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Posts by BeigeWarlock

  1. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL

    Look here you want to talk about this as you're a believer. What the fuck does Jeff Hunter have that you need so much to protect him. You know that guy from Dreamforce is the Real Jeff Hunter aka Taipan Enigma or just enigma

    Did you log onto totse in the year of 2001 and view the 5-6 month long Manifesto to attack NYC and Washington with highjack planes (and perhaps other items)?

    Why are you not answering this. it doesn't make you guilty of viewing something that apparently up to a million people saw (Yes, weird irony.. I can't find anyone other than Lostcause)

    apparently a million hits on totse per day according to Alexa? I believe enigma (Jeff Hunter) stated this as a sticky on the main page?
  2. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by なに?

    I didn't know huffing was the "In Thing" I had a family member huffing aresols since the 1970s. I wont say who.

    Thanks for the Bill Keller one. I wonder if he's still alive.
  3. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Fox Paws Do you have evidence that these web crawlers deleted portions of the totse archive? Or are you just talking out your ass cuz you would believe anything conspiracy-related?

    Dude, Do not talk to me anymore. This just cycles from one alt or user to the next. Go to Start and read the entire shit on this page.

    I'v explained it so many fucking times.
  4. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by thatermeneter if somebody actually came after you, how ready are you to Self Defense? <— I Edited

    Not as much as being 20-30 but I'm not a fat slob of weakness.

    I'm a green light if pushed hard enough
  5. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
  6. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Uneducated about 9/11. I'm sure many have an IQ over 130 and just were programed to believe it's a silly "Conspiracy Theorist" which is a Buzz Phraze now for "Crazy fucking people" but it's just stating a Conspiracy likely happened.

    Ask Mr Aquino about utilizing humiliation tactics and denigrating the human spirit to shut them down.
  7. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Enter It could be Jeff Hunter trying to take his place to

    oh for fucks sake what am I doing, I have an assignment due and I'm shitposting on NIS again, fuck fuck fuck I'm so pathetic I wish somebody loved me

    Go dig up so more stuff on -Spectral. He's not going to admit he saw the post I speak of. People just want to move on with their lives. but the connections aren't Happenstance. Something was going on between these people

    But I never stated Jeff Hunter was one of them behind 9/11 I just found some odd connections that seriously should be looked at.

    I'm told the US navy has a super computer that can fucking assemble shit together and figure out crimes

    but they're apart of the DoD which is a slave to the corporations who tell the DoD what to do. or they will sell their Arms to other nations? or just be stubborn with advancements.

    Where is Dr/Lt Col M.A. Aquino? if hes "A good guy now" (whoever said that on here) could probably tell you some deep shit that goes on.

    people are being murdered for Power and control

    People like civilians and our own Protective Emergency Services and even Navy and Army. 55 between the two at the Pentagon.

    I'm speaking Heresy to the uneducated who protect this nation. Sorry, but the facts are there.
  8. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Madman I would send every all the nukes at all known chinese and russian military bases. I think that they would think their equipment was malfunctioning because they would see so many bombs coming and they wouldn't expect it until it was too late.

    China has a NO preemptive strike policy. Why China? they will more than likely fund all cloud business in the USA for a percentage and We owe them so fucking much money they're not going to be a threat.. as long as we leave their movement of building islands.

    Let the asian countries talk them down from advancing. make some kind of treaty.
  9. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by benny vader his name is jihad aid ???

    He's a human being just like the cops. The question is Who put the guns out on the streets!

    1980s- Rick Ross knows who. Get an informant for a good cause and it's a good thing, but the corruption is so fucked up, they take informants and turn them on good people the corrupted police and criminal element (who are joined in some brotherly bondage or sisterhood.. etc) and they use them to set people up. if the informant fucks up.. they're sent back to the "Program" to be "Reprogramed" and usually come out with a black eye or broken rib. I have experienced it (Not myself) from a guy I knew since age 12-13
  10. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Zanick Really? LSD as a first 'real' drug is very uncommon. What made you decide to do that, instead of a more typical introductory substance?

    Don't answer him Enter.. hez a copper!

    [; lol

  11. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Something Squirrel Xylene is better, its methylated for increased neurotoxicity.

    With straight gazoline you are only getting basic hydrocarbons. It's like Adderall vs meth of huffing

    Don't associate Adderal with your crazy vapor huffing addiction.
  12. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmQ

    Linux Man looks like Mathew Broadrick.
  13. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Everyone in this thread's Peer Pressure trigger question

    "Everyone's doing it these days.. Everyone.. What, are you scared??"
  14. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by NARCassist neither is that


    wears childrens underwear and pee's in the lower urinal.
  15. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    If it's Hong Kong then that town is gone. they tore it down and built some expensive condos and business offices there. China loves Mix Unit buildings. Stores on the bottom, Business in the middle, Condos at the top.
  16. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Fox Paws Explain what is robot.txt again? I’ve seen you mention it a couple times

    it can retro delete a webpage or text file. it's seen as a simple text file (non executable) but is somehow programmed to have a timer or backdoor to allow the person who posted it to erase it at a later time.

    I think Trump recently got into it with Spez on Reddit for deleting out a AMA post or something on Trumps personal account.

    I believe the defense for Spez was "It was a robot.txt" as if to suggest trump or a staff/employee of his deleted it or Trump himself.

    not sure if I got that story right about Trump but in general that is what robot text is. and when I was booted and IP banned.. the page first said "you're banned".. with a robot.txt on the page. that's the first time I learned about it. forgot about it and came across it years later to find out what again it was.

    And it also is supposed to block crawlers. but archive was different. it didn't prnt copy it made it's own web pages in Im guessing it's own proprietary version of html. so it was able to snapshot and remake the pages. those pages were later removed. perhaps the language didn't matter because either robot.txt took care of it (meaning someone backdoor into it) or someone at removed them.
  17. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Enter I like this photo.

    is this hong kong. the old caloon bay of shanty town or is it India or wtf
  18. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Something Squirrel Get off my lawn.

  19. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Fox Paws There was no such thread you damn schizo

    because it was pulled or because of robot.txt ?????

    you're just a child. Shut the fuck up and go play with your lego law set
  20. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Saw what? An old Totse thread? What thread are you referring to?

    the 9/11 "manifesto" like march of 2001-september before being pulled.
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