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Posts by RisiR †

  1. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by Open Your Mind Something is wrong with your skin.

  2. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by Enter I don't think I have it. I feel mentally superior to most people, in fact.

  3. RisiR † 29 Autism
    And I know that Specs isn't trolling but I said I don't want to be mean.
  4. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by 霍比特人说中文不好 My favorite is when bling bling breaks character and starts spelling shit correctly and talking in full sentences

    He doesn't. That's just Youtube comments he copy pastes. bling is a gangster.
  5. RisiR † 29 Autism

    I'm kinda glad that memes haven't erroded my brain to the point where I get them.
  6. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Yea, yea I know. Same here. Same for everyone.

    I have the tendencies to be a self-pittying, self-hating, massive fucking cunt myself but I have truly realized, and I mean that, it has clicked, that you can not, NOT, change your emotions or your thoughts. You can trick them, you can hide from them, you can numb them down but you can't change them. The only thing that you can change is your behavior. You can only, and that's the good thing, at all times, change what you are doing.

    If you are like me and you have some childhood traumas or you're stressed out, burned out from drug use, feel like an underachieving loser it won't be easy.Especially the beginning because everything sucks and there is no direct reward. Oh boy, all those years of drug use and internet addiction really conditioned me for those quick rewards.

    So, in the beginning you are working your ass off for no reward but the days go by and you just stick to it because if you feel like shit anyway, why not?

    You keep doing your thing until it really becomes your thing and you're not questioning it anymore. Things will have changed at this point but you probably didn't even notice all your improvements because it was such a gradual process instead of a slap in the face that leaves one with a permanent smile on the face. I still wish someone would slap me like that, though.

    Anyway... you can only change what you do, and what you think and feel will follow suit.

    Post last edited by RisiR † at 2017-11-28T15:11:02.021043+00:00
  7. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Stop bitching, nigga.
  8. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Trust me, I'm question all of it.

    bling bling is... well, he is.. uhh.. he is the protector of the seven wisdoms. His style is mountain wind cut by a thousand blades of grass. Keeper of the Dharma. Tiger Fam. I can attest that he is legit.

    benny isn't weirder than what he really is, if you think about it. He's a 50 year old, Chinese, racist pedophile. Every post of his makes sense when I picture him typing it. Haha. Yea...

    SpectraL would need his own post and I don't feel like being mean so I'll just call him the most dedicated troll in history.
  9. RisiR † 29 Autism
    He won't read it.

    Why do you think astro science isn't legit, Doug?
  10. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Come on, man. Yes it is. Stuttgart.
  11. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Those are all from our Christmas market.
  12. RisiR † 29 Autism
  13. RisiR † 29 Autism
  14. RisiR † 29 Autism
  15. RisiR † 29 Autism
  16. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by mmQ Is this why mixing fountain soda flavors is suicide?

    It surely is the death of all culture.
  17. RisiR † 29 Autism
    I believe that Germany the state will fall soon after/with the EU within the next 10-20 years but our ideology will continue to be relevant and hopefully find a place on this patch of the planet by a large enough group of people to re-established.

    I only hope our "defeat" won't come at a point of total and complete exhaustion like it did last time so we don't lose a generation or two to mental enslavement.

    Fuck the jedis. Sieg Heil.
  18. RisiR † 29 Autism
    A table with beautifully arranged meals on it.

    A plate with a thick steak. A cheesy lasagna. Buttered lobster. A fresh mixed salad. A sortiment of sushi. A schnitzel with the perfect crust and some french fries. A juicy burger. Mousse au chocolat. Ice cream and the most wonderful cakes and pies.Whatever floats your inner fatboy. Let your imagination go wild and think of all the amazing dishes from all over the world. Place them all over the table and create your perfect feast with decoration, atmosphere and everything.


    Ok, now throw all those amazing meals in a single pot and mash them together into one gunk. Get rid of the deco; there is no money for that because three times as many guests arrived as planned and they are all dudes in their 40's who don't care anyway. Also, play every person's favorite song at the same time while you're actually just trying to watch the damn game everybody! What a shit show.
  19. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by hydromorphone The death threats he got from someone pretending to be me? It all happened right around when PoC did some colossally fucked shit trying to fuck my life up even more, and was right around when I'd had to have interaction with my ex. I guess either of them could have done it. Apparently, the email hit was one in which I only had, he said he didn't give to anyone else. It was the same email on my prepaid card, to which he'd had a card attached to mine a long time ago, and used that email. I never changed my PW thinking my ex could only just check my balance, so… I never thought it was something to worry about. PoC decided to go nuclear and be a faggot because I wouldn't talk to him one day while I was dealing with seizures bad. I hadn't been talking with §m£ÂgØL in months. Had zero interest to do so, and the times of the threats being sent according to §m£ÂgØL, I was too fucking busy dealing with picking up the pieces PoC left for me, than to be worried about threating some faggot on the internet I had never threatened him before, not even after all the fucked shit he had done. I tried to help figure out who could be involved, during which we had a couple friendly conversations, joking around. He insulted me, and said some hurtful things, without remorse, unprovoked, so I said "yeah well, I hope who ever is threatening you follows through" or something to the effect, pissed off and hurt, and I blocked him. Then I got 3 emails back to back from him. Right before I blocked him, I said "No, I don't hope you die, I just want you to leave me alone", when he'd said "oh so you want me to die over insulting you?". I think I added something about I just dont care anymore what happens to him or something. When he first contacted me about it, I said I am damned if I try to help and clear my name, and damned if I don't.

    I have no motive. I went months without so much as anything more than little bullshit bickering on TRT. I was with PoC, right before shit happened, and was reeling from the fucked shit he did. I'd also been spending a metric fuckload of time talking and skyping with 1337. I had zero reason to fuck with §m£ÂgØL. I just wanted to be left the fuck alone by him. Shit, when we'd had a falling out way before when I'd got with PoC, I got harassed a dozen times with skype calls from §m£ÂgØL, and all sorts of shit. I made that threat just complaining about him doing that. All I was doing was moving on. I didn't threaten him or give him any reason to believe I'd do anything to hurt him. I just saw hm for the shitty person he was and wanted nothing more to do with him. That was it.


    The motive of the tattoo.
  20. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Yes. First time since the foundation of the BRD we have a right wing party in the Bundestag.

    They are idiots but disdain has reached mainstream. The jedi-guilt brainwashing sits deep with the older generations but the people who will run the country in 10-20 years grew up with all this beautiful, colorful, multi-cultural dogshit and they know how it tastes. They know what they could and should have and they know it's not for free.

    We Germans aren't the easiest people to fuck over. I'm repeating myself but this turf has seen a lot of war over the past 2000 years and we only got kind of conquered once by a joint effort of basically the entire rest of Earth.

    I'm optimistic.
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