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Posts by BeigeWarlock

  1. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Is the theme of this website to post Personal Info aka PI?
  2. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Enter No girls wanted me. They just wanted the good looking guys. I was ignored, or laughed at.

    High schoolers/teenagers are honest. They didn't like me back then, so they won't like me now. I'm fucking fooling myself.

    "Hey guys a girl was taking advantage of me by making me help with her assignments!"

    No, I have nobody to blame but myself for that. What the FUCK was I thinking? Why did I give myself even a shred of hope?

    Girls do not like me. They are disgusted by me. So I hate them.

    My only option right now is this tinder/gym plan.

    Well that's kind of sad. the truth in my life is I was goofy looking but the only girls who flirted with me were very cute or popular.

    I never approached girls really until Jr year in high-school. then in my early 20s till 23 when I got married (Just turned 24) I didn't need to anymore. but even in middle school, girls would flirt with me and then I would get pumbled by their boyfriends.

    I was really a fraidy cat from 6th through 8th... worst years of my life. Fucking INTO the trash can.

  3. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by RestStop Yes. You have caught me.

    Obviously I didn't really think that but it came across my mind as a possibility but My real feeling is no.

    And no one is happy with Ice, but it's not their fault that they do what they're told to do as their Job. The Mexican wall is fucked up because for the longest time we kept out Mexicans but not Canadians. clearly a double standard. But to keep face, now you need a FUCKING Passport (thankfuly no visa.. Yet) to get into Canada. Now why am I "Ranting on" because I want to go to British Columbia without needing a FUCKING passport that I never in my life needed. I would love to see Canada because I know during the 1800s when much of my family came over, they came down through Canada. and at some point.. what was USA territory was considered British Territory or French. they finally moved the line below Toronto (which the USA apparently wanted) and Mi (such as Detroit) was once claimed by Canada.

    making cousins living in a separate nation so close to the border. North Dakota being another one and Ohio.

    that fucking lake is Evil (or is it 7 of them)

    I forgot what I was on about.

    off topic. My girlfriend made some Salmon. I always got nauseated by Salmon. but the first time It didn't bug me (And I was told to replace it for beef I had loved before as a red meat)

    It was the best fish I ever had. She steams it then sticks it in the toaster oven on turbo mode (where it moves the air around.. fuck whats it called.. convection?) which caramelizes it. so good. throw it on a bed of rice with broccoli. Fuck George Bush Sr for hating Broccoli.. that's the gayest(edited-- Non Homosexual sense) and childish thing to hate and try and demonize it when he was in office. No wonder Jr is such a fucking retard.

    Bill Krozby, Your Bush friends aren't all retarded like Jr are they? His daughter are hot as hell. also I think someone poisoned Jr.. just an opinion.. don't need SS kicking my door in. Because he used to be one bright mother fucker from what I was told. IQ 138 or higher.

    Fuck happen to him.. to much alcohol? Cheney fucked his mind to much.
  4. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Enter Patrick Bateman really killed all those people, except everyone in that society was too self-absorbed to notice or care. The only think Patrick imagined was at the end of the film when the ATM read "feed me a stray cat", etc. That whole scene.

    So that wasn't random was it? Do you think that Feeding a stray cat could of been some kind of layered mystery for a higher thought or type of parable was to the people able to think at a higher level. is it possible that our films are tests to see if someone randomly says something "Really fucking out there" that in the average group of friends, a mole is placed by a higher society.. trying to see if you understand what it means to feed a fucking cat to a fucking ATM Machine.

    What if it was ALL an imagination. No one fucking died. didn't one of the women he kill suddenly pop up somewhere or he "thought: he "Saw her"?

    haha what if he thought he was killing people yet somehow they gave him the impression that his Shiny Axe only killed Paul.

    And how in the hell does Huey Luise and the News come into this? it seems to be an inside joke with an inside clique. Or is this real world clique just pretending they know the answer of Huey Lewis (Louise?) only to fit in. What if the director, writers and producer all have a laugh watching people like you and I argue what the fuck is going on.

    I feel that way about Jeff Hunter and me being blacklisted. and everything I post on this fucking site (Or possibly Totse) is only an inside elitist group using me from my youthful years of the 1970s as a prop object for their game.

    now we bounce to the film "The Game" with Michael Douglas. WTF!
  5. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    The british ruined their own country. it's bad enough you ruined others but now you ruined your own.

    perhaps focus on technology and see if you can tweak your genome enough to fix your teeth
  6. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by AngryOnion You have to turn it up because I was to lazy too walk down into the swamp.

