina because "she wasn't going to use it anyway." This was brought up repeatedly. Another time she took a bunch of benzos and said she was going to call the cops to her house and commit suicide by cop. She also tried to commit suicide/self harm (not sure which) via T-PAIN at one point, but only ended up getting so intoxicated off it she was slurring.

    Trying to Shoot Herself: Last year I came down around her son's first birthday. Before then though, she decided she was going to shoot herself. She took a little .22 and her son and went out to her truck in the yard to shoot herself in front of her son. I tried to stop her from taking him for obvious reasons, but she told me that she'd call the police on me if I tried to take her son. I didn't think she'd hurt the baby, but I didn't want him to have to go through the trauma of seeing his mom blow her brains out in front of him. She warned nobody to try and stop her, gun and baby in hand. I'm pretty sure she took my phone and hid it during this time too, because I couldn't find it and I usually never lose stuff. Anyway, maybe 15 minutes pass with her in the car and me and her roommate hear a gunshot. I grabbed a flashlight and went outside, expecting a corpse. I could hear her baby wailing, and then I see her walking towards the house. She apparently couldn't handle bringing the baby inside so I went and got him out of the car.

    Trying to Overdose: Another night, she took a bunch of somas and possibly benzos and took a bottle of vodka into the bathroom with her. She was writing a note. I went in several times to try and stop her, but she just yelled at me so I figured it was better to just enjoy the peace away from her. At least she was being quiet and not yelling. She was in there for a few hours. Eventually she comes out and chucks the vodka bottle directly at my head and walks away. In the morning I went into the bathroom and it seemed like she just threw the pills everywhere. Bunch of watery Somas hanging about. I cleaned up the ones off the floor so her dogs wouldn't eat them.

    Walmart incidents: Lots of fun memories in the hot Floridian parking lots of Walmart. One that stands out is when she started pulling out chunks of her hair with her baby crying and the windows down, screaming "I WANT TO DIE I WANT TO FUCKING DIE OH PLEASE KILL ME PLEASE GOD KILL ME" at the top of her lungs. I remember seeing a spot of blood on her hands from how much hair she pulled out. Another time she ran out of gas and was trying to make me go borrow a gas can from Walmart (yeah, idk) because she didn't want to. Explosive and erratic stuff like this would come from her over the most minor arguments. Me not telling her what was wrong (when there was nothing wrong) or maybe I'd not want to do something like hang out with her friends and it'd turn into a whole ordeal. I had sex with her so many times when asked just to placate her so that it wouldn't turn into an argument or problem. Also one time she smacked her son in the Walmart parking lot because he was crying. Her son, who had just barely turned one year old. It was on the ass but still, she hit a baby.

    Night of the Ear Infection: On this night hydro had just gotten back from the hospital for pneumonia and I was writhing on the ground with an ear infection. I had bought some beers to help with the pain and was working on my second one when I went out to piss. When I got up the pain hit and I fell. Partly because it hurt, partly because it fucked with my equilibrium. My beer spilled onto hydro and she kicked me in the chest out of reaction and immediately started screaming. I threw my beer onto the couch because well, I was angry and in pain. She started screaming about how I was a drunk (again, two beers deep) and that there would be no more alcohol in the house. She went and started pouring out all my bottles. I told her to count the bottles to see how drunk I was, but she wouldn't listen. I put my arm across her to try to pull her away and then she bit me as hard as she could. I still have a scar. She held on for a good 20 seconds too, like a fucking pit bull. I was screaming at her to let go and she fucking wouldn't.

    This is when her roommate gathered his shit and started walking down the road. She went to follow him and he told her to leave him the fuck alone. During this time she threatened to make a false accusation of rape and tried to steal my water bottle for some reason. I started trying to leave with my shit but she told me she'd 'take my stuff outside for me' when I was all packed. She cornered me and imposed herself onto me trying to muscle my stuff away from me for some reason. Me and her roommate left in the morning after she realized she was being an idiot and apologized. When we started walking down the road she began following us in her vehicle and offered us a ride. Her roommate got in, so I did too. Then when we get to the motel she starts screaming about how she can't take care of a baby by herself and to just take him. I wasn't about to take a baby. I was trying to get the fuck out of there. But the guilt trap worked and we ended up staying.

