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Posts by BeigeWarlock

  1. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Fox Paws Those would be the only 2 possible options, yeah…

    Originally posted by Fox Paws Those would be the only 2 possible options, yeah…

    is this sarcasm? can you think of a third or is this sincere.
  2. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    he probably wont come back or will come back under an alt.
  3. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Where is Spectral. and where is Infinityshock (not that I want him back.. just curious if he was permaban or had some incident where he's in a hospital somewhere)

    -Spectral did you record the thread I speak of. this manifesto of pre-9/11? Release the logs.
  4. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by HateEternal The police are on to me and I need to delete this account, but the button is missing from my profile. Please help!

    "Don't be a softkill.. go in headstrong"

    Does this make sense to you? I was told this once. doesn't make sense to me
  5. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra 'the world' has never approved of israel's irrepressible dicketry, but they've been kept at bay by the US and UK.

    the difference now is that the US and UK are losing the strength they need to shield 'god's chosen people'.

    Hey.. it seems in the vision of John in Rev.. An evil group of jedis for Satan (Synagaug of Satan) will rise up and cause trouble and harm other jedis in which all jedis will be hated.

    So I feel bad for the jedis. and though it may be a long battle.. it eventualy becomes a victory. all of this shit is happening and it's not really seld prophetic as you might believe.

    but if it is, it's the elitist false jedi cult utilizing pre-determined tactics on the entire human race. Everyone will have a roll in this last theatrics scene we seem to be going into. So while you're blaming the entire USA and UK.. other people will be outsde of your bubble playing their roll. so find a roll/.. and play it well. All the World's a Stage.. remember?
  6. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by NARCassist i dunno totse, do you actually expect us to take this shit seriously?


    Like don't think of it as a conspiracy on a higher level. think of it as some cult (who educate their children to the highest level) who makes these rising stars think they're in control and have the power to do so. perhaps they gangstalk and play mind games and do break in but not stael so much, yet move shit around. or steal it and then return it.

    a real mind fucking cult. Why do it? It's educational purpose.. to see how they can fuck minds up for black-op... and since they're rising stars.. get in before they make it big. With Elliott Smith, he was discovered by Matt Damon and Matt requested "Between the Bars" was used in the film he was in.

    now people take notice of him.. what a perfect time to get in and try to mentally control them prior to them becoming an A class entertainer.

    Yes.. we're al people. We're not God Perfect as much as we may think. and groups or networks of people is becoming easier to create just out of your home.

    FUcking yeah.. You know what, NARC you're not classic TOTSE. you're small minded. Crawl out of your fucking bubble you space case.
  7. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Yume Real talk:

    Do you think rich religious crazies are going to attempt to bring about the end times prophecies?
    Do you think Mark (((Zuckerberg))) is going to be the anti-Christ figure?

    I feel that of the first but not the latter.

    who knows. I thought he would look like Jesus, Anyways. Start a big cult by saying "Hi.. I'm him and I'm back.. let me sit on the thrown of Temple Mt and show you I am king" then yeah.

    he's in the Middle East probably right now. Probably a fixture of the false jedis. He will be a vessel for Satan and and a device for False jedi Elitist condusing real jedis to go along with the plan. The world is turning on Israel because of Evil False jedis or jedi people who care nothing for other jedis. hense 9/11 .. many jedi bankers died on that day.

    And if you say "Hurray" to jedi Bankers Dying.. Just know that Port Authority officers were there at least 1-2 percent jedi who died (so 2 out of what,71 officers? so probably a few at least) and 350 Fire Fighters died.. how many were jedi.. there has to be some and the Doctors were there volunteering for tragedy.

    as well as EMT and civilian or soldiers. All taking in huge breaths of toxic dust with asbestos and lead and other grim shit. being told the air quality wasn't that toxic. WHAT A FUCKING LIE.

    The first emergency workers showing signs of COPD and Esbestose related cancers were with in a few years. 10 years or more for the cancers for most. up to 50 years before it shows with Asbestos.

    Those guys EMT, Fire-fighter and some police got no medical assistance. Trump made it official while Bush made some measures for them to get some help (with huge out of pocket expenses?) And Doctors don't get instant aide if they get sick.. just because they were once active practice Doctors. some of them were fucked over with expensive expenses. FUCK I CAN"T TYPE TODAY


  8. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra it'd be worse for us. nuclear immolation beats superconcentrated populations with collapsed supply lines. eat or be eaten, and die of salmonella.

