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Posts by fag

  1. fag Houston
    I've made alot of money from bitcoin and I plan to continue it in whatever cryptocurrency is dominant.
  2. fag Houston
    Why can't isreal and palastine just get along?
  3. fag Houston
    Mostly blues and rock, john frusciante was a big influence for me.
  4. fag Houston
    Link is a virus
  5. fag Houston
    Single moms are real winners, especially when their babies have to withdraw from heroin or the equivalent immediately after being born.
  6. fag Houston
    I vote to ban everyone and only let bots post here, its about time we submit to the master race.
  7. fag Houston
    Tell your boss he tried to touch your weiner.
  8. fag Houston
    Do you have a compound?
  9. fag Houston
    I hope they put the new ghostbusters soundtrack on vinyl, sony is a shitty company even though playstation is better than xbox.
  10. fag Houston
    Kill myself nigger
  11. fag Houston
    Astronomy is fake because the earth is flat, astrology is real though, god, fucking sagicorns.
  12. fag Houston
    I'm in mensa because I have such a high iq, it's not one of those things that are self evident though, that's why I have to tell you about it.
  13. fag Houston
    fags are people too
  14. fag Houston
    email me at
  15. fag Houston
  16. fag Houston
    I thought maybe you weren't the only one being pegged.
  17. fag Houston
    I've got a switchblade that is legal where I live and I would take it over a boxcutter anyday.
  18. fag Houston
    Skyrim mostly but I've pretty much done everything in the game. I bought Horizon Zero Dawn and the Witcher 3 but haven't played them very much. Still waiting on the DLC for Uncharted 4.
  19. fag Houston
    How do you get the clap by being pegged?
  20. fag Houston
    A principle wanted to expell me from high school for having a lighter but the school board only let him kick me out for two weeks, it was bullshit so I put a thing on a computer and got a password that wasn't mine and never went to detention again, don't want to incriminate myself and get my diploma revoked.
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