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Posts by Grimace

  1. Grimace motherfucker [my enumerable hindi guideword]
    Seriously, what's with everyone trying to rebirth &TOTSE all the time? This website alone is enough rebirth. Let the dead lie, man. We all loved &TOTSE, but the cold hard truth is that the Internet of 2017 and forward isn't the same as 1999-2009's Internet. It's nostalgic for a reason. Just remember &TOTSE fondly, the times you spent, the things you learned, the people you met, and let it go. Be happy with what we have here. Truly the last vestige of the community. I don't know if it could handle another split and break off.

    LOOK at us all!

  2. Grimace motherfucker [my enumerable hindi guideword]
    I first shower, and while all of my pores are open and the strands of hair are soft, I then shave. Razor to the head. Rapid, short strokes all over my head, rinsing as needed until it is smooth to the touch everywhere. I then shave my neck and the little bit on my cheeks so the beard-line is more defined.

    Ultimate Aftershave Balm & Moisturizer by Kiehl's is what I use afterward.
  3. Grimace motherfucker [my enumerable hindi guideword]
    UPDATE - 11/12/2017

    HTS has allowed scron back into his basement. More importantly and perhaps more disturbingly, HTS's parents have allowed scron back in their basement. It was confirmed on Tinychat early this morning.
  4. Grimace motherfucker [my enumerable hindi guideword]
    Originally posted by NARCassist there's summing wrong with you


    This is a false statement and I am going to sue you for deformation of character. You better lawyer up.
  5. Grimace motherfucker [my enumerable hindi guideword]
    Originally posted by RestStop That was beautifully written Grimace.

    I would appreciate the admiration with a gesture of THANKS!


    Also, you're supposed to finish the story. If anyone could finish would be you, RestStop.
  6. Grimace motherfucker [my enumerable hindi guideword]
  7. Grimace motherfucker [my enumerable hindi guideword]
    If I was there with you, we'd be getting a GRAND SLAM BREAKFAST. One for you, one for me. Once the waitress delivered our food, we'd politely thank her, answer "no" when she asks if we need anything else, and then promptly tell her to fuck off when she lingers around our table a little longer than what is acceptable.

    I will WOLF DOWN my entire GRAND SLAM BREAKFAST meal, because I feel like I am starving because I have been drinking beer for 5 days straight, missing the loss of a loved one, and not eating any food whatsoever. I gobble down my entire plate and with bacon and eggs still in my mouth, mushed into a strange paste between my teeth, I SLINK under the table and SUCK YOUR DICK.

    You moan in ecstasy as I SUCK and you eat your HASHBROWNS. You bite into your EGGS as I CUP your ballsack and deep throat it. Wriggling with pleasure, you barely manage to get your slice of bacon off the plate when I reach around and grab your asscheeks, grip them firmly, and forcefully SLAM your DICK in my THROAT. I time it just as you take the bite of bacon. You wriggle, jerk, convulse, let out an audible "ohhh" as your body CASCADES into a series of VIOLENT shakes and SPASMS and OUNCES and OUNCES of semen squirts from your ROCK HARD DICK.

    I crawl out from under the table and stumble out into the night, leaving you with the bill of $37.22. My body would be later found the following day completely mangled and crows have picked out my eyeballs entirely. You stare at the bill as a band of sweat trickles down your face. You know you need to tip your waitress, but you already think a $37 bill is astronomically expensive. You try and juggle your expenses in your mind: "I just won't turn anything on, not my TV, not my computer, not even a light bulb for a week! I'll live under the warmth of a blanket, a good book, and a flashlight"

    As you are considering your expenses, a man bursts into the restaurant...

    "EVERYONE SHUT THE FUCK UP!", he shouts in an excited tone.

    "P-Please! I have a daught-.." a woman near him tried to plead before he aimed his sawed-off, pistol grip shotgun at her face and blew her head off. Her mostly headless body crumpled to the floor around her children as they screamed and cried in terror. A pool of blood quickly circled the body and her children held on to her headless body and cried, "NOOOOO, MOMMY!!!!"

    Everyone in the restaurant now knows the man with the gun in the middle of Denny's isn't fucking around. He means business.

    "Everyone! Get your wallets out, purses out! I want cash! Cash people!!!!!!!" he rages while wildly pointing his rifle at people.

