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Posts by BeigeWarlock

  1. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Michael Myers I am referring to the opening post. He wrongly proclaims that whenever he shows up, the anti-semitics (really, anti-zionists) cower in fear upon his arrival and hide. This is most certainly not the case, as I have showed up and this time, it's him who's gone.

    Yes, most of the people can't tell the difference between Zionist Hating jedis who know it was a sin to create Israel State to that of the fake ass faux godless Joos who run The State of Israel (well not all of them.. some are real jedis to confuse it more)

    it's a shitshow over in that part of the world and always will be.

    Infinityshock is the biggest Anti Semitic- Self loathing Hebrew on this site. He doesn't care for any of them
  2. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Wait.. wut?
  3. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Michael Myers I wouldn't lie. Everyone has something beautiful about themselves that sets them apart from others. Your olive-colored eyes are different than my seemingly black-colored eyes. And that is exactly what makes you beautiful.

    But they're actually Blue, Michael. I have no clue as to why the camera made them middle eastern green.
  4. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    "White, male culprits"

    You know what.. forget the record number of copy cat killings. this is racist .. "White, male culprits"

    I want all attention on this national crisis to be deflected on the cries of Reverse Racism and waste Millions in tax payers dollars for crying racism stereotypes. Next thing we're all going to be profiled. Whitey, You look just like this other Whitey being White and in the Wrong place. Like being seen across the street from a bank being robbed even during the robbery. How do you explain this?
  5. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Michael Myers The real question is.. do you not see…. that we all love your olive-colored eye?

    I don't believe you mean that!
  6. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    PS I'm not blaming the FBI agents as a whole.. that's silly.. he was an employee.. but the agency itself seems to be dodging me. They don't go talking to people like Alex Jones claims.. I suspect Alex is a circus show.. and the rest of the planet is about to get fucked with WWIII while all these elitist cunts and their protection, splitting for some underground IceCave "In one of the Arctics..-Zach Galafagnastics"
  7. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    OK here is the thing. I really need someone who has been dox'n dialup totse to come forward.

    I really want to see archive replaced pulled pages.

    You people are delusional about Zok being a more "serious" network BBS. for fuck sakes.. Zoklet just made more of a mess of what enigma was already going through.. I mean I find it funny as fuck this happened to that Shit talker, Zok (that you guys so much idolize) I mean even Jeff Hunter (AKA Enigma) had talked down to Zok the first few years he was a member, because I believe he was still in Highschool back then and acted like an immature retard.

    I have to be careful to say this.. but when I eventually FOIA Zoklet and his connections as a possible employee of the FBI as stated.. I'm gonna have a fucking field day with this. That mother fucker probably caused much of my stress by feeding in lies about me being an online troll. He virtually called me "King of Trolls" more than once.

    Piece of shit.
  8. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Michael Myers I hope you lose your money, you zionist scum.

  9. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Do you love my olive colored eye?
  10. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Me Too

  11. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by jedi.Goldstein That actually makes sense. Maybe I'm like the Manchurian Candidate.

    perhaps .. all of us are. we're all here. seems even Government Workers are chipped and hand picked.. including agents.

    older agents like Agent Gunderson was poisoned to death. his own doctor stated this. but they just buried him without a case file being opened on him.

    He really pissed off Dr Aquino on Geraldo in 1990. I want Dr Aquino to come onto this site and speak to us before he dies of old age or colon cancer (as he stated he had). He still denies the 1986 case against him in San Francisco for child sex trade. and pedophilia at a local army base day care.

    But I would at least like to hear him out on Podesta Brothers, Aliens, Black Op shit, Fema Camps or what we should worry about. someone go find him.
  12. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by jedi.Goldstein Yeah it's their saturday.

    Monday or casual Mondays. they don't get the Monday Blues, i'm sure.
  13. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    start on the last day of the year to assure enough fiscal budget is set aside to the following end of the year.. most contracts are 1 year but many are bi quarterly.
  14. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    I painted a girls ponytail with it in kindergarten

    little did I know .. future ponytails.. similar situation. lots of pleasure in both.
  15. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by jedi.Goldstein Major mistake on my part. Still remember that I was Drunk at home alone on New Years Eve feeling sorry for myself.

    It's a FB tactic to fund the FB curve for next FB (Fiscal Budget) of a Government Project.

    You're "THE MAN" Admit it... but you want to ignore the totse thread of March 2001
  16. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    lol like cum for women and infinityshock?
  17. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Aww... a sad face! :(

    am I still your buddy.. you took off from tinychat because I spoke truthfully about the corruption, you bastard!
  18. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    what the fuck is a pva?
  19. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra I was reading about sid vicious the other day and one of his drug dealers' names was Rockets Redglare

    what an awesome name

    not a given nor surname I'm sure. just a street's pet name.
  20. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by jedi.Goldstein If this is true that makes him the biggest schmuch ever to crawl out of a yenta's slime funnel.

    he assended gracefully. Rabi Jesus was Awesome you filthy faux joo
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