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Posts by BeigeWarlock

  1. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    First I'll start with My conversation with Totsean the Pakistani guy in the Philippines (or so he claims)

    From a conversation we had on Reddit regarding Zok.

  2. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    I'v got 2

    Full Transparency

    Otherwise.. Transparency
  3. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    I'm starting to feel that you're all just a bunch of marijuana heads.
  4. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Fonaplats

    It looked like my "Hi" face but im on a laptop

    ok.. nevermind
  5. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by benny vader yes.

    sig hell.

    Don't be the bad guy. Hitler could of been a great leader and worked with the jedi Community to better Germany. He chose to blame them instead. or he was probably visted by a fallen angel to tell him to do so.

    Prove it didn't happen that way.. meanwhile back at Hitlers Estate his SS were gaying it up.

    Here is my theory. I read somewhere that Roman Soldiers would often sleep with their protégées. the mentor & protégées. the protégées would have to be prolly bottom-ups for the mentor soldiers.

    So my guess is the SS figured "Why Not" and would have Gay men show up in cakes and stuff.

    This shit was known to happen. bunch of closeted cake poofs they were. don't borrow that for your tagline.
  6. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Fonaplats I am going to go accomplish shit now.
    I am manic as fuck and ready to rule the day

    I needed to bring my girlfriend friend to the hospital. so I split early and made nothing.

    Total shitshow.. but not really now as I'm typing. I got a lead to some possible new Jobs

    Did lanny remove the final racist cunts from this site. it's suddenly filled with new folks and less retarded shit.

    &Totse was like this during dialup days and the first few years of it got retarded later. oh and so did the final days of dialup &totse (telnet 7 nodes; Strong)

    I think Jeff must of worked for AT&T &T hmmm
    the building is right there in downtown #Walnutcreek

    hashtag slip
  7. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by benny vader hebrews are by default, the most unreliable witness. they have been proven to be pathological liar ever since the days of abraham.

    Which is why they are punished and walk with guilt ridden minds.

    They were truly self loathing (but not as self loathing as American faux jedis are)

    did you know this? originally.. jedis stated that it was meant to be for Hitler to slay them. it was a punishment promised. This is why some faux minded fuckwad jedi guys (prolly converts) whipped up an idea to create the State of Israel. Prewar it was thought up but this lead to them feeling as if they were punished enough.

    G-d of Abraham has apparently not returned (because the entire Earth will know it's Jesus that has come back for them even though these current jedis do not accept him.

    But we can't push the button for Jesus (Certain Christian groups are doing this right now). He might be late for the party but he will always show.

    now what is all of this about?
  8. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by benny vader no he not.

    there can not possibly be good cops if there be no bad cops.

    It has to be true. The bible says so.
  9. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by benny vader it was when johnny doe dropped his soap that big Little Bubba conjunctured into him.

    very, very deep into him.


    Not possessive.
  10. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Fox Paws “the peculiar political conjunctures that led to war”

    Singular form, please.
  11. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kinkou That’s my photo, hey.

    this site has become a cuck-for cock bin and for enlightment on the dark side of the innerwebs. This is officially the 5th iteration of totse and prolly the second for zoklet (the dude who apparently worked for the fbi and loved to slander me as being a bad person.

    what a douch. and he knew exactly what that guy was doing. Mr Hansen?

    Seems the surname Hansen and Anderson (or Andersen) comes up a lot on these websites.

    Hansen (unrelated prolly) was the FBI agent who sold shit to the fucking Russians. This was after the film of Falcon and the Snowman was made. I mean WTF.. he goes and does it?

    What a stupid fat fuck (I can say that because it was said by the FBI agents that he wasn't liked and never worked out with them and was lazy and fat.. but not verbatum)

    then you have Vicky Andyerrsumsin

    what were we talking about?
  12. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Not Conjunctive

    something along the lines of "Blah blah at this conjuncture in time" ..!?

    I'm writing up a resume. Even though some of you should be mentally raped for your racism and self entitlement for being "White" You have very goody diction.
  13. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Slaynk But what I'm saying is, does the devil have no control over his actions, words and feelings?

