2018-04-11 at 7:59 PM UTC
the KKK as a triangle
K is a broken triangle. A broken Arrow of sort. it's shifted on it's side axis 100%
btw.. Fuck the KKK and fuck racism. it just stagnates progress. No wonder why the white race will start to be pushed out of existence. as a White person I fear this but it's because white people can't network with one another without fighting all the time. Seems it's encoded in us that we're always right even among each other. How the fuck did we get to exist so fucking long?
2018-04-11 at 4:42 AM UTC
Attn Zantick and Bill Krozby
I have to poop right now. But I ate too much icecream
but seriously. I have to take a squishy poop.
2018-04-11 at 4:39 AM UTC
WTF is going on with Trump
Fucking all hell. What a shitshow this entire presidency will be. 4 years of never allowing the guy to fully form his cabinet and move onto being a president.
Plus that stupid piece of shit in NK did exactly what they all do. He's using this peace period of talks to advance more. Now it is said that he has no interest in talking with Trump.
Anyone remember wag the dog. Clinton did it right after that film came out. remember Serbia. Now it will be NK.. Watch what happens. If not NK it will be Syria
2018-04-11 at 4:28 AM UTC
Forgotten memes from Totse.
Your Antisemitic behaviour is not welcome here.
2018-04-11 at 4:22 AM UTC
a weird thing happened today
the smell went away.
then I ate some gas-station donuts and now there is lots of crumbs on the floor.. I wanted to vacuum it out but it's gonna rain tomorrow and people will just trek in faggy leaves onto my floormats. faggy in the non-homosexual sense.
2018-04-11 at 4:19 AM UTC
What happens when we die?
When I'm in the forest alone.. the last fucking think I want is someone coming near me.. that's how horror stories start out. that crazy fucker in the woods with an axe.
unless there is a bear. then I want someone around me so I can push them into the bear and run.
2018-04-10 at 6:26 PM UTC
What happens when we die?
Just have faith and trust..and to be at your best..nJesus was a very loving Rabbi which most Rabbi's were not.. Jesus just basically stated to chill and not fear death not evil pestering demonds for the rod and staff shall protect.
bluelight Mmmmmm Blue light.. TELL ME MORE
2018-04-10 at 5:48 AM UTC
a weird thing happened today
It was like a big bubble fart too
People are too lazy to organize a counter revolution. We're doomed. Lets just give up to China and work for them.
2018-04-10 at 12:48 AM UTC
a weird thing happened today
I farted and it smelled like a really bad egg fart. but I couldn't get the smell out of my drivers seat all day.
This is not BlueLightspecial.com. GonAway