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Posts by BeigeWarlock

  1. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Fox Paws Never.

    I’ve been in handcuffs before though

    well just pay the same hooker to put on a cop uniform and you might know what it feels like.
  2. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Something Squirrel I don't break the law and I don't like getting raped so no.

    even innocent people go to prison. an estimated 5 percent at peak and 3 percent in current prison population (though many of them have had priors)

    and 15 percent are partial guilty.. meaning guilty of one of the crimes they're in prison for but innocent of others they have been sentenced for.

    In germany they allow the prisoners to conform themselves. they give them the keys to their cells, the cells are the size of small studio apartments and they're allowed to interact much of the day. it's the only way to reform. unless you're a kiddy diddler/killer or a treasonous cunt. otherwise this is the way it should be.

    the system is fucked up. Prison for Profit and being nearly impossible to get a job when let out. Only companies that handle money should be off limit (or warehouse jobs) to know a persons criminal background.

    which segues to *American Systems*
    Hopefully that's the name of the company. at least half of the name is right ;)

  3. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by A College Professor never heard of them but it might be. i know it from the old gatorade commercials

    My girlfriend said it's from "Annie"
  4. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Enter

    LOL I knew that was coming. "Fuck your shitshow story"

    But in all honesty, that only makes it worst. cause he'll murder the next person he robs.

    no get in me pocket, mate. and get ready to put on a little cute show for the babes.

    I can't wait till you get to the states. I'm taking you with me to Santa Cruz. we can go paddle boarding or ride some longboards or some shit. not that I surf really. it's been 2 decades since I tried.

    Steamers lane for semi-pros if you ride.

    All Aussies surf, am I right?

    get in the pocket little bromo
  5. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by A College Professor i would have plowed him and his car right thru the side of the parking structure. give him a lil shortcut if hes so flustered.

    My car is brand new. I would be arrested for assult with a deadly weapon

    two women were screaming at us from behind to stop acting like children and get the fuck out of their way.

    people get (understandably) stressed coming off of bart. it's a shitshow system that is breaking down all the time or catches fire (as I have seen once on the news) and the tracks make these high pitched fucked up noises going through the caldicott tunnel into Oakland.

    He said "Go ahead and hit me, I have 2 witnesses while pointing at the same ladies. I wasn't going to be the first to throw this time.

    it felt like a setup and I say this because it looked like he was purposely trying to hit me. it was weird. It just makes me more vigilante in the future. i don't even have to be vigilante.. i have quick reactionary skills.

    off topic, the old man is making a scene in the hallway> I wish we could place him in a home, but it would be a financial burden on his family. he likes to punch the walls and yell---lots. even hits his cane on our door at times.

  6. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    OK up until now I haven't posted it.

    You ready. My original account on totse

    wait. I'l wait till later.
  7. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Something Squirrel Beep Boop Boop beep?

    fuk off Babs
  8. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Something Squirrel He's a robot

    STFU. everytime someone says that to me, My**** eye makes a flash and blinky thing.. like it's trying to reboot. aka the optical nerve is fucked up.

    I'm tired of people saying this. and I have had strangers do it. or sing Mr Roboto from Styx. it's like "how do you know this song, you're like 19 years old. fucking little college punks.

    But it's my Job to make sure they're safe and get to their classes on time. so I ignore it.

    You BITCH!
  9. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Enter i remember once on tinybltc I asked Bill Krozby a question and he just sat there with a stupid drugged out grin on his face, not even blinking. we all thought his cam was buffering, but he was just completely fucked up.

    I have to admit I may have been there that night.

    Bill Krozby, I know we never met in person but I feel I have gotten to know you a bit. as a former alcoholic (well always an alcoholic.. am i right) I think we should have a session of intervention. the only problem is, everyone on bltc chat will probably get drunk and pass out on camera, which I have seen several times. they get friendly, then everyone gets angry at some shit. the only girl on there cries almost every time while Death passes out (He used to be a cop too from what I saw)

    it's not a good thing to see someone bent over passed out drunk. every person on that chat forum has deep deep pented up issues. and needs intervention and find another way to get high.. hopefully naturally or if I may suggest they get placed on SSRI combo packs. .when you get angry, the drug makes you tired. it's a good "defense mechanism" your body naturally creates.. but makes it happen faster while on SSRI.

    I think you need this. so you wont hurt yourself or others. Death needs it too

    BTW is it true Death was let go of being a police officer because he stole a taser gun? :/ that's what the girl was saying (whats her name again?)

    Oh and one more thing.. Enter.. you're such a cute little guy, I just want to roll you up and place you in my front pocket and let you out as a chick magnet for when I take my walks. (No Homo-Bromo)
  10. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Hey.. stop posting PI (person info?)

    you could get someone killed or seriously hurt or have something of great value stolen from them.

    this is the most retarded game played on the internet. there are card reader/maker bitches waiting for this shit. and if you ever had your bank account stolen you would respect this. not all banks are willing to return money stolen.

    and I can't believe that they raised the bar on CC theft. it was 200-300? now it's 900. So if someone steals 700 (like what happened to me) it's not a felony. they can get a felony for ID theft but that doesn't always stick.

