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Posts by BeigeWarlock

  1. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut

    Hey Jeff Hunter.. does American Systems ring a bell for you? you know.. the company that blacklisted me?
  2. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    i wonder if this works

  3. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    My Man!
  4. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    wait what? Lokil is ToiletDuk isn't he?
  5. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    What a Hansom mother fucker
  6. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut

  7. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Enter this is your best reddit post, beigewarlock

    I mean Honestly.. it's kind of original and funny.. right. 8 downvotes because Spez's friends hit me out the gate. and I sometimes get 10 people who comment good things, but at the end of the day.. mostly enough downvotes to take me off of potential viral spiral.

    that place is controlled and apparently Lostcause works there. is her name Nicole by chance?
  8. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut

  9. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    T5 reference

    TB5 ref

    Jeff Hunter and Dr. Robb

    <-- Notice Sep 01 2001
  10. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by BULLDOZER Great info and I was kind of shook when I read recently that some of your drives were found "mysteriously wiped". Still interested in raping the earth with some dirt bikes with u and/or taking your story over a preets coffee. god bless,

    I need to add the photos or other info to correspond with the pages. that will be next

  11. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Last page, Page 9

    Another odd thing over the years. Coincidence or Happenstance. perhaps another word applies

    I'm not accusing anyone here. but these names seem to oddly link up.

    44th President of the USA-B Obama Went to occidental.
    reduced the sentence of a Bill Ayers and Obama is out of the Chicago area.

    Bill Ayers-former member of WUO (Weather Underground Organization) linked somehow to Bill Clinton. WUO Out of the Chicago area.

    James Comey- Former head of the FBI

    Jeff Hunter- Owner of went to occidental. But I believed lived in Ohio area and perhaps Chicago as well.

    Harper Reed- Claims to be a former member of, out of Chicago area.

    President Obama hired James Comey after James Comey worked legal at Bridgewater Associate for Ray Daleo. left in 2013

    Seems the same Jeff Hunter from worked for Bridgewater Associate for HR and left in 2013. (HR and Legal department usually work hand and hand when a problem arises at a company)

    Obama hired Harper Reed from Chicago (A tech guru and currently a CEO at Paypal/eBay in Northern California) to run his 2012 Campaign. Hires on Harper Reed as a CTO manager for Obamas 2012 Presidental Election. Harper Reed claims in several online website interviews "I thought it was strange that Obama would offer me the Job. I once made a pipe bomb from a recipe I found off of a BBS called

    Now, I don't believe Harper Reed is involved in 9/11
    I doubt James Comey is involved in 9/11
    I don't think (but not 100% for sure) that Jeff Hunter is involved in 9/11
    I seriouslly doubt Obama was involved in preknowledge of 9/11.
    But this is some odd sh*t!

    James Comey however didn't want to do anything about Hillary's clinton regarding the emails of Benghazi and her attitude about
    What difference does it make" and "no DA would touch this" is not related but had me realize that Famous, Wealthy and Political people don't have to do any owning up to wrong doings.

    Which is odd.. because both James Comey and Jeff Hunter speak of "Full Transparency" that they seemed to have adopted from Ray Daleo. (who I also doubt has anything to do with 9/11-- just a reference point as is Harper Reed)

    I wrote to the Whitehouse around 2011 and Emailed Obama 2011 and 2012 and never heard anything. and then find out this stuff later on. Man, That's just odd as hell.

    And Jeff Hunter can go to hell for blacklisting me. but I can thank him for showing me how corrupt things are.
  12. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Page 8

    President Trumps good friend "Larry Silverstein. (and my ex wife's ex boss's boss in NYC during 9/11/01) Man that guy has an amazing talent for vision. aquiring 25 seperate building insurance groups for 1 million each. that 25 million dollars collectively won him a cool 5.5 Billion and counting. its too bad so many people lost their lives.

    2997 citizens
    71 Port Authorities on the ground (and one of the 71 on a plane)
    343 Firefighter, First Respondent
    60 plus Ambulance EMT etc
    Several Medical workers

    and the ongoing other ground personel of Police, Fire, Ambulance/Med dying to this day. believed around 10 thousand have died in post 9/11 related illeness. as well as officer workers and people running away on that day.

