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Posts by Nil

  1. Nil African Astronaut [the overexcited four-footed chanar]
    Fuck what I said before, Moonmeister. thats who. dude had style.
  2. Nil African Astronaut [the overexcited four-footed chanar]
    I don't really have much contact with black people on a regular basis but I'm not very social. the ones around here are immigrants for the most part, a section of the somali population seems to think they're still in mogadishu tho.
  3. Nil African Astronaut [the overexcited four-footed chanar]
    yeah but what about gandi spec?
  4. Nil African Astronaut [the overexcited four-footed chanar]
    Originally posted by Kolokol-1 I'd rather be stuck in -50c than 50c

    well, it's liek the saying goes i guess, you can always wear more clothes but can only take off so much.

    Post last edited by Nil at 2017-07-03T00:47:10.323172+00:00
  5. Nil African Astronaut [the overexcited four-footed chanar]
    Why don't you learn how to do tricks with a yoyo and then go out and perform them hoping for contributions?
  6. Nil African Astronaut [the overexcited four-footed chanar]
    Fuck I thought my jaws would be loosened on friday but I have to wait another week, I look like I've been stuck in fucking Auschwitz, I just want a fucking lasagna.
  7. Nil African Astronaut [the overexcited four-footed chanar]
    Originally posted by Kolokol-1 Only three months left until the temperature drops to a reasonable level!

    Maybe where you live, in december it's going to be like -30C to -50C and like 6 hours of daylight, summmer is too damn short I should gtfo of this place, I don't know why tf white people decided to colonise this place or why the immigrants flock here.

    Last year it started snowing in october :(
  8. Nil African Astronaut [the overexcited four-footed chanar]
    Still looking for the black CAULK?
  9. Nil African Astronaut [the overexcited four-footed chanar]
    Does your boss just stop by the nuthouse for new hires or what?
  10. Nil African Astronaut [the overexcited four-footed chanar]
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon That was your alt, faggot

    SotB was like an angry british imperialist, he was pretty funny. never got a spec alt feel off him. DaGuru on the other hand.....

    Originally posted by aldra ArgonPlasma2000 I think was his name

    I learned of Skinny Puppy cuz of that guy.

    On topic

    Rust, because logic bitch.

    AeroDynamic?, some neocon with an interesting perspective.

    Hated One, he was cool, then he just disappeared.


    water bottle was alright but reading his posts it's like you could feel the smugness coming through.
  11. Nil African Astronaut [the overexcited four-footed chanar]
    Net is slow as fuck for me for (reasons) I can really only load up text.

    Right now I'm browsing:

    That's it.

    Any other forums? text heavy websites?
  12. Nil African Astronaut [the overexcited four-footed chanar]
    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Yume As for the US, it's a different story because the natives probably weren't doing anything meaningful with this land.

    So kalahari bushmen > Iroquois, people who knew what agriculture was? you should just say it's because you live there and don't want to give up anything The US fought for. or change what you believe.
  13. Nil African Astronaut [the overexcited four-footed chanar]
    Damn spec, probably the best trip phrase.
  14. Nil African Astronaut [the overexcited four-footed chanar]

    Maybe the journalist is full of shit, but there was a legit travel warning issued by our government a while back pertaining to this.
  15. Nil African Astronaut [the overexcited four-footed chanar]
    pay a whore to come on to some random dude in line at a fast food place?
  16. Nil African Astronaut [the overexcited four-footed chanar]
    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Yume Happy Canada day, hope you enjoy your lack of freedom and abundance of handsome and well tanned individual mudslimes!

    Lol our government once issued a warning about carrying cash in the states because your police seize money, glad we're at least free from police highway robbery.

    Post last edited by Nil at 2017-07-01T23:09:55.629433+00:00
  17. Nil African Astronaut [the overexcited four-footed chanar]
    Lol 150 years, this place has no history and is just a big resource extraction operation. We should sell second class citizenship too all the downtrodden in the world so we can get more timmys built.
  18. Nil African Astronaut [the overexcited four-footed chanar]
    How would the earth being flat make life any more meaningful?

    Does accepting that organisms change extremely slowly over time make steak taste worse?

    The fact that I'm the product of 2 people fucking 20 some odd years ago, the result of a causal chain stretching back billions of years or gods special creation doesn't matter to me.

    And you probably are insignificant, most people are in a universal, social, historical sense. but it's not like that really matters to the subjective experience of your life.
  19. Nil African Astronaut [the overexcited four-footed chanar]
    Fuse/relay for the fuel pump?
  20. Nil African Astronaut [the overexcited four-footed chanar]
    fuel enhancement?
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