    So if a man walks into a bank and hands a note to the teller "give me all your money" and has no weapon and doesn't physically threaten the person. and only gets 50 cents because the teller ran out of money and waiting to get more from the boss. that man will still get the same amount of time for robbing a bank than if he got a million dollars or more.

    but if someone makes a physical card and runs up a purchase for 899.99 USD he most certainly will walk. no one is going to bother going after that person because there are millions of these illegal transactions going on.

    the feds are spread thinly. and there clearly is corruption in the feds, meaning I can assure you that at least One federal agent or "asset" of the agents is working both ends.
  11. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    See the truck in the middle that didn't collapse. I ended up there the next day because I had to check on my mom in the east bay (I was living near GG Park at the time and had to make my way to san jose and back up .. normally a 15 miles drive turned into about 120 mile drive)

    the guy was one lucky mother fucker to have been just on that one double decker section.
  12. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Lanny.. You mentioned shipping at one point. and your friend put Shit Fuckers when I first joined.. then he mentioned SF for short and then SF Enterprize. then by chance, I was driving down the road and saw SF Enterprise Shipping containers at Oakland Port when I dropped some CEO of one of the companies off there. it was where the old Cypress Freeway was. that collapsed during the quake

    next to US Steal/Michelin Man?? Pillsbarry DouhBoy

    DB Cooper

    it all fits now. doesn't it, Lanny.
    don't mess with an autist! we'll paint you in a corner ;)
    also Mandela Effect DOH.. I GOT A MILLION OF THEM.

  13. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING That's actually a boss idea for a logo

    Why thank you. I should work in marketing.

    is boss an acronym.. i just thought it was respectful to call people Boss but I get hit with it a lot. and haus. hmm
  14. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Fox Paws I make sure the lights stay on

    Oh, a Mean prison guard
  15. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Village Idiot i'm an undertaker and pathologist technician.

    that Job is gross.. they had one at a friends house of mine. downstairs. right in the mortuary. gross! I was curious why the coroners didn't do this. I thought that was their Job.
  16. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Enter :(

    it's OK man. I know you're one of those kids that was willing to BS to fit in.

    be your own mind. TheMoreYouKnow
  17. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    there is no blanketed answer

    Some people (or most) would want dignity as nil stated.

    But the fun ones are the ones who leave deathbed confessions. some of you tools would probably troll-death yourselfs.

    Have a treasure map tattood on your back. tell people you were poisoned by the KGB and say that the KGB and CIA are all aliens from some planet name Zok.

    Mess with your family by having a quick sex change operation (and using your brother's (or sisters) ID and Med card-bank account to end up paying for it. and then make the family (who had obviously no knowledge) that you were always the opposite sex in mind and they always made you feel like a freak.

    and in some 2400bps member freaks might do.. Hang yourself in the suicide forest but first tying your hands and feet and making it look like a murder trying to look like a suicide. and writing "Paul Hackett" did it on your leg in a sharpie. that way your buddy, Paul gets blamed for it.

  18. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Lanny should have a visable user/guest online (at the moment) viewer. apparently a lot of people are watching in real time without being members or signing in.

    and SRDH

    Our Military guys are told what to do. So it's not their fault for doing their Job. you should commend them even if shit happens.

    DoD is their Boss but the DoD seems to think it's ran by upper management.

    those guys get invited to dinner parties and no doubt hear things planned out on testing out new equipment. often by men who never served in the Military. Point being this. Very few Military made concious decisions to harm people in war based on their own self interest.

    the number goes up for DoD.. few but not the Majority?

    But when you get to Upper management with corporations that make weapons.. it's the Majority. SRDH = SHIT ROLLS DOWN HILL.

    And Enter, you proved my point for being one of these cucks who knows what is happening but still wants to act like it doesn't matter. this makes you a heartless piece of shit.. Now go roll yourself into a ball and play downhill.
  19. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Also I want to add it was bad enough with Jeff black listing me for employment but to find out that his main mod guy who took over his website went to work for the FBI committed the crime that he did cuz he in No Doubt was aware of the posting that he helped create with the information he gave out so the fact that he works for the FBI I don't care if he was an agent or an asset computer analyst he f****** was a conflict of interest and he slandered my name and he put no doubt a red flag on me that's the way the f****** system works it shows with James Comey you can all go f*** yourself how's that for a f****** Manifesto and why don't you go release some more f****** Bill Ayers mother f****** friends Bill f****** Clinton while you're at it what
  20. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Not tooting my own horn when I say this and I'm not a shell of a person but I do want to say there was a time I would have went out of my way to help people and I did it solely from the sense that it was the right thing to do and everyone's job to do so.. especially where I live that made me realize did the majority of the people are just looking for pat on the back and two look like they are great people when in fact they play in between people and their emotions and they Prosper From doing so.. in truth the world's is just a big piece of s***when you wash it out on top of it have a nice f****** day
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