    He does. He chose to be evil. there was peace and harmony in Heaven and a former Earth and the Devil went full retard on God and told God "Who made who" not verbatum but basicly question Yahweh, Jehovah or however you want to call out to your father by Name. Even Allah is a regional pronunciation that Arab jedis call him by or Elohim and Elohei (Pronounced El Oh Heem or El Oh Why) They are different pronunciations and not seen as Different G-ds. Though Arab Muslims believe Ishmael is the one to become Israel, Jacob is seen as the true inheritant of what will be Israel (Not the state) and so Wars continue on because no one can agree on whether Ishmael is the true "Israel" to be or if Jacob will be renamed "Israel"

    Anyways the third of the angels became fallen angels. I don't know if it's an exact amount of Third but probably is.. Synergy and all. Yes No Yes. or No Yes No...

    It sucks because the people who decided what books would make up the Holy Bible left out Enoch.. he is probably a key person regarding fallen angels and or Aliens that we view them as. Hitler was into this shit. He believed the Aryans were the Aryan Aliens who were tall and blonde and kind. (Which they are said to be). fuck Adolf tried to fuck the world over and make the Aliens his friends to destroy the rest of the planet, That's two fucking times the world nearly ended. The other was the Cuban Missile 13 day crisis in 1963.. but it was meant to be the third attempt by the Anti-Christ.. which probably is alive today. and somewhere in the middle east. the bible speaks of what is exactly happening today. Syria being attacked by Goug and Migog (Turkey and Russia or some shit)

    So hurry up and catchup. Be on the G-d team the true creator and not Lucifers team. Gnostics flipped it upside down and think Lucifer is the guiding light. which it does say he wil hold a light.. but it's false.

    WAKE UP PEOPLE Shit is going on right now.
  14. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Fonaplats I have showered.
    I called work and they said to fill out an application online.
    I got dressed.
    I started my laundry so I dont have to wear my lucky hammer pants all day.
    Now I am ready to achieve more goals.
    I will keep you posted on my excellence

    Everytime I fucking look at your Avatar I keep forgetting you're a dude. I can't fap to this. Please tell her to come online or someone for fuck sakes get some normal women on here. Maybe we can circle date .. My girlfriend is great but I'm a free to date whoever. I might move to Texas and meet a nice Mormon Lady even though I'm not a Mormon. I have an uncle apparently who is one of those bishop Mormon guys. I need to meet a sweet, big titty, cute curve Mormon lady.

    do they exist
  15. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by OMGPLZDNTBAN I'm back faggots. I'm older, have a wife and kid, but goddam do I miss the cock.

    Let's restart the longest thread on the internet and show those reddit/tumblr straight faggots what's up!

    Spez is a former totse member. and Zoklett from what I understand.
  16. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    come at me Bro is what the Devil might say.. but he won't hear a single word from his stubborness and will be no doubt, sprawled out
  17. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Slaynk he has to be? Or is it because he wants to? Can he just not help it? And if we could help him and he had the ability to get better, should we?

    My guess is that God's are Jelous. and He was the second in command. One of God's right hand Angels. a force to be reckon with.

    but apparently he question who made whom or vice versa.

    a battle ensued and all heavily tyranny arose, in which begat-begot and the great wisdoms aroused began a war of the ages.

    we are entering a new age and Jesus will battle once more. We are at the gate of the final battle and when everything comes to rest (perhaps a thousand or more years of this.. One thousand years, Jesus will reign in peace over what is left of our earth. and then a New heaven and a new Earth will rise out of the ashes like that of the native americans belief of the great Phoenix.
  18. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Fox Paws I thought there were rules against the media publishing names and pics of underage offenders.

    Edit: oh wait you’re Canadian I guess it’s different there

    He's in the one cool state of Texas that cares for victims. It's why I'm thinking more and more of moving there. Don't know if I will be a gun owner, but it will be good to know my neighbors will be. And the first thing I'm gonna do if I move there is throw a Cowboy's football game in my garage on a big screen tv and invite my new neighbors over for some beer. coors, PBR, or even some stout
  19. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    can you enlarge the face on that thumbnail

    If it's who I think it is.. I'm about to smak beercat
  20. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Fonaplats Thats what I am trying to do!

    If you were joking I might of chuckled at this for 6/10 on the dark humor side, but this is someone child or adolescent. it's not a thing to do. at this age they're really confused.

    plus there are probably new laws to climb up your arse if the kid does hurt themselves. Not to mention Lanny getting sued or some crazy shit. of course it's not happening on here.
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