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Posts by BeigeWarlock

  1. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Rock_N_Rollover Nice bomb.

    It's magic.

    Looks like the left wing just disappears.

    This is not fake Haulagram stuff. it's just a Video Codec problem. there are a grid of boxes in which if the movement isn't that great, there will be less change of motion in that box. this photo gif was probably the reason it shows like this

    Lears story of Haulagrams is wacky as fuck. It wasn't an Inside Job it was an all around job of corruption by the elitist. Project Blue Beam wasn't perfected and still isn't but if it was happening.. it probably could only show up in detail at night. day time 3D projection would be difficult to pull of. if it didn't work OOOPS can't explain nothing slamming into the buildings.. right? But you take 747-767 and modify the fuckers and RC them into the building while putting on a show of Guys told to commit Jihadist attacks.. those guys probably thought it was a test run. the phone calls coming off were probably faked with Audible Fingerprint technology by actors who's voices were altered to sound like the people. that has been around for decades.

    but nothing flying into the buildings is a fake conspiracy to humiliate the true conspiracy that occurred.
  2. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    this could take days to read everything done. it was probably planned out since the 1993 bombing of the WTC which got fucked up.

    So this time around they made sure it was done right. The Arabs paid for the highjackers and Bush's buddy Dick Cheney made sure the Enron would be removed completly (To bad they didn't have the cloud server of redundancy back then) and multiple leaders of Large Corporations were going to make it big.. including the Military Industrial Complex.

    Someone transfered and stole Millions of dollars at 6am that morning just 3 hours or so before the first plane hit.

    The Gold of 1.2 Billion in the safe vault below 5-6 was emptied out (A fema guy who is on the run for "killing his wife with suicide" had released much of the FEMA tapes showing the vault was empty)

    A Security Guard was able to stop one of the trucks from hauling it away (reminds you of Die Hard 3? Lots of hollywood films like to create predictable programming to lesson the shock)

    2.3 already stolen by the MIC had 2 record locations of evidence. 1 at Building 7 (lost forever) and 1 at the very place hit at the Pentagon

    Larry Silverstein nearly broke from spending nearly all of the last of his money buying Building 1 and 2 while already owning Marriot Building 3, takes out 25 seperate One Million dollar policies that were to end in October 2001.

    He's now 5.5 Billion richer with a double wammy paid out by the Insurance groups

    Larry Silverstein also stated in an Insrael Convention around 2007 that he already planned to knock down Building 7 and rebuild it in 2002. Building 7 was only 12 years old. WHY? a 47 floor building to be knocked down just over a decade old? weird and probably a first.

    Israeli Students having an Advant Garte art exibit where people would press up against a special window while a Helicopter took photos of them.. acting as if they were leaping from the window... it appears they are the same Students found at GW Bridge and pulled over by New Jersey side of Port Authority in which the truck they were in, had a plane flying towards the WTC on painted as a Mural on the side. they also got the personal phone numbers of ATF, FBI and other Government agents where they called or showed up at their houses trying to sell them Art. WTF??

    They were then released the following day (After the truck tested positive for C4 plastique and other explosive material) and flew back to Israel.

    Bush and Cheney requested that the Bin Laden family be left out of the report. 28 pages proving they paid for the highjacking. the family of 9/11 were asked, Do you want these documents to be released or settle out of court for millions each.. the families chose the money and the 28 pages redacted were then resealed

    10,000 volunteers have now been being treated for post related Asbestos and other chemical exposures. the Enviormental testing of the area said it was safe with masks. You are not safe from Asbestos with a simple medical mask. all of these people will die from Cancer in the next 20-30 years.

    Firefighters and Medical staff who lost their Jobs to illness and cancer related to 9/11 lost medical insurance and have since died .. only when Trump came in did they finally get the help assistance. a bit to late now. early treatment could of put off their deaths for another 10-20 years

    Several people including Guiliani and Former Mayor Willy Brown of San Francisco were WARNED "Do not go to work on 9/11"

    Silverstein just missed going to work that he always did because of whatever the fuck. I think he was in the other building having lunch and got out.

    basicly the only people showing up were mid level management and building staff.

    Fuck the middle class?

    Why can't we get together and be strong and deliver Old School Justice. we're all going to die in the next few decades from some hybrid flu because the Machines will replace middle class Jobs and the rich want to have the world as their own playground. Stop selling out, Mother Fuckers!
  3. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Something Squirrel It unites all beliefs and philosophy, like without triangles it seems chaotic and random that everyone believes in a million different things and nobody agrees on anything.

    But if you look at it from the perspective of a universe where everything is fractal arrangements of geometry expanding and repeating across infinite dimensions then it all starts to make sense.

    What about the cold spot. just a giant area of nothing. about 1/100th of the known universe all in one area. WTF
  4. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by infinityshock dont listen to that idiot. hes either drunk or high every waking moment of his miserable existence and the only way he has any clue as to whats going on in his life is to check the posts and videos hes made while hes incoherent.

    he was three pages into a thread one time before he realized the night before he had gone to a gay bar and played several rounds of pool…only he was the pool table and all the balls and sticks were going into his holes.

    What is this story of the mother of his kid's boyfriend raping him. I'd off the fucker
  5. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Semiazas Spicy seafood gumbo (shrimp, crab and clam.)

    I'll eat Abalone because it's not Shell Fish.. it's a sea snail.

    But I can't nor will eat Crab, Lobster or clams. I have a few times made my Mom happy while we were in Monterrey and ate Clam Chowder but I tried to pick most of them out. it was basically potato soup which was nummy on it's own.

