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Posts by BeigeWarlock

  1. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by NARCassist here have a look at some third world poverty striken people to help make you feel better.

    did you notice how they are always smiling? do you notice everyone always smiling and happy like that in america?
    they have nothing yet they are happier than we are. maybe money and wealth don't actually make you happy at all, maybe they just make you more and more greedy and increase the problems you have.


    I sometimes do this with clients I drop off. or if I cut someone off accidentally.

    I have to control my anger somehow.. and it would be really weird if that gesture flipped into the middle finger
  2. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Something Squirrel I like my coffee like I like my lolis.

    Hot and Blonde.

    Well you ruined that for me with your lolli pedo comment.

    I always ask for a slow pour blonde and you go and fuck it up. I'ma have to go back to Peet's coffee
  3. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmQ let you know if you were driving off a cliff.

    And how is that helpful?
  4. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Item 9 I should go check it out… that would be if If it was still there and I found it.

    VIN number it shouldn't take more than 5 minutes to locate
  5. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Zanick We should run on a Totse platform. I'll be the candidate only because I have Duchovny's face. You can be my campaign manager, which means you can kill anyone volunteering for us if you don't like them. In order to secure the primary, we'll need to get Enter to catfish my opponent. I don't savor the idea but pragmatism demands it. From there we can bring him/her on as a running mate until a suitable choice presents themselves from our userbase.

    Let's bring this together, guys. We can legalize drugs for niggas everywhere.

    OK. so, Can I be like umm Someone? GS17 or GS20 payscale. over a 100k

    Washington DC is as (if not more)Expensive to live and rent im told.

    Otherwise, Have your secret service watch your back you sellout >:[

    (in the future, let it be known this is sardonic now and has becomeit's a fluffy kitten thread)
  6. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Photo Blocked by Mcafee Some of these photos have virus infused in them.. so when read by a photo reader like those in thread sites or even Microsoft Paint, Adobe Photo, Paint Shop Pro etc it will release a virus. People said this couldn't happen but it can.. videos as well.

    the New McAfee (that is being questioned as government watching you) has blocked it.

    You're a got damn Russian or Chinese commie mother fucker, Sophie and an admitted pedophile as well.

    If I was 35, Id' join the academy and be coptized and come bust your freak ass. regardless if you're in another country, Pal and thats not fucking joke.

    Sick fucker
  7. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING Did you poop brown gold?

    if he did.. I would see a doctor about hepetitus
  8. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by tee hee hee Have you considered tanning in the nude? You sound like you lack vit D.

    So taking vitamin D gives you a tan? :/
  9. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Dissociator I was ob 8 tabs of lsd i stolw my moms gold jedilwry begged her for dope money, thwn i jumped both parents ans tried to take her oxys
    It failed
    So i tried to cut my stomach open with a machete
    And broke a window

    Ran undwr a bridge and cut reeds trying to build myself a shack.

    Police dogs followed my bonus odor and then state pressed charges for who kbows what

    Honestly a month inpatient with methadone nicotine patch and infinite bonus cups was ok

    Now in semifreedom rehab guy os driving me to the place

    Its like a florida resort

    But i kinda derped, my doc gave ke 1 ativan for flight stress but i took 2 klons and a jedi BS form of oxy called exstampza 18

    Blorgin blorgon

    You fucking jumped your parents? That's almost unforgivable. but I hope you pull through. sorry to say that, I want your rehab to go well. but you took it to the farthest limits there is. or in that battleground of evil.

    I want to say this.. When I was 17, I got a job and i knew my mom was low on money so I started paying rent at a young age. but my older brother was a heroin fein and I found out my mom gave him money. I mean I gave my mom anywhere from 75 to 300 a months depending on my income that month of a part time Job afterschool. She's giving him money to do drugs. Drug attics seem to pull the heart strings of their elders. but it's only apart of your own destruction that they cave in.

    hope you get better. I get tense and panic attacks and I can't breath during these events.. So I know how ativan or xanax is the saint drug for that. but it's also a demon if taken too much for too long.
  10. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Rock_N_Rollover I used to play Kaboom.

    was it fun? is it really a game? this is interesting. I know it's an old saying going back centuries for an anamadapea (yeah I can't spell that word but sound it out)

    still... KaFuckingBoom and Backyard balistics

    Jesus Help us all. I mean this potentially true fact of Mario being a code word for some black -op game. Because like Steve Jobs said in an interview when asked if people would really want to have mini computers in their pockets (smart phones or tablets) he replied "Not you guys but our childrens generation)

    20 years later, BAM! just like Mario. He Smashed it. 100 percent then DIES

    he got it though. he was almost prophetic. like the wright brothers.. Think of it, Dream it and work hard to make it a reality. but whatever the x in this denominator stands for.. People didn't have to die.

    Hey Lanny.. enhancement Die or Death to say Mario or whatever.

    fuck my life. Cut long ways, right.. now straight across
  11. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    You're all in trouble with the big guy upstairs for hating on jedis. Hollywood fake jedis is ok.. I mean don't hate them, but hate their hate for being a cult of fake or non practicing jedis with their greed in mind.

    But don't blame real jedis. You keep doing this. This only shows you're all Storm Front Mother fuckers.

    stop being proud to be white and be proud to be Irish or Norwegian or German (maybe not german but germanic thanks to that hitler cunt) and so on. Sweedish or like me Mix Whiteboy of non white.

    no on is 100 percent white.. Go do a 23 and me and stop calling it jedi Science... it's as close to perfect science there is.

    you guys make me laugh at times but sadly, you're not sardonic humor you're dead serious (I mean some of you) about being Pro White. that's some fucked up weird shit to exist in this day and age. Grow the fuck up and go drink Green Beer like a good irishman or something

  12. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    or KaFuckingBooom

    Mario is still coming up all these years. Mario is like a codeword. Mario the movie showed the world trade towers in a way that happened. I'ts too comical like a comics book, right?

    what is the code word. EA games and ties with Nintendo

    A quote from the source above.

    "In the courtyard inside the castle (the area where you get to Big Boo’s Haunt) there’s a statue of a star inside a small pool. Engraved on the statue are words whose reading and meaning fans of the game have fought over for years.

    ▼ Looks like “A Ka-room! 3-Pax” to me.

  13. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    My main computer requires drivers.

    they're missing. It's a Dell Inspiron 3I processor

    model in the 3000

    I'm told Dell are the hardest drivers to find. And the online page is lame.. it says "let us auto detect your driver"

    well if I have no drivers such as Sound, Video (it has the generic video running in low res) and Cat5 internet

    how in the fuck can I log on with it to identify?

    no internet driver.. fuck Dell is stupid
  14. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by benny vader so your thankful for being exploited like a slave ???

    no but it pays my car payment which my car is my home at times. a mobile mininalist home
  15. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Am I Hydro?

    You're saying I have HIV3.. right.

    the fuck man. I knew this existed. people in biotech fucking with me?

    I'll fuck u bitches up
  16. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Red_Woman

    Shit Storm SHTF because of caddy'ness
  17. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Red_Woman

    Stupid Coffee Dick Banana For Cheers? :/ still don't get it
  18. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Superhero What's yours op

    talking about specific things including incorporating bank password questions in conversations and looking over at me while I pretended to drive and not pay attention.

    or something about a film script I worked on.

    there is other shit. CIA scripted/Timing
  19. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    who is Hydro?
  20. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ohfralala I think I wanna play frisbee basketball

    come with-- we'll grab Lanny as well
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