    Who were the 5 dancing israelis? Some say Art Students. I believe Advant Gard? (I hope I spelled thta right.)

    found at a truck by port authorities in New Jersey. the truck seemed to test positive for explosive resedue. the 5 were booked, and set free the next day.. flew back to Israel. WTF???? no one is saying they're guilty. but they split. went on TV. stated "We have blonde hair and blue eyes, do we look like middle eastern terrorist".

    So we have Muslims, Christians (Bush and Cheney claim) and jedis apart of this mysterious adventure of the murder of thousands of people. Never properly researched. You need to go back and redo the research and allow an independent group as well. then let them cross reference each other. and publicize the end results. JMHO though. and probably a Million other people in the USA alone.

    Please go to pg 9
  13. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Page 7

    I believe whole heartidly that the NIST report was flawed.

    and another 9/11 commision report where then president G.W. Bush and Dick Cheney VP had requested that 28 pages be taken out of the report. redacted. showing the involvement of Osama Bin Ladens family members and royal family of Saudi Arabia in fact wrote checks for the 9/11 event of 2001.

    But I was never a hardcore "Conspiracy theorist". I believed the 19 highjackers in fact were involved (though it seems perhaps only 11 can truly be identified.. and oddly enough. from Saudi Arabia.

    But I believe that there was not "inside Government from the USA involvement" but rather global assisted and Osama Bin Laden was only a black sheep and or scapegoated by his family.

    Our Soldiers are great heroes. I put the blame on greed and weapons trading. From Upper Management in weapon dealers and makers. the same people who we glorify for making a good defense, seem to have some evil that makes offensive for sale and push agendas to use them. sometimes on innocent civilians which become casualties of war.

    these upper management of Military Industrial Complexes, and I feel those in Bush's period of 2001. made tons of money. From Dick Cheneys' former Halliburton and his ownself getting billions for contracts which were conflict of interest to the trillians made by the MIC.

    as well as 1.2 Billion in gold coins that were missing from the vaults below World Trade Center 5-6.

    Millions of dollars in Put Options on the airlines used in 9/11, as if to bet on them crashing on 9/11 into the WTC.. never collected. out of Saudi Arabia Im told.

    the 2.3 Trillian that Rumsfeld was telling everyone on 9/10/01 that went missing in defense spending. all that data located at two servers. The first being at the very place at the pentagon, that the plane struck. and the second backup server at Building 7, World Trade Center, NYC, that collapsed mysteriously by some small pocket of fires. (I call bullshit)

    the crime of taking a bunch of evidence (in the form of collapsed buildings WTC 1,2 and 7.) and placing them on shipping barges to China for the immediate sale to China. instead; of taking the pieces of the building, out to a park or hanger "like you would with an airplane that crashed" and use forensic science to repiece it back together. reverse engineer of sort, of what it was that brought it down. Who decided to move it to a shipping yard for instant exportation??

    please go to Pg8
  14. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Page 6

    While on looking for information on totse.. and opinions and statements shuffle around, often contradicting themselves over time. someone posted this photo of Metaphysics. One of Jeff Hunters friends. and oddly, in the photo they first crossed out Metaphysics (aka Dr Robb) face by drawing in a devils horns and mustache, but not the guy next to him. It looks dead-on like that of Jeff Hunter, from Saleforce's "Dreamforce"

    Jeff Hunter is enigma (or taipan enigma) and Metaphysics is apparently a guy now named Dr Robb on his own streaming PodCast.

    Please refer to photo Jeff Hunter and Dr Robb

    after waiting all of these years, it seems this is about as close as proof as I can get. since no one at city hall in Walnut Creek's business license can give me what should be public information.

    there has been newspaper articles written on totse. one at the old contra costa times from 1993 by someone I believe to be named Micheal Liedke (Now with tech for either Rueters or perhaps Associated Press, I forget which of the two.. at least back in 2014)

    he was threatened to be sued (as well as physically hurt, I believe) back around 1993. it was on wikipedia page and since the link was pulled. contra costa times closed down a few weeks after I contacted Mike Liedke and asked if he would like to do a followup.

    that news paper was around for at least a decade. both online and in its physical form.

    the user names "Enter" and "Aldra" (from are both from Australia. they both talk about how after 9/11 that totse was supposed to be on a no-contact connection or the block internet on the australian website blocks. Due to 9.11.01 it seems. now why would it be blocked, if no one suspected it of being connected to 9.11.01? Note: please refer to the pdf file I made, as a copy of the website, called "The odd1 people's post.pdf" (2 of them) found in the ToSend/ Photo Reference- folder