    I did.

    wuts happening AO
  7. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Unrelated San Francisco

  8. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    "Turn up the volume for this one"

    Right, last time was some scarey Halloween

    First time was Goatse "Hey everyone.. I'm looking at gay porn" while at work.

    OK i'll give it a shot
  9. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by RestStop Ah well. I think I want to live more in the time the picture was taken rather than the exact location.

    actually I did too at one time. but then you would have to deal with the 1906 quake, the 1918 Spanish flu. and I'm sure most people didn't wash there hands much when preparing your food.

    But yeah, looks pretty cool. Also there is a lagoon where they are. they created a gap between the old mansion homes and the new.
    Gold Coast is what it was called. it's just a district now. Mansions aren't shown in this one.
  10. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Why would you think I'm a hermit just because you are balding?

    You're a virtual hermit. you won't show a photo of yourself. somehow I don't think you're the kid that someone said they found your P.I. to be.

    and I still have a decent hairline for someone in their 50s. so.. Balding is not Bald.
  11. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by NARCassist if you're gonna post here you should give everyone a copy of the totse2001 public key so we can decrypt your shit.


    that doesn't make any real sense to me and I wont bother try figuring out what you mean since you're so hostile to me all the time.

    you should stop smoking meth or heroin or whatever it is you smoke. you're a moody guy.
  12. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by The Self Taught Man It's all results based. 5 years ago it was anywhere from $1500 - $3500 per month as I recall.

    see that's the thing. In the bay area.. not as many coders were getting paid 80-120k starting. maybe 40-75k?

    So the FBI GS12 or higher pay status would of been awesome pay.

    now it falls into the poor house. 50k or less in the Midwest is an ok pay for one person or even household (Im told) but in SF.. any household less than 80k is in the poor house. Rent is effed up. Gas prices are way higher than the rest of the nation (except NYC or Hawaii or LA)

    it sucks trying to survive out here.. except you can live out of a mobile home (including car) if need be because of decent weather 320 days out of the year. the other 40-45 can be a cold snap or way to effen hot.
  13. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by AngryOnion

    A year and it paid off for me with that Meta/Jeff hunter (cough) "Only a look alike" photo.

    Also again.. I'm not accusing Jeff Hunter of being involved for self interest of 9/11 attack. just for putting me on a blacklist because I wouldn't shut up.

    and there is multiple links to prove this.
  14. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Enter, you come on down here and meet your people. I'll take a day off and drive us on a tour. I know this area as much as the next guy.. usually more than the next guy. Grab Grimace too. and College Professor. I can fit 4 others. Just no drinking in my car.

    Perhaps you won't think shit is so silly afterwards. and I bet any amount of money (if I had some) that it exist in the UK, NZ, Australia, South Africa and anywhere else the fucking Brits moved into. Fucking Brits.

    "..Celtic Pride, My Niqqa's"
  15. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    See.. thats funny. I never thought of an actual Illuminati at first. now I do. I'v heard of this for years. thought "At Bohemian Camp.. they just a bunch of richies pissing on redwood trees". that was the the phrase usually used if anyone asked what the fuck went on up there when I was a kid.

    in other words. Dont ask. but they went and killed shitloads of people. at least all at once. so now we ask.
  16. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Those pages WERE archived on for some length of time. Very strange.

    I could add another scenerio

    Someone broke in. The owners or people who run it, never new.

    anything is possible. Physically broke in or hacked it. but perhaps a forensic data person could figure it out. Assuming they didn't switch out HDD server. which they probably will say they did.

    Edited in: if someone hacked in and removed.. I wonder if the original owner or current owner (because it was purchased by archive) had also made hard copies.
  17. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by RestStop I want to live in the first picture.

    They landfilled the fuck out of it.. and built ticky tacky homes :) in the 1960s just like the show WEEDS.
  18. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

    Dude if they cared about your existence you would have been toast before I closed Zoklet.

  19. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Robert Wagner is blamed for killing Natalie Woods in order for Robert to Marry Christopher Walkens.

    that was the story in the Early 80s. how bizarre!
  20. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker A robot.txt file can not do what you described regardless of how bad it was explained to you or how bad you misunderstood the explanation.

    Really.. well then. You're suggesting it was those at archive (or someone who worked there) that did it. I was trying to give them the benefit of the doubt. and that's how it was also verbally conveyed to me.

    But if you're the expert, then I stand corrected on that. That makes it even more involved though. If it was a sort of retro-pull or retro delete thing, then it wouldn't of been so deep rooted. but now it's clear someone physically removed it from the server.

    They had enough problems as it was with the feds didn't they? When Arron Shwartz got into trouble trying to gather Public Domain Literature for Archive. commits suicide thinking the feds were going to put him away for the rest of his life (Which is why I kind of hate google that much more)
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