    The entire customer base raffled through their back pockets and purses, desperately digging out their wallets and throwing the cash on the floor at his feet. The sight of the growing pile of cash must have aroused him, as he threw his head back and MOANED as he slowly massaged his DICK.

    You sit in your little booth, shaking with fear. You have already shit AND pissed your pants. Your stomach churns from the 1/2 gallon of oil you consumed in the Denny's food. You vomit violently directly into your lap. Huge, gushing waterfalls of brown-orange puke with that "sickly sweet" scent of partially digested food and stomach bile.

    The robber approaches your booth, interested in why you are violently reacting in such a way. He pulls his dick out of his pants and allows it to UNROLL on the table. It's hideously long. You glare at it and realize you have never seen a dick like this, not one that had to be rolled up like a Fruit-Roll-Up at least...

    You take in a deep breath, knowing what must happen when.....

    Post last edited by Grimace at 2017-11-12T12:35:17.294190+00:00
  8. Grimace motherfucker [my enumerable hindi guideword]
    Park your car just off the road to the on-ramp to a major interstate. Align the wheels so they are generally facing straight ahead, but angled so they will cut diagonally across the interstate below you (towards the opposing traffic lanes. :) ).

    Hop in the back seat of the car that you've retrofitted with strobe lights and disco balls. Reach over the front seats and turn the music up as loud as it can possibly go. Grab a 12" cinder block and lay it down on the accelerator so the engine is roaring to life in a stand still. Grab your liquor bottle and start chugging it as you jerk the car into gear from the back seat. Your car rears back before catching traction and beelines straight down the on ramp towards a busy interstate. Just close your eyes, chug your liquor, and dance, baby. Dance the night away.
  9. Grimace motherfucker [my enumerable hindi guideword]
    Get a fucking job. How EMBARRASSING!

  10. Grimace motherfucker [my enumerable hindi guideword]
    You just described Colorado. The state is large and there is plenty of placed to be a recluse.
  11. Grimace motherfucker [my enumerable hindi guideword]
    I will say, HTS has been in TC and no scron present. Of course, he could be hiding in the closet, out for smokes, etc. We grilled him for details. Apparently, he asked to see the contents of his bag, scron refused, a scuffle unfolded, scron tried to run away, HTS chased after him and caught up to him in a neighbor's yard and then beat the fuck out of him. The neighbors gathered and some got their phones out to call the police. They both fled. HTS claims the police could be coming to his door at any moment.
  12. Grimace motherfucker [my enumerable hindi guideword]
  13. Grimace motherfucker [my enumerable hindi guideword]
    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Yume you all have such shit taste

    Taste my shit.
  14. Grimace motherfucker [my enumerable hindi guideword]
    False. I don't believe it. Prove it.
  15. Grimace motherfucker [my enumerable hindi guideword]
    Also, scron came into TC early this morning and claimed HTS was high on drugs and asleep. But he is still clearly there. So either this was some drug fueled weird thread, a thread made for publicity, or HTS accepted him back into his life even after the blatant robbery.
  16. Grimace motherfucker [my enumerable hindi guideword]
    Originally posted by 霍比特人说中文不好 TriStar Pictures is an American film studio that is a division of the Sony Pictures Motion Picture Group, owned by the Sony subsidiary Sony Pictures Entertainment.

    While correct, in this context, FALSE!
  17. Grimace motherfucker [my enumerable hindi guideword]
    I wrapped my hands around the baby's neck and I squeezed with all of my might. The baby attempted to cough and sputter. I cough feel the motions under my intense grip as I watched it's face frozen in a death scream turn red then blue then a deep purple. "I fucking HATE you! I growled at it through gritted teeth as I wrung the last breaths of life from it's body. I then dismembered it and flushed the various pieces down the toilet where it's remains collected amongst HEAPING piles of shit and piss forever and ever. Amen.
  18. Grimace motherfucker [my enumerable hindi guideword]
  19. Grimace motherfucker [my enumerable hindi guideword]
    Originally posted by 霍比特人说中文不好 I know all about Tristar. Ask me anything about Tristar.

    What is Tristar?
  20. Grimace motherfucker [my enumerable hindi guideword]
    Originally posted by SBTlauien Phones actually do well in hot weather. Aside from not letting you use them due to the temp.

    And except for iPhone 6/6s/6+'s where the Tristar IC is damaged.
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