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Posts by John Stamos

  1. John Stamos Yung Blood
    When I see a Shoneys I tell people it's emotionally my home.
  2. John Stamos Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Actor I don't have the balls.

    That must look weird.
  3. John Stamos Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Phoenix I just tried to an hero myself. It was all very dramatic. I got traffic stopped on a bridge for a solid 20 minutes at least.

    There is no help though, Vizier. That's the thing. There's no help. My life is a losing proposition. The only winning move was not to play, and here I am playing.

    20 minutes? You didn't even warrant the amount of time an episode of The Simpsons plays for?
  4. John Stamos Yung Blood
    Originally posted by 1337 She just got out of federal prison a couple years ago. I wrote her once, but I didn't hear back. She tried getting married in prison to be able to stay in the US after they released her, but they still deported her ass back to Canada.

    Her and RIPtotse lived by me. No idea what either of them are doing. RIPtotse sold me bunk dope once. That was great.
  5. John Stamos Yung Blood
    Originally posted by RisiR A single day without Zhitpoztz and suddenly the forum starts being fun again. WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT THAT?!

    I make stuff fun.
  6. John Stamos Yung Blood
    Originally posted by RisiR Don't fight in my threads.

    New rule.

    Not fighting. I'm explaining why I said it.
  7. John Stamos Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Sophie A 1000+ year old place in Europe is nothing like Texas, faggot.

    How they're viewed culturally compared to the rest of Germany is how the US views Texas. Bavarian are the rednecks of Germany.
  8. John Stamos Yung Blood
    Originally posted by RisiR I bet she got big tits. Girls there all have bazongas.

    I'm not that far south. That's Bavaria. They live in their own world.

    It's like the Texas of Germany.
  9. John Stamos Yung Blood
    Originally posted by 1337 I don't know about that day, but he did shoot a lot of dope on TC.

    Didn't we all? Well I know I did.
  10. John Stamos Yung Blood
    Originally posted by RisiR Shitfucking south Germany.

    Where at? My mom is from Oberammergau. I still go there sometimes to visit family.
  11. John Stamos Yung Blood
    Originally posted by RestStop I just want to say…best username of all time, John.

    Had this username on the various TOTSE boards for a while. Can't change it now. Well there was that time I did like an ounce of ketamine over 3 weeks and thought I was the Messiah. I changed it to Jesus Stamos, that was short lived though.

    Originally posted by 1337 Remember when fubi (I think) was showing his dick in TC to someone's mom, jerking off and shit, and she just laughed at him and berated his small dick. She was a cool broad if anyone remember's whose mom that was.

    Wasn't he shooting dope on TC too that day? Ahhh, the old days.
  12. John Stamos Yung Blood
    Originally posted by 1337 Beats me, I haven't talked to him since zoklet was shut down. Muffins would know.

    Does anyone know what's up with Rizzo in a Box (aka imagination)? I was trying to go to his website yesterday but it looks like it's down.

    I miss his methed out rants. I don't know what's up with him though.
  13. John Stamos Yung Blood
    Originally posted by 1337 That reminds me, what about sAINT?

    I got nothing on him. How about Midnight Sun?
  14. John Stamos Yung Blood
    Originally posted by reject Last I heard from him he was engaged and doing all right, seemed to have found himself a good chick, that was a good 7 or 8 months ago tho

    OH SHIT I forgot about fubi. I'm friends with him on Facebook he's doing good. Got a cute girl. They just posted vacations pics or some shit I just saw.
  15. John Stamos Yung Blood
  16. John Stamos Yung Blood
    Originally posted by 1337 lol, holy shit. Too bad it wasn't sickboy or bradley.

    What about fubi?

    No idea. How about Zenith? He's one of the only people I met up with IRL.
  17. John Stamos Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Cleetus Boy Howdy It's Gettin ROWDY in here.

    Tell em’ cleetus.
  18. John Stamos Yung Blood
    Originally posted by reject Didn't konglomo die?

    I thought so too.

    Originally posted by 1337 I still have GG4s phone number. I wonder if he has kept the number. I tried to get ahold of Konglomo recently but idk what happened to that negro, some other guy answered. I wonder how is kid turned out, litle guy is probably in Kindergarten now.

    I haven't talked to 4J in forever. I worked overnights at the time and he'd play XBOX with me when I got off.
  19. John Stamos Yung Blood
    You really put a lot of effort into making your dick look small huh?
  20. John Stamos Yung Blood
    Originally posted by RisiR LSD. The Hellacious Neckbeard.

    Ahhh yes. LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery. Is he still around?
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