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Posts by Nil

  1. Nil African Astronaut [the overexcited four-footed chanar]
    I uh omg.

  2. Nil African Astronaut [the overexcited four-footed chanar]
    Originally posted by Dfg let's see, do I care nope. Am I building a community? Nope. Am I living in false hope that this world needs Totse? Nope.

    Then why not let somebody who cares have the subreddit? you don't give a fuck and it would be a an asset for the community why be a dick about this?

    Originally posted by Dfg If you can't sell something, it's just worthless.

    Get fucked.
  3. Nil African Astronaut [the overexcited four-footed chanar]
    I wonder if he ever attempted a wheelie in his chair.
  4. Nil African Astronaut [the overexcited four-footed chanar]
    When I off myself I'll be sure to stream it to you guys.

    I was thinking a guillotine but after it lops my head off a spring loaded contraption jams a smiley face into my neck.
  5. Nil African Astronaut [the overexcited four-footed chanar]
    My friend has been saying i should watch guren lagann for like a decade.
  6. Nil African Astronaut [the overexcited four-footed chanar]

    u couldn't just vocaroo the next one in an extrmely heavy and over the top russian accent?
  7. Nil African Astronaut [the overexcited four-footed chanar]
    Putting up the tarp was considerate of him.
  8. Nil African Astronaut [the overexcited four-footed chanar]
    What i don't get is she was referring to us as a group, like pretty sure the only thing we all have in common is a love of free speech. it's not like we have an agenda or like tenets or some shit.
  9. Nil African Astronaut [the overexcited four-footed chanar]
    top thread
  10. Nil African Astronaut [the overexcited four-footed chanar]
    Originally posted by Jeremus Republicanism is the idea that the executive authority of the government is derived from the mandate of the public.

    I'm not convinced. Like I live in a constitutional monarchy with a democratically elected parliament I don't think of it as "republican" Although I can be pretty dense sometimes.
  11. Nil African Astronaut [the overexcited four-footed chanar]
    Looked up peach kelli pop, kinda reminds me of tacocat.

  12. Nil African Astronaut [the overexcited four-footed chanar]
    The last time I donated money was to some politicult because I found them to be entertaining, that was years ago.
  13. Nil African Astronaut [the overexcited four-footed chanar]
    Originally posted by Fox Paws No I’m madfast from totse

    *tries to log on*
  14. Nil African Astronaut [the overexcited four-footed chanar]
    they're pix.... of ur crib.

  15. Nil African Astronaut [the overexcited four-footed chanar]
    The solution is obvious.

    We need to clone 2 narcs and raise one on a steady diet of Heroin and another in a controlled environment and see which clone lives longest. simple.
  16. Nil African Astronaut [the overexcited four-footed chanar]
    I brush my hair, with a hair brush. and shave every once in a while as I don't really have much facial hair growth and sometimes my middle school mustache starts to bother me.
  17. Nil African Astronaut [the overexcited four-footed chanar]
  18. Nil African Astronaut [the overexcited four-footed chanar]
    I thought republic=non-hereditary head-of-state, thats it.
  19. Nil African Astronaut [the overexcited four-footed chanar]
    *he also hated fat people
  20. Nil African Astronaut [the overexcited four-footed chanar]
    You know I really hate conspiracy theories, as tho random shit doesn't happen because people can be retarded and things can get out of hand sometimes. presupposing some master plan behind events to fit in a nice little box. wrapped up with a bow. That said asking cui bono never hurts.
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