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Posts by BeigeWarlock

  1. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    right in the inner thigh near the testicles... femoral takes like 30 seconds to put you to sleep. maybe a minute.. tops. if done right. If you hit it hard enough and puncture it.. most likely it will feel like a charlie horse at best.
  2. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by infinityshock what the shit does this even mean?

    SEALs dont 'saught' anybody…theyre not a decision-making arm.

    they had him in site when told to go get him.. then the CIA pulled out just like I did from your dirty rauchy ass and mouth

  3. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by infinityshock id hit it.

    regardless of the artificially 'poofed' boobs.
    this scene made me laugh hard.

    I"m gonna put my penis in your pussy, Julia... I'm gonna jump up and down on your boobies"

    -Charlie Day

  4. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ifitdontfitacquit Please whatever you do don't kill yourself over this. IT would be so tragic.

    It aint no cry for help, Man!
  5. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by infinityshock i have no idea. i just listen to whats on the radio or the shit i downloaded from napster.

    I picture you in the pan handle, deep in the fucking woods in a broken down cabin with rusty meat hooks and cicles hanging from the ceiling with a rusted out shitbox 58 F150.. like that movie "Wrong turn"

  6. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by benny vader so their a few alleged girls here so its only natural we put them on a pecking order of some sort.

    list your list and rank.

    Need to see the goods first! not just beauty but talents. Nude while playing the Alto Sax or Piano for a start
  7. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    I am respecting the whistleblowing on Pedophile shit going on in UK

    Yet I feel like he gives us much truth but then flips shit near the end.

    Also, I noticed 2 guys talking to each other on the live show right now Spectre and MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING LOL
  8. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    He says "Bring it on" to the FBI.

    I think it's a circus show.

    they're all apart of something
  9. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by infinityshock not in florida

    Bush, Dick Cheney and Silverstein should go to prison in Florida. In General Population.
  10. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmQ This is a much smaller zoklet with far less topical discussion and probably the same amount of shitposting. That seems pretty obvious.

    everyone here seems to *Not An SG Thread* nasgt
  11. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by infinityshock where the shit do you live? where i live if someone comes into your yard with a baseball bat they are target practice. completely serious.

    youve spent too much time under a rock. the term 'nigger' has been in widespread use everywhere. granted…when i moved from NY to FL the frequency that I heard the word used in casual conversation skyrocketed.

    fun fact: the first time i used the word 'nigger'…a term that i literally had no idea what meant… was towards some fat fillipino kid at a catholic school in 2nd grade. that went well.

    You're the one who moved from the Bronx to Florida (like most jedi people do)

    Did the Filipino kid tornado kick you in the side of the neck?

    People have used it out here many times. but it always rubbed me the wrong way hearing it. it's not that you use it in some clever way and then swim out of by "why you used it" it also shows how ignorant you are for being a person who is completely at ease of using it over and over and over again.
  12. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Did none of you ever watch the Myth Busters episode with the toaster in the bathtub?

    did dieded?
  13. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by xox_LJ_xox That would be called…..INSECURITY!

    On here?

    BAHAHAHAHAH you don't have to feel insecure on this site. a bunch of frumpy faced nerds. Infinity has never even posted a photo of himself. except the kitty and his shaved leg with press on nails.
  14. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    It was a racist Joke but she did point out to Chelsea Clinton about how George Soros sold out his jedi people to make money and given the chance to survive by selling people out. And I mean he snitched people out who ended up getting snuffed. Don't talk about the Holocaust on this one because Even Soros straight fucking faced admitted it.. and stole their money in the process.

    The Clinton are friends with this fucking treasonous cunt to his own people. But because of this racist remark, she will never be respected and this will ride on her for years to come.

    the thing is.. She's Hispanic and jedi and raised Both in the jedi faith but converted to the Mormon church for a while.

    She comes off as stereo typical "White" but she's at best white-hispanic. She was probably fucking drunk when she did it and with people and laughing and didn't think clearly of how sensitive or how easy it is to ride the politco card wagon these days.
  15. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Captain Clearance granted. God bless America.

    It's weird how Afgani and Paki's hate black people (I mean many do)

    I had some Afghanistan people as my neighbors, nice people but their little 9 year old brother fucking with my motorcycle (or so I believed) got furious with me, came over to my house with a baseball bat and threatened me with it while yelling "Maybe the Niggers did this from down the street). I was trying not to laugh at his little punk ass.. his sister was hawt, and came over laughing and took the bat from him. But I was shocked. I'v heard it a few times over the decades since.. and I'v heard Pakistani and even Indian people say this word or derogatory towards blacks. clearly not all.. maybe not the majority but just like whites such as InfinityShock.. It's everywhere. Big among older Chinese and Japanese too.

    I thought after all these years we got past the racism shit. until the fucking 1990s and 2000 came along with Antifa terrorist fgts and Full Throttle Libtardness.

    "Can't we all just get along" -Rodney King.
  16. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Hey Infinity, do you like Metal or any other form of rock?
  17. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by infinityshock taco burrito chimeechango sinko de mayo

    I'm laughing because you sound so dumb and think you're funny.

    You're a keeper though.. until your shit gets old or the MS13 show up at your door.
  18. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by jillvalentine Ahahaha

    Good one, Buddy! Like I said.. We might have some fake women on here. But We know Kink isn't fake and I heard the voice of Bebe yesterday on tiny when fon was talking to her on the phone.. it was loud enough to hear a female but Hell bounced her out.

    Kink, we have seen you before why would you grab a B-stock photo and claim it's you?
  19. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL So you admit you're a federal investigator.

    *crosses arms smugly*

    No, man. They're dodging this too. I don't think Harper Reed (who isn't just Paypal, I found out recently he works for RUSI a British defense security company.. most likely linked to Bush's security contract company links) Anyways I dont think Harper is the boogie man but James Comey's behavior is pretty odd with Clinton. I mean I thought he was going to bury her and then backed out twice. it's some weird agenda to take over the Government. He doesn't seem like the guy who would do this. so either someone has intimidated him (with death threats?) or he's a great actor.

    Obama is a curios bird. I liked him until I started researching stuff.
  20. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kinks

    I’m not really a bitch. Only on here. Someone’s gotta set the standard, and I’ve been at it longest so I suppose I’m obligated or some dumb shit

    You can be bitchy all you want.. just throw us a photo of your funbags now and then.. the nerds here will quiet up like the guys from Big Bang Theory
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