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Posts by TreyGowdy

  1. TreyGowdy Houston
    Claim to be a unaccompanied minor
  2. TreyGowdy Houston
    I only wear adidas cuz I'm a slav.
  3. TreyGowdy Houston
    Synthetics are derived from ancient chinese medicine. Marijuana causes cancer, spice cures it.
  4. TreyGowdy Houston
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump The government should just legalize drugs and use the profits to take away taxes, lazy greedy bastards.

    Besides being a real solution to the "opiate epidemic", which nobody actually cares to solve becaus prison money, this would be a huge middle finger to Mexico and the Middle East. And the respective governments would not be able to complain that "whitey aint buying our heroin no more". It's win win, no matter whether you care to really make a difference for the better or just cut a profit.

    It would destabilize those foreign shit holes in a way that the US government could have influence and put their own boots on the ground. Instead of "Army Invades Mexico! Oy Vey!" it would be "Gracious US brings stability to Mehico".
  5. TreyGowdy Houston
    I wash mine once every few months. Any more is pointless, it would be like washing a sweatshirt every time you wore it.
  6. TreyGowdy Houston
    JWH-018 and maybe others were full-agonists, THC is a partial agonist. Does that have any effect on the high? I always thought it could explain why people always say the synthetics are stronger (obviously purity plays a very large role in that and most people aren't very scientific about getting high).
  7. TreyGowdy Houston
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump Syncans unlock the true potential of your cannabanoid receptors.

    JWH at least was a full agonist, does that make any difference compared to teh weed?
  8. TreyGowdy Houston
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump The safety net did fuck all for me and I'm not the only one that feels this way. Why even pay taxes when as soon as I need a leg up or have to rely on the system I get screwed around, treated like a second class citizen and looked down upon?, My taxes pay the salaries of the people deciding if I go homeless I should just starve and never get a dollar from the government (I would even pay it back with interest).

    Well that's my point. It should be there to help someone in a time of need, not prop up entire generations for eternity (more like until the system collapses under it's own weight). Some would say this is cruel, but it's worse to create an unsustainable ecosystem. The consequences of this are going to be bad once shit goes down. Look how faggot lefists are acting now and body swap them with someone 10x as strong and 20x as violent.
  9. TreyGowdy Houston
    How easy it is to shitpoast when some have laid down their lives for shit posters sake!

    For two years he has toiled to give us volks forum of free speech,

    Hail Lanny! Hail Lanny! Hail Lanny!
  10. TreyGowdy Houston
    Originally posted by mmQ Put them in my mouth and chew, sometimes with a cracker.

    Is this a british thing?
  11. TreyGowdy Houston
    Originally posted by mmQ Kinda like for some reason I like canned oysters where many do not.

    Tha fuck, this is a thing?
    Good lord that is vile.

    How do you eat them? Surely you don't slurp them down like fresh oysters? I like oysters too, everything but mussels.
  12. TreyGowdy Houston
    Taxation is theft. If I took money from you at gun point and donated it to charity it would be considered a crime.
  13. TreyGowdy Houston
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump Yeah cutting benefits to a dying and aging workforce might save money now but these people won't magically get jobs because OH NO MUH FOOD STAMPS they will just shoplift which hurts the economy more.

    Republicans are fucking retarded all they do is spend and cut.

    Welfare is a safety net, it is not a petri dish.
  14. TreyGowdy Houston
    Hate speech isn't free speech.

    Reddit is owned by Conde Naste which a conglomerate which also owns Ars Technica and a whole bunch of other numale tech sites. And I'm pretty sure it can be tracked back to (((muslims))). Too lazy to look on wikipedia.
  15. TreyGowdy Houston

    Please mail me a check to 620 Stonesville St.

    Inb4 it's not a bug, it's a feature!
  16. TreyGowdy Houston
    Is getting an sql shell really trivial (without root)?

    I would dump the environmental vars as these would likely contain db credentials.
  17. TreyGowdy Houston
    The lack of SSL would be a good place to start, but that's only worth what a single account is worth, probably less valuable than a facebook account.

    Breaking RSA/DSA/EC will never happen, even if lanny used something supposedly insecure like 512 bit RSA it would be way to difficult to crack.
  18. TreyGowdy Houston
    I would be more concerned about the person tracking you than the device.
  19. TreyGowdy Houston
    Originally posted by Clutch Who are the informers on this site? There was a totse sub on reddit and apparently all the idiots who subscribed got their info given to the FBI or some agency. Reddit is not a place for free speech but is this site any better?

    Source? I really doubt that. /pol/ would make a much better watchlist than a couple faggots posting inside jokes and nonsense on some subreddit.

    You should consider everyone hostile. Good nigsec practice is to wipe your computer with a rag after browsing this place. Use windex if you are really paranoid.
  20. TreyGowdy Houston
    Originally posted by Sophie Dude… The benefits are pretty compelling.

    1. Free attendance at HackerCons.
    2. Travel. All expenses paid.
    3. Cutting edge gubmint spy technology.
    4. Get out of jail free card.

    I have been considering following CompSci and InfoSec courses in my free time to get some formal training and in-depth knowledge. Wonder if they'd approach me. Wonder what i would do. Being a spy for the intelligence community seems like a pretty dope job to be frank.

    It sounds good.

    There are several points to keep in mind: He wasn't really being recruited to be an agent, rather a pawn of the agents. He would have never been the recruiter, only the recruitee. That's not terrible except if you get used as a fall guy that get out of jail free card is worthless. And note how it was phrased "If we ask you to do something... you won't go to jail". Once you do that "something" you have no bargaining power as you are a just a normal citizen and your handlers have information that can be held over your head. Then note how they bullied him at the end, you'd have to deal with that constantly. Now I'm not saying he definitely would have been used in a false flag psyop whatever, maybe it really would have been a sweet gig, I'm not sure how I would react either.

    Also even legitimate branches (eg. not recruiting hacker jorgens off the street) supposedly don't pay nearly as much as private sector.
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