    The Two Day Manipulation Attempt: When I'd gotten my ticket to leave hydro tried to get me to extend the ticket date by two days so that I could help her pack for her move. Her mother was going to come, who I absolutely did not want to see. She's crazier than hydro and has in the past done things like drug hydro and try to have her kidnapped and get her dad on false rape charges. Anyway, this started with hydro not wanting to go out for errands alone. She refused to go get milk/ice for her baby after selling the only fridge in the house. All the food was being kept in a cooler with ice. She dragged me around parking lots doing errands and saying that the only way she would take me to get my stuff/let me stay there till I left, was if I extended my ticket by two days. Otherwise I was not allowed at her house, where all of my stuff was, and could go be homeless and without my bus ticket.

    We spent seriously like 8-12 hours each day doing this. Left in the morning, dark by the time we came back. At the end, she tried to bribe me by buying a bunch of deserts and fruits and weed and also sex. At this point I was just trying to avoid problems and stick it through so that I could get home safely. While we were out, the milk at the house spoiled and hydro's roomie was just giving the baby gatorade all day I think. She said she'd set up with one of her friends to have me stay there, but all she would do is drop me off and then bring me my stuff, and I wasn't about to let her do that. Mind you, it was like 90F and we'd just sit there in parking lots with no AC with me trying to get back to my stuff which was like 25 miles away. All because I wouldn't change my ticket date by two days to help her pack. More important than her son having milk apparently. She also tried to get me to steal her car and when i refused, she offered to sign the title over so I could drive it home because I guess that was the easiest solution? Also when I would try to cut contact with her she would often threaten to get me institutionalized because I could either talk to a professional or talk to her. Hydro was very fond of ultimatums.

    Random Other Things: Let's see, I've got a letter signed in blood by her. One time she called the cops on me and told them that I'd killed my parents because I had cut off contact with her. She's told me that "Nobody will ever love you like I love you" more than once. Recently she's just posted that nobody will ever love me PERIOD and that apparently she knows me better than anyone else and can see all of my relationships are fake lol. Once I cleaned out her truck because it was filled with stuff up to your chest (stuffed animals, dirty diapers, bags of trash) and she bitched at me for throwing out the title for three weeks when it was in the glove compartment with all her other papers the whole time. Another time me and her roommate cleaned the kitchen out over the course of like 5 hours while she was at work (it was seriously that filthy and cluttered) and I sent her a picture of an sundae I'd made myself. I used up the last of the ice cream and when she came home, instead of being happy you could actually COOK in her kitchen now, she started yelling about how I ate the last of the ice cream and how I should've told her so she could get more. Have never seen anybody get so irate over ice cream.

    Her Family: She talks about how great her father was but in the three weeks or so that I knew him, she pretty much fought with him every day over petty shit. She'd gang up on him with her husband sometimes to. There'd be yelling matches over the AC or soda or a joke he made that gave her anxiety. Just unbelievably petty shit. All her family seems to be like that. Her father also multiple times would refuse to take her to work or school over arguments. Before he died, she would bitch to me about some argument she'd had with him/her grandma/her husband daily. There's some real dark shit I could share about her husband here too but that's not the point of this thread.

    Her House: Hydros house was an absolute pigsty. It has a distinct smell to it somewhere in between sulfur and rotting shit. Never been in such a dilapidated, poor excuse for shelter. There were massive holes in the floor where it'd rotted out and boards were put over it. There was shit and piss and stuff lying everywhere because she had never bothered to train her dogs to shit outside or not to destroy things other than hitting them. They'd also fight constantly and were covered in scars from the fighting. Hydro seemingly never cleaned up. She'd just leave wrappers wherever most of the time and would never clean up clothes off the bathroom floor. Me and her roommate did literally all of the cleaning and were usually the ones changing diapers/feeding the baby too. She really only did things when she was a good mood and would otherwise ask us to do/get things for her. And look, I'm not saying you have to have a perfectly clean house, but this house looked like an abandoned house in Africa. There was an entire room filled with shit that you could not walk into.