    Please go to pg7
  15. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Page 5

    quick summery of what totse is.

    totse was originally called &totse (And the temple of the screaming electrons)

    several people out of the san francisco bay area (berkeley) and other regions of the USA, had started up a Newsgroup and Fido (Im told.. perhaps this can be refined for better info) back around 1988-89 and T5 shows the original network info

    Please refer to T5 photo and T5bB photo

    Jeff Hunter/enigma ran &totse (dialup BBS/TelNet) from 1989 to I believe 1998-99? so about 10 years. it then ran from about 1999-2000 to 2009. as a world wide web page and website.

    so about 20 years between the 2 forms of it's BBS (Bulletin Board System)

    there have been several iterations of totse, ran by numerous other people. (ran by the member Zok or Zoklet from (I was told by some guys in the military, don't know if it was true or not) (related by Zok users in which only some of the members seemed to have been on the original totse or &totse BBS)

    (important has no working place holder of www in front of it.. so you have to type out for it to work). I believe it says it's not registered (with ICANN?) not considered an official web page, but the domain is registered and im guessing its running off of a private server of "Lanny" the user name of the admin. it wont load if you type but will load if you only type,

    Lanny and several users on originally lied that Jeff Hunter was not real person. also, the background they currently use is a copyright background for the website and since I first joined around march of 2017, as BeigeWarlock (which suddenly the password didn't work, perhaps I lost or was changed.. I never figured it out. I created user name of " totse2001. "(only meant to be temporary until I got the password back.. but never given it back to me..)

    and someone recently opened up totsenew (or

    I myself opened and rebranded it to mean Todays Obligatory Theatrics Seen Everywhere, and the 3 stood for "Trianglism" in which people at always use.. as some kind of reference for drug or chemical use to get high off of. I jumped in, when they spoke of reopening a newer version and purchased 3. I still have it registered in my name. there is a temporary active page with a squirrel on it that I shot. I plan on putting my personal photos and perhaps art work on it at a later time and turn it into an art theme BBS.

    Go to Pg6 please.
  16. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Page 4

    Over the years I have tried looking up information on the 9/11 manafesto thread that was posted on

    I came across a story on the TV regarding a man in Jail who reportedly ask to contact the FBI and tell him a story (I guess hoping he would get time off from prison or jail)

    This might be from the same source, but not the same hand written manifesto that was shown in the tv documentary on it.

    this was it's own thing. electronic written in basic BBS text but illuminated with a background foreground UBB code to make it stand out as if it's very important.

    Anyways I have been searching the internet for other possible prnt-scrn of the conversation and checked "waybackmachine" to search I have an older search calender showing the website didn't crawl it in the months of june and july and aug and another showing it was down during a 4-5 month period. I will enclose. Someone stated that they were told the place had operational problems during those months. Yet you can find pages. and the one page I found in the month of 9/11/01 showed it jumps from around September 01 to the 16.

    I found this one odd thread page from of a person name James1rob saying "WE WANT BAD IDEAS" (which I believe was a forum) on September 16th 2001, with a followup from MS3FGX saying "Yeah! First you blocked the porn, Now you took away the biggest part of TOTSE.. goes onto say "I know this is serious times and all but what does any of this have to do with totse.. They didn't see any "Fly planes into building" Files on this site. So why take "Bad Ideas" off? but the post shows a person who joined Dec 2000 and only made this very one post. a post count of 1 in about a years active account status. it seems very staged. If it had been made the day after 9/11 it would of seemed less suspicious because it would be an anonymous looking person wanting to know why. but instead it's an establish user who decides to speak up. the accounts, their information and other things can be manipulated by these people. they're very good at coding, faking addresses and such.