    You sound a bit like the type of "Christians" who want to push the Jesus Red Button and then try and be the survivors.. and when other Christians who are humble come to their secret bomb shelter.. these "Christians" will say "Oh.. you should of had supplies of your own.. fuck off.. we won't add water to the soup nor allow you to sleep on a cold floor.. begone" I know people like this.

    Watch this shit happen for real.. if not in a year.. 10 years.. if not in 10 years I would say 19 or less.. just the start of it.. a third of the planet wiped out by "Something like a Comet" and another by starvation, locust and plaques (viris unleashed by those that want to thin the herd??)

    Fuck it.. I want to join the cake party and learn techie shit.

  9. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    I support Israel but I can't support a false Israel.

    But Israel will exist.. and I feel soon.

    Stop hating jedis and hate the fake fucking jedis controlling Oil and don't give a shit about the land. they aren't even religious.. they're just cultural, which is fine except they pretend to be 100% true believers in the books of Torah, yet their only concern is to control the middle east. even if they have some jedi Blood, they're are the jedis of Satan Synagogue of Satan.

    Yet they meld in with other jedis. and you Christian/jedi haters can fuck off. But if you dislike the Christian that want to push the Jesus Panic button (Christians supporting a false Israel State) then I can understand. "Hey Jesus.. we want to be with you so bad.. we want to annoy the jedis and start WWIII)

    Really.. these people exist and there are lots of them in the Valley region of California. It's pretty fucked up being apart of their Church and leaving and trying to explain to my children "Hey.. this is a cult"

  10. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Randy Quide talks about being stalked by people in Hollywood (Corporate big guys)

    Elliott Smith (His music was in Good Will Hunting -"Between the Bars") stated people at DreamWorks or SKG (Steven Spielberg, Jeffrey Katzenberg and David Geffen)
    Had people breaking into his home and stealing his music?
    and that a White Van was following him Before commiting suice later which his girlfriend witnessed.

    Though the story has changed in Wikipedia it once stated that Adrian Borland also was being chased by a white van and ended up at a police station and brought home to his mother for "being chased down"before committing suicide by eaping in front of a train in front of many people.

    do you guys believe this exist? Would Spielberg truly hire people to get to their intelligent property? I wouldn't think so.

    but that doesn't mean someone isn't making them think this. Is it "Star Wacking" for some kind of cult ritual?
    interesting find posted below
  11. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Go to church

    support a future Israel that is coming

    C: join the cake party. no one cares about the past it seems

    except never forget 9/11 because it's not one tribe behind it.. it's many false religious types utilizing religion and propaganda to control the moronic mass that believed in the Bush Speeches.

    it's clear Wassabiest (bush's close friends of his family) paid for this and covered up 28 pages that Bush and Cheney requested be redacted. WHO THE FUCK SAID OK TO THIS?
  12. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Lanny But how did the liens get there?

    Lanny. A: Are you realy Snoopy from Totse

    and 2: are u really a Zionist movement jedi?
  13. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by BigLuigi its most likely a routine mass-surveillance flight, aka "sting-ray" IMSI collection etc

    it was an angry farci gal who wanted her exercise videos shown.

    she had a weird head attached to a cute body. why did she kill people over stupid videos?

    i want youtube to also unenhancement my stuff. but google is a giant liserd monster
  14. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    I think I'll start supporting a future Israel.

    wut of it?
  15. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by thatermeneter what the fuck are you on about

    Shut up and go collude with the Ruskies you fat pinko
  16. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    wait for it

  17. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Fox Paws I’m catching on. Instantly knew this said “BeigeWarlock” without even checking.

    But no I don’t live in SF. I used to years ago.

    I had an assignment following/watching this really weird guy. I trailed him for about a month until the next guy rotated on and I got a different assignment

    the number means nothing .. the only thing I found was some sight and a tracking number for FedEx

    but not my tracking number nor sent package.

    go ahead.. create one and blame it on me :|
  18. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Juicebox If I was Putin, I would've bombed the fuck out of every non-mainland US installation within a thousand miles already, and I'm an American

    Trump hasn't been AS bad so far but he still needs to leave Putin and the middle east the fuck alone. Our only advantage as a military is our navy, and Russia has tactical nukes specifically designed to take down navy ships. Without our navy we'd be absolutely thrashed.

    I am ashamed you and other Americans are siding with the fucking Russians.

    I mean.. besides them sending over their pretty women for us to breed with.. they pretty much suck.

    No go breed Amerikana into them Slavic beauties.
  19. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
  20. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Fox Paws Jesus Christ… you may actually be a fucking genius. You’re like an idiot savant. I’ve underestimated you

    666-7151?? You're in San Francisco.. right?
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