    There were snakes in the walls and rats bigger than some of her dogs. All the food that could be broken into had to be kept in big metal trash cans because otherwise the rats and dogs would eat it all. When I came there last year there was nowhere for her son to play because it was all full of toys. No flat surface where you could see the floor. There was only a maybe 10x10 area that he could actually walk in (if it was clean) because the rest of the house was too dangerous for a baby. Even then, nails jutting out of the wall were not far out of reach. He would often knock through the baby gate, which wasn't hard considering the wall it was pressed up against was splintering away. It was seriously unlivable to the extent that it would have been cheaper to knock the house down and build a new one than to try and salvage it. When I first got there I was seriously walking over papers and puddles of piss like little deer trails through the trash and hoarder stuff. The vast majority of the floor you could not walk on. Now I'm not saying your house has to be perfectly clean, but having a house THAT BAD really says a lot about a person.

    Conclusion: So yeah, I'm not saying I'm perfect. Hydro accuses me of being autistic and schizophrenic but is the only one in my life who says these things about me. I am sure as hell not the only one who says she is bipolar and explosive. It's not like I'm not close to other people either, despite what hydro may tell you. Fact is I don't really fight with people. Can't remember the last time I've actually fought with somebody. Only had yelling in a fight once and only gotten into four physical altercations in my life, and none since I was 16. I've had more arguments with hydro than I have ever had in my whole life. The three years I knew her personally were the worst years of my life. I am covered in scars and left with hospital debt from when her dog bit me. I spent so much money and time trying to make this work and for a while was completely paying for all her bills. I have never ever in my life been treated so poorly or been exposed to such erratic, violent, and irrational behavior. She blows at the drop of a hat and then acts like nothing is ever her fault. I guess it's easier for her to believe I'm a liar and manipulator instead of taking responsibility for her actions.

    There is also a lot more than this, probably some stuff I'm forgetting as well. I know she's going to respond with stuff about me, but it's all going to be about how I manipulated or lied or something. She has for a long time now blamed every problem on my 'mental condition' which is that I'm possibly some type of schizoaffective. She thinks she knows me better than I know myself and believes that I can't possibly ever have a real relationship of any sort. But my 'mental condition' has never been a problem with anyone else, and you'd think that if I was hallucinating half the shit she accuses me of that at least one other person in my life would have noticed? I mean, I live with my parents, I'm around them all the time. I'm still in my early 20's, but she's nearing 30 and has lived with her dad until he died and her grandma until she left because hydro was too crazy.

    But still she tries to use living with my parents at 22 as some sort of insult. I'm sure you've all seen her rants about me on here too. This is the first I'm doing of her because I want you to all understand just how insane she is. I've no doubt she's going to try to get some sort of revenge as she is a vindictive person, but all I'm doing here is the same shit you've done hydro. You need to accept that you are prone to do these things. I am by far not the only person you've done this kind of shit to. Even as a child you told me stories of assaulting kids in your class because they said some mean words.

    She has legit given me PTSD over this shit. For a while my schizoaffective nature got worse, but now those are both a lot better and I do not feel like I have PTSD anymore. Loud noises no longer spike me with anxiety, yelling on TV no longer fills my heart with dread, seeing a gun no longer makes my palms sweat. This is mostly where her accusations of me being crazy come from, but I was never malicious with it. I never called the police on her like she has multiple times on me. I never threatened her life. I have helped save her life. I have spent many hours on the phone trying to console her. I have spent a lot of money on her and her son who is not mine (thank fuck.) The stuff I've lied to her about, and the stuff she accuses me of manipulating her over, pale in comparison to the outright insanity that is hydromorphone.

    To finish with a recent quote from her:

  20. RisiR † 29 Autism
    I didn't.
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