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Posts by aldra

  1. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    shouldn't be too hard, those screens have python APIs so there's no actual driver/signal coding you need to do. cool project though, wonder if the guy who posted it actually wrote the code or just used someone else's git
  2. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    The solution? EMP

    a lot of hardware has shielding against EM interference, viability would depend on how much power you put through it I guess. I've seen the level of security they put on government datacenters here in australia; would suspect it's a lot higher for betabet-soup agencies in the US considering they know people are aware of what they're up to... solid metal enclosures or faraday-cages would be a drop in their budget
  3. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    yeah, a clip doesn't enclose the bullets, like the mauser c96's stripper clip

    seriously though, explicitly asking for suggestions for an 'assault rifle' makes it sound like you got the idea from videogames or spree shooting news coverage... it's more of a buzzword than a category of rifle nowadays

  4. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    lol assault rifle

    lol clip
  5. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    people talking about quantum mechanics

    *deepak chopra-types talking about quantum mechanics
  6. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    I read something about google storing everything you search for three years but it's in the form of a bunch of matrix like 1's and 0's probably no one cares to decipher due to the fact that most of it is facebook pictures of newborns/youtube/gangbang porn.

    google keeps search logs for a long time, 3 years sounds right, but they claim they don't keep any personal details, just a unique ID to tie together a search profile.

    the new NSA facility is built to do exactly that; they have like 4-10 exabytes of storage capacity and they've been known to tamper with internet routing to force traffic through their own circuits so they can cache it.

    encrypt everything.
  7. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    I've finished my 52 week wife beating classes.

    I don't understand if this is a joke

    if not, why does it take them 52 weeks to explain why you shouldn't beat your wife
  8. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition

    testing was done on an i7, but again the CPU doesn't matter nearly as much as the GPU
  9. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    an excuse to watch small children?
  10. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    the most important component for any recent game is the GPU; I'm not too familiar with GTAV but the 960 should be ok (all the other components you chose are pretty standard budget-midrange)... just don't expect to be able to run it at 4k. you'll probably need to turn off shit like bloom and tone down the AA to get it to run smoothly at 1920x1080.'

    check the specific games you want to play - if they support nvidia physx, nvidia cards will be able to do most of the physics processing, which takes quote a load off your CPU.

    also, if you're willing to throw a bit more money at it, the 970 is quite a big step up from the 960.
  11. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Nigger lover

    lel, I haven't even read 1984 and I saw what he was getting at
  12. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    lol, frothy

    what a fucking joke though, no wonder your legal system's such a retarded mess
  13. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    lol, in the closet
  14. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    cool, the manual IP header build/read is interesting... netcat's a minimal tool though; can be used for a LOT more than that
  15. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition

    serves him right
  16. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Fuck it, if they run they are a terrorist, if they don't run they are a well trained terrorist.

    first time I heard this was in Apocalypse Now or some other Vietnam war film... opening fire on people from a helicopter gunship, 'if they run they're viet cong. if they don't, they're well-disciplined viet cong!'

    I always thought it was an exaggeration based on that character being a general dick, but my dad told me one day tat in his experience, that was actually how a lot of them operated
  17. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    the late mark311

    wait what, did he die or do you just mean he doesn't p0st anymore?

    I've read a bit about hydraulic fracturing. fracking operations have been directly correlated to seismic activity in california (I believe) and other places, along with the more general problems you mentioned. I'd be surprised it was legal if I didn't know any better... looks like the elite are betting the farm on gas exports though - one of the major reasons the US completely destabilised Ukraine and Syria was to interrupt Russian gas delivery, considering they couldn't compete on price level given the extra costs in actually getting it to europe
  18. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Bill Krozby I hope you get dronecrimed
  19. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    You can thank zok and 5.56 and panthrax and Psycho for Zoklet forced closure. If it wasn't for them, it would still be open.

    why, are they the chuds who dumped zok's info?
  20. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition

    a taskforce insider has leaked a whole bunch of documents relating to the drone assassination policies, ranging from target acquisition, official sanctioning to actual deployment and assessment of results. I haven't read through the whole thing yet, but a few points stand out as especially interesting/bothering:

    1. first and foremost, statistics on persons killed are intentionally distorted and the popular arguments that drone strikes are 'precise' and 'cause little collateral damage' are outright lies. when a strike is executed, they immediately attempt to identify the people killed. if a body cannot be identified, which is likely most of the time since they're generally foreign nationals and hellfire missiles tend to melt faces and IDs, analysts mark them by default as enemy combatants. they are guilty until identified. what's more, designated targets often only make up 10-40% of kills.

    2. there are two parallel drone assassination programs, one run by the CIA and the other by the DOD. there's little co-operation or intelligence sharing between the two.

    3. the majority of kills are 'fixed' based on signals intelligence, ie. metadata, geolocation data, emails, phonecalls etc.... which is a problem because it doesn't confirm a person's actual identity against their data. as an example, I read recently of a bunch of drone strikes striking and killing people who had nothing to do with the targeted individual or group - turns out it's because al-qaeda heads in the area realised they were being targeted based on their phones and SIM cards, so they got into the habit of cycling them every few days and giving them away to villagers.
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