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Posts by BeigeWarlock

  1. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Alex Jones is getting sued and claims Youtube is going to close him down

    Is Tomorrow the big FEMA camp roundup?
  2. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    On Google Globe

    there is no Palestine and no State of Israel but there is Israel

  3. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    I didn't mean an old lady with most of her hair receeding for fuck sakes.

    there are younger women around 30ish-40ish with tight bodies or even slightly full figured coming out of Yoga Pilati whatever with silver hair.

    Maybe they dye it that way?

    the other thing is Orange and Blue hair on women with short lesbian haircuts is weird to me. it's not really punk. Im curious if it's a message.. codie .. something codie with their hair
  4. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmQ I wonder why I was looking up Jasper Texas and bath salt reviews last night

    another Zombie attack?
  5. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by NARCassist you know chesapeake bay is home to a lot of navel yards so they'll be getting more than just one bomb dropped on that area. expect the whole coastline for a few hundred miles to be obliterated.


    The point would be that suddenly States would have to fend for themselves. California probably wouldn't have a hard time much btu the rest of the country would be shitting bricks if on the day Russia pulled this sceneio on us, it would probably be when the House of Congress and President, VP and everyone that matters is inside one building. The Capital

    to me.. it seems like Russia could be working on a weapon that would only need to be dropped once.. but not push most of it's energy into space .. but rather horizontally and just require one or two of them to be dropped from Space simaltaniously and completly by stealth.. to just end all of the USA all at once.

    perhaps it wouldn't even leave much radiation behind. apparently Zsar Bomba blew up so high, it decipated over much of the region and didn't leave large enough doses to be a real concern for instant radiation death

    the ultimate weapon.
  6. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bologna Nacho


    He breaks the 4th wall to share memories with us.

    Or he ruined a complete shot!
  7. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Applebottm coffee & a sandwich

    Who are you.. where do you come from!
  8. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Manonfire Nurses ain't nothing special
    I work @ best buy and meme apply a to me too


    oops regarding original photo you replied to
  9. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Zok's real name is Aaron.

    But Aaron Shwartz died before Zoklet closed down.

    What's Zoklets last name? I need it for when I file a FOIA it will be easier to do research and cost me less for useless info I could already obtain on my own.
  10. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by EllariaSand getting paid to shitpost here

  11. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Rock_N_Rollover [video]Mexican Yodel King

    I imagine Poley looking like this but white.

    How do you think he lost his front teef?
  12. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost Whenever times get tough or there are hardships in my life I just think about This autistic dude I worked with last year

    I remember his mexican yodeling.

    And then my inner peace and harmony is restored. Hyorkism is real

    Mine is still Jesus Christ. Rabi Jesus is awesome Guru dude which everyone hates because of certain sects of Christianity have tainted his name sake with their ... Oh so crazy beliefs of world peace comes with pushing a red button to ring in Christ.

    but if you find inner peace in this Joyful moment.. it's kind of a Christ thing to me. what is to you is to others in different ways. different puppy moment
  13. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    I'm still on the hermit crab mind. They're cute and funny and probably cranky in the world of sea creatures

    do you look at photos to cheer you up. I think we all do. maybe a puppy being silly or a caturday. maybe a photo of a pound of fine cush.

    Nature can be soothing What's in your Wallet

  14. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by esbity ^TY For your effort.

    LEGO LAW!!
  15. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Glokula's Homabla yozS?

    Honestly I'm there at times. not sure what the cycling part might be.. unless you mean you ride a motorcycle with impulses like me. get help.

    also I hope Malice wasn't serious
  16. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by esbity We're only improving the quality of your thread.


    Originally posted by esbity You made a simple, limited, and plain topic, so we're making it into an open-minded topic that the whole community can enjoy.


    Originally posted by esbity If you dont like it, then get out of my thread.

    Wow, a little hermit found an abandoned shell in the form of a thread and made it his!

  17. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Enterita IM HAVIN A FUCKIN ANYEURISM

    If I pull the calcified crystals from your skull.. will you look up some more nibbles about Jeff Hunter's PI
  18. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Rock_N_Rollover Haha.

    [video]creepy car crash message

    something to do with 98880

    r u guys cats in attic minions?
  19. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    WTFH is lingering in to this website?

    this is some crazy rant shitposting going on here.

    Why is lanny on edge? is it the 9/11 thing? the only thing I got that linked totse's hidden archive pages from here (or things that link to totse in general) is the photo of him and Meta and reddit are linked together because that Shwartz kid who sadly killed himself (A real Hero for going after public domain by a private enterprize utilizing all of our minds to create the ultimate parralol universe (google) worked with both Archive and Reddit.

    Reddit's Spez (totse dialup days? possibly a Zoklet user too?) who never even would think of fucking with trumps reddit page, cause it can't be done (bullshit) via robot.txt or some other means (delete button) was buddies with Swartz.. Shwarts (Arron?) wrote a couple of PDF files on totse as well. I found them on USA.GOV but now they're gone :(
  20. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by NARCassist i don't give a shit if its democracy, authoritarian or anarchist regime. i don't follow other people or other peoples rules, i live by my rules, my way. if you don't like that then too fucking bad. coz i exist just like you do.


    We're all born into it though. No Man is an Island yet I set a basic standard in description. So please do not go Non-SG in a SG thread
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