    Also I have made an exception for smoked oysters. Those are good and I feel smoking the oceans shit eaters was sort of like blessing them to make them safe to eat. That's why once in a great while I might have a bit of bacon but if you fry thin slices of smoked turkey lunch meat.. it becomes crunchy and is a good substitute for Bacon.
  6. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Fonaplats why the fuck did you guys even click here?
    Like you see "child porn" in the title and you just have to take a look!

    To flag your fucking ass
  7. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by infinityshock you suck at this

    If it was you, and You followed 87 and a half people along with a midget who ruined your life into a store without hurting others who are innocent.. how would you deal with the situation. Remember.. you can't harm anyone outside of the group
  8. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by infinityshock theres no such thing as god

    Shut up you faux asshole Joo. This is why you will burn in hell for EVER!
  9. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by jer3552 I'm roasting a big turkey breast….good healthy meat……it was almost our nations symbol….damn they wont let u eat an eagle…ive always wanted to roast a swan….bet they taste good

    I got some fat turkeys in my neighborhood. I never cleans one before.. But I imgine I get up to one with some food.. and grab at least a female by it's neck and spin and ring it right there.. throw it in the back of my truck and drive it home. put it in a sink of hot/warm water pick the feathers of.. cut it from it's neck to its groin and split it open and drop all the innards right out the side of my condo window (girlfriends) and let the cleaning guys clean it up. then wash it out, cut it's head off and roast that bitch up just nice in a buttered batter

    3 hours should do it.. maybe 4 at 400?

    it might be gamey because they're wild and out eating everything
  10. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    He looks like a Real Saphardic jedi.. certainly jedis can't be lawyers
  11. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by infinityshock pics or it didnt happen

    I dropped my camera phone when I was running out

    they'll prolly upload to
  12. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    G-ds gonna cut them down. they went against his will.
  13. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    I went into my closet and grabbed my bubble wrap gizmo gun and shot 87 and a half people and a midget and they all laughed themselves to death.

    am I responsible?

    Im gonna bubblewrap myself now
  14. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby No not at all. My daughters mom died in that shooting. Tho im glad at least mals friend died.

    Who knows maybe mals friend is my baby mammer lol

    Dude you can't be serious about one of the ladies you had a kid with, being what.. The Teacher?
  15. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    I told you I wasn't kidding. So I'm sitting here on my Mifi in my car and I finally payed it back to those I wasn't joking about doing it to.

    I obtain my weapon from storage and I walked into Walmart in Richmond California at Hilltop. It's on the news right now. several patrol cars have driven past me . I'm about to take it to myself. It is what it is
  16. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Something Squirrel Also bank and finance hacking you will buy something for $1 but get charged $2 even though your bank says it was $1

    That's what seems to be happening to me. something will be charged and show up on the online bank statement then is gone but there seems to be more money missing than should be.

    clearly there is some criminal shit going on and will always happen.

    they hire people who are friends of bank people. and some of these people don't seem very professional. Americans got real stupid and lazy. as long as they keep running up those credit cards while shopping and eating they dont give a shit.

    Imagine a large Kabal (Generic sense) of workers who don't need to work minimum wage Jobs but are instructed by gang bosses to do so (or something even larger) who manage all the fast foods. and when someone on the T.I. list rolls in, someone messages the manager who then runs in, tells an employee "hey go clean the bathroom I got this" and puts shit in your food.literal hepc infected shit on hand or some radioactive shit

    everyone will slowly be weakened, have their food tampered with, be given poisons that slowly cause bladder cancer (like rat poisoning) things that wont happen right away.
  17. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Technologist I wanted to hop on the Harley and ride around southern Ohio. Damn freakin rainšŸ¤¬

    You should ride in places like Montana or South Dakota or even the Pacific Northwest. Just outside of the bay area has the Sacramento River and Delta and there is this really bad ass motorcycle route starting from Napa and going east then up the river to West Sacramento. logs of small windings but nothing to serious. Yosemite would also be a great place to ride. I miss my motorcyle now.

    If I get this new Job I might buy a little 650cc maybe a Kawi
  18. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Grimace Tomorrow, I will work 1/2 the day and then close my shop to spend a few hours at a casino followed by a few pints at an Irish Pub. Maybe some fish n chips, too. Mmmm.

    Afterwards, non-stop, hardcore drinking until late Sunday night. :)

    Oh, I'll probably blackout and shitpost on here a lot, too.

    Where you live Grimace. the real Ireland or do you mean like hit an Indian Casino then some irish pub in the states.

    I havn't done that in years. I can't drink much.. gives me heartburn and speeds my heart up. but I love hitting the quarter or nickle slots. or Texas Holdum
  19. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    As I stated. Everyone can have their Guns.. but everyone has to have all their guns chipped (let tax payers pay for it) and so if it gets near a Police Station, A Highschool or any school campus, Government buildings. it locks. Just like the wheels of a shopping cart when you try to leave the parking lot.

    simple mechanism which in bulk would be a hell of a lot cheaper than building up a fucking Rent-A-Cop state force. some fat fuck getting more cop power who barely graduated high school.
  20. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL WTC7 housed the bulk of the evidence in the Enron scandal, which involved criminal felonies launched against several major corporate executives, which was about to surface in the criminal courts. All charges were dropped after the tower fell and the evidence was destroyed in the process. And WTC7 was a controlled demolition.

    There was other evidence of high profile cases to come up as well. guess where the other backup server was located for the missing 2.3 Tril that was also housed at WTC7 the Pentagon. Right were the plane hit. what are the odds.
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