    Please refer to the files "1BadIdeas.jpg" and 1bBadIdeas.jpg. shows the post made. the mario (mario marior video game character) is a layer and not apart of the original page. it related to a user by the name of Toiletduk who also Im told went by bloodydiaperman. Also look at photo 1SomethingAweful which while doing a search for "Toiletduk" i found this page on google search and copy-prnt it. look at the date it was posted and locked as a thread. it has a link to a mario cartoon which was the same as this 1bBadIdeas but as a flash animation. of Mario jumping on a TNT plunger and blowing up the WTC.
    This is where it gets weird. the original was made by the year 1999. that was its creation date. yet, why is this person suddenly posting it again in September 1st 2001 and why was the thread locked?

    originally I found the person Victor (ToiletDuk) and his reply was "This is from the 1993 movie that I got this idea from and made it in the late 1990s).. but in that movie, Mario isn't jumping on a plunger. Odd way to create the cartoon. I guess it's just that the film inspired to create the cartoon so he chose to express his creation in mario jumping on a plunger. which some people feel (that at least Building 7) had some assitances of bringing it down.

    Mario seems to be a common theme and I found something which made me wonder if it was code for some reason, and not just a silly meme. I want to say that Victor A. was the toiletduk username and had told everyone on totse that Jeff got him a Job as a game tester at Maxis and the Jeff Hunter I see (which I couldn't prove 100 percent) states he worked for EA Sports which EA games is the parent company (Jeff was a COO there) and that EA purchsed Maxis in Emeryville California to become apart of EA game system. Maxis made the popular games The SIMS and Sim City. I'm not accusing Victor A. of having preknowledge, It's just strange that all of this happened. too many coincidences or happenstance or whatever the proper term is.

    continue to pg5 please
  17. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Page 3

    So some years go by and to make this story a bit shorter, I hadn't worked for some time do to an injury of knees, but when I got back on my feet I couldn't find a Job. I kept getting rejected for employment. I kept being told "You never worked for this one company" which was a temp service out of Walnut Creek in which I worked long term temp contracts (about 5) over a 4-5 year period with multiple smaller contracts.

    The name of the Company was Madson Personel. A lady in San Francisco by the name of Lisa (who may have had purchased it herself, or had taken over the purchase) and was telling anyone inquiring about myself, if I worked there before, in which she stated that I never did. I found this out by pretending to be a person of interest in hiring myself. And she stated "This guy keeps telling people at these companies he worked for the temp service but he never did. And there is no records of him doing so"

    I told her "Wrong, Lisa.. it is I, and you have been telling people this lying garbage" and her story changes to "oh well.. I can't find you in the records, I don't remember anything about you (perhaps she used to work for the former Madson?) and then got angry at me and hung up.

    I thought, Wait a minute, Jeff Hunter aka enigma from totse told me he would make sure I would never work again. But thought to myself, perhaps that's stretching it a bit. later, around 2009-2010 when they build a Best Buy near us. I had applied for a job. the guy saw my resume, and said "I need a floor manager, we're about to fire this other guy not working out". And I was all happy. He told me to come back the next few days while he did a background on me. Everything he stated was green (as in green for passes background) but that it kept rejecting me for the floor position> He stated to me "don't worry, I will still hire you for this position but just apply for something lower on the hiring scale. So I applied for a cashier, stock person, warehouse, janitor and courtasy clerk. like 5 positions (whatever the official titles were I had applied). He said, It wont hire you and I have never seen this here or any other store I worked at. it's very bizzare.

    I went on google looking for Jeff Hunter and anything relating to an application software background check. I believe the very first page there was a video link. Jeff Hunter at Dreamforce 2007 (Salesforce tech talk). He looks like the guy I met years prior at a social event called 2400bps social. He's talking to the audience about his beta application background check (or something like this name) and how it can basically beat the unfair litigations (of lawsuits?) by people who sue companies for discrimination and such.. but more importantly it weeds out the "undesirables" (I believe was used.. watch the video, I will try to remember to add to this)

    Continue to pg4 please
  18. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Page 2

    I was taking vicodin 7.5/350 the night of september 10th. I hadn't taken them in a while (which I often took for a bad back problem of my spine). I recalled it being for a bad tooth and sinus problem from the tooth.

    On September 11th, around 7:15 in the morning, My (then) Wife called me. Though I didn't know it was her at first, I was still sleeping in and the phone rang and rang. My 2 children of age 2 and 4 were still sleeping as well. I normally got them up at 7am.

    The phone rang and rang, I was very groggy from the vicodin and suddenly I woke on the third or forth round of the phone ringing incessantly each time. I ran to the phone and no one was there on the first attempt to pick it up. It rang again and I picked it up. My wife was on the phone, crying. I said what is wrong. She said "Turn on the TV". I said, why were you in an accident. She stated no. I was turning on the TV which was still a CRT type, warming up to turn on. and just then the TV came on. Showing Live.. with both WTC burning. She said "The buildings collapsed". I said, No they're still standing . It says live (which normally it would say "earlier broadcast"). She said "No trust me.. they fell. My Boss Jennifer from NYC told us to close down the hotel (She was working in, owned by the Marriott) and that they may attack other cities.. especially San Francisco and LA.

    I told her to do what Jennifer had told her to and get home.

    I immediatly logged onto because of what had happened and the post made regarding the attack. the person Enigma (Jeff Hunter) who runs the website had a way of popping up in a window to speak to you in person. As I was PM'ing him (private message) he popped up. He used to use this bot chat feature to test people with his AI-bot that he used to see how fast it would take someone to figure out if it was human or not, while he watched. So I was familure with the chat box. I asked "Jeff is that you" and he said it was. something about "Please don't bother me about this. Or I will kick your ass off the website".

    (a second incident in which happened just prior or right after was the cause for removing me from the website for good. I just can't remember which came first, but we told a person who was bragging about making something from a "backyard ballistic recipe he got off of totse, had crystalised in his garage and we told him to contact 9-1-1 and not touch it.. no one knew if that was a joke or not, but when I question Jeff.. the combination of the two (first being a warning and second executing said warning of the removal of me)..

    Anyways, the man told me "If you don't shut up, I will make sure you never work again" (on the second complaint of a the two incidents). I thought to myself *what an oddly specific thing to say* and commented back "Ohhh like in Hollywood, You'll never work in this town again, "Kid?".

    That sarcastic remark had him remove me, wildcard ban my IP address subfix. and when you logged onto (from my end) it simply said in basic text "robot.txt" on the entire html(5?) page..which I didn't know what it meant at the time, yet this will come up later in this letter.

    Conitue to pg3 please
  19. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Please don't respond until I'v posted 8 pages. these went out to the Whitehouse and to the NYC/NJ Port Authority as of this week.

    Page 1

    Short version of story. Longer version by phone or in Person when requested. I want to state that I have not officially with 100 percent have identified the Jeff Hunter in this information packet. It looks like him from what i remembered, Same name, same area with interesting connections. I mean I feel pretty possitive its him. but I am making no official claim it is him. just someone who should be confirmed that this Jeff Hunter ran the BBS site and or had connections with its existance.

    A prewarning 9/11 Manifesto written by unknown person(s) on the website known as (formally a dialup forum BBS called &totse, owned and operated by Jeff Hunter, out of Walnut Creek california during the months of around march of the year 2001.)

    I had joined this website called because I was a former member on the dialup board (I had joined around 1993) version of it (which ran out of walnut creek california as well as the web version).

    I had joined around the months of October-December 2000 under my original account name Greenspam, but then the board members requested I be removed (from a previous verbal altercation of another member who was removed from the dialup board around 1998 or so). So I then Joined under a new user-name around Jan-Feb 2001.

    I want to say the month was March, but other older documents showed I stated May (or may was when I first came across the thread written) in which what appeared to be a group claiming they were going to highjack planes and crash them into the WTC buildings and into the Pentagon as well as the White House and Capital buildings. totse was known for people making elaborate hoax or troll threads or statements within threads, which was kind of a dark humorous and ongoing theme. not everything on the website, yet usually if a thread was long enough, someone would say something off topic or what sounded threatening or nepharious in nature.

    as the months rolled by, the post got more and more elaberate with answering question from people questioning it's authenticity. the thing I found unusual about this thread was they used (perhaps) a UBB code to highlight the background with an illuminating forground text. sort of a glowing white text with blueish hue over a background of dark grey (rather than the white-blue theme.)

    We often had posts like this but not as long or as elaberate. at some point it had got to a few months and nothing happening, people felt like it was a a participation to find out how to prove these guys were trolling? that was my impression of reading up on it every few days or so. perhaps a bad example yet kind of like the time travler John Titor. this is something people were apparently reporting. People just felt like it was a weird troll game was the impression I myself had got from them, from responses and I myself thought the same. it started to get no reply by the author and people seemed to give up on it.

    continue to page2
  20. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    I am DunDaDunGun and I guess we can say Dfg or Dfg_Lord is Totsean

    his story changes. Dudes